2023 - What are you brewing?

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Midnight Brew

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Kicking off a new thread for the new year. Got up early and coming up to mash out now.

House Ale 3.9%
58/63/68/72/78 for 15/45/15/15/15.
80% Pilsner
10% Abbey
10% Rye
Citra FWH / Citra, Mosaic & Kohatu in the cube and dry hop all to the tune of 25ish IBU (NIEPA water profile)
All cubes diluted at pitch and pressure fermented with different yeasts (1.038>1.008ish)
Kicking off a new thread for the new year. Got up early and coming up to mash out now.

House Ale 3.9%
58/63/68/72/78 for 15/45/15/15/15.
80% Pilsner
10% Abbey
10% Rye
Citra FWH / Citra, Mosaic & Kohatu in the cube and dry hop all to the tune of 25ish IBU (NIEPA water profile)
All cubes diluted at pitch and pressure fermented with different yeasts (1.038>1.008ish)
Hey hey... Abbeeyyy! Great stuff.
Two for two.

My keg of pale ale blew last night as I was setting up for brew day. Was going to brew a Kölsch but changed plans as I'm really liking APAs at the moment. Running a bit behind as I ran into some issues with my grain mill as it hates rye.

Breezy Pale Ale 4.5%
72% Pilsner
20% Vienna
4% Heritage Crystal
4% Rye
58/63/68/72/78 for 15/45/15/15/78
All Topaz: FWH, cube and dry hop.
1.044>1.010ish - 4.5% / 31IBU / 12EBC.
Belgain pale ale today...

48L @ 1.052 / 25 IBU (cubed)

84% Wey Pilsner
8% Abbey / Melaniodin mix (approx 50/50)
5% Light crystal (40°L)
3% Dingemans biscuit

Mashed ~3L/kg @ 67°C

90 min boil
EKG @ 90 min for 22 IBU
0.5g/L EKG @ 0 min

Have some 6+ year frozen Wyeast 3787 (Trappist high gravity) I'm spinning up... only took ~36 hrs to see signs of life, 54 hrs to get a nice healthy cream colour.
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Started off the season with a quaffer- Pommy Lager.
50L 1.042/1.008 18IBU
7.5kg Voyager Veloria
500g cane sugar
60min at 66C

40g EKG Whirlpool then cubed.

Dumped on a large cake of W34/70 and pressured ferm at 14C.

Will add a small EKG dry hop in a few days.
Knocking out an ESB for my last brew of the holidays.

ESB 48L @ 1.060, 37 IBU (cubed)

91.3% Maris Otter
6% Light Crystal - 40°L
2% Gladfields Shepherds Delight
0.7% Roasted Barley

Mashed @ 67°C, fly sparged to ~56L, 90 min boil.

Bittered to ~32 IBU with a 3:5 ratio of Magnum (9.9%) & Saaz (5%)
1g/L Saaz (5%) @ flameout

Not sure yet which yeast I'll use. Have some dried London & Windsor from Lallemande, but also have in my yeast bank some WLP005, Wyeast 1469 & Wyeast 1728 which will work.
17 litres Munich Dunkel about 12 days fermented. I’ve raised the temperature to 18° (from 12°) over the last 4 days. It’s still blowing bubbles but they’ve slowed down.
It’s my first shot at brewing a lager in a keg. There’ve been a couple of glitches but I think it’s gonna work out ok.

82% Gladfield Munich
13% Weyermann Munich II
2.5% Carafa special II
2.5% Melanoidin
Step Mash 10min@58°, 40 min @63°, 30 min @ 70°, 15 min @ 76°
Tettnang 21IBU @ 60min
Ca 80, Cl 75, So4 110
Mash pH 5.3
Yeast: Bluestone Pilsner
Primary fermentation at 12°

On the bench, a Northern Brown Ale about 5 days away from bottling. Might have overdone the bitterness a touch. I like the malt though.

73.5% Marris Otter
18% Gladfield’s Biscuit
5% Gladfield’s medium crystal
2% Gladfield’s Aurora
1.5% Carafa special II
Mashed at 67°, 60 min
Fuggles: 20 IBU @ 60 min, 6 IBU @ 15 min
Water: Ca 60, Mg 11, Na 18, Cl 80, So4 105
Mash pH 5.35
Yeast WLP002 at 18°

Also on the bench an Aussie Sparkling I put together yesterday
87% Joe White Traditional Ale
6.5 Gladfield’s Wheat malt
4.5% white sugar
2% Caramalt
Mashed at 63° for 30 minutes, 70° for 30 minutes
Water Ca50, Cl 50, sulphate 110
Mash pH 5.33
Pride of Ringwood: 20 IBU @ 60 min, 8.5 IBU @ 10 min
Yeast: 1.5 litres starter cultured from 2 bottles Coopers Pale, fermenting at 17°

That’s it for now. I’ve run out of temperature control.
Once I bottle that Northern Brown I’ll probably get cracking on a batch of Porter
NZ Pilsner today (44L) as my Commerically released PIlsner keg is getting low
(probably going to bottle it) and felt like something more hoppy

Simple grain bill

Voyager Atlas 90%
Crisp Caragold 10%
(considered gladfield chit)

90min mash at 65C

Didn't tweak the water on this one so it's just

Ca 5.6
Na 7.6
Mg 1.7
SO 7.1
CI 15

Motueka 6ibu 60min
Motueka 6.1ibu 20min
Nelson Sauvin 7.2ibu 5min
Wakatu 4.5ibu 5min
Nelson Sauvin 6.4ibu whirlpool 90c 20mins

Saflager S-23 at
10C 14days
16c 3days
4c for as long as I can haha

Will be going in the Kegmenter

Edit **** of a brew day due to some lack of attention/new brew gear I was dialing it, going to be a 4% Pils instead of a 5% but ohwell, hoping its cracking as ill be upset if its not due to the pain it was to brew ha.

Reminder even people with experience still have **** ups

Bottling a Porter today. Based on an English Porter recipe but I expect the bjcp would declare it too roasty.
Next will be a Dry Irish Stout. I’m going to try holding back the dark grain until mashout, which is an approach I’ve never tried. Not sure but I think I’ll use WLP002.
My simple go to Best Bitter.

OG 1,043 FG 1,011 ABV 4.2 IBU 24 (SMPH model) SRM 11.1 Mash pH 5.3
Efficiency 63% BH
4.1 kg Veloria Schooner
0,25 kg Munich Type 1
0.25 kg Simpsons Dark Crystal late addition mash tun
0.20 kg Carapils

25g EKG First wort
25g Fuggles 30 mins
20g Fuggles 15 mins

Mash 68C 60 mins
Vorlauf 30-40 mins
Boil 60 mins
Yeast Safale SO-4 Ferment @ 17C ambient 19-20C fermenter.

One I made earlier


17 litres Munich Dunkel about 12 days fermented. I’ve raised the temperature to 18° (from 12°) over the last 4 days. It’s still blowing bubbles but they’ve slowed down.
It’s my first shot at brewing a lager in a keg. There’ve been a couple of glitches but I think it’s gonna work out ok.

82% Gladfield Munich
13% Weyermann Munich II
2.5% Carafa special II
2.5% Melanoidin
Step Mash 10min@58°, 40 min @63°, 30 min @ 70°, 15 min @ 76°
Tettnang 21IBU @ 60min
Ca 80, Cl 75, So4 110
Mash pH 5.3
Yeast: Bluestone Pilsner
Primary fermentation at 12°

On the bench, a Northern Brown Ale about 5 days away from bottling. Might have overdone the bitterness a touch. I like the malt though.

73.5% Marris Otter
18% Gladfield’s Biscuit
5% Gladfield’s medium crystal
2% Gladfield’s Aurora
1.5% Carafa special II
Mashed at 67°, 60 min
Fuggles: 20 IBU @ 60 min, 6 IBU @ 15 min
Water: Ca 60, Mg 11, Na 18, Cl 80, So4 105
Mash pH 5.35
Yeast WLP002 at 18°

Also on the bench an Aussie Sparkling I put together yesterday
87% Joe White Traditional Ale
6.5 Gladfield’s Wheat malt
4.5% white sugar
2% Caramalt
Mashed at 63° for 30 minutes, 70° for 30 minutes
Water Ca50, Cl 50, sulphate 110
Mash pH 5.33
Pride of Ringwood: 20 IBU @ 60 min, 8.5 IBU @ 10 min
Yeast: 1.5 litres starter cultured from 2 bottles Coopers Pale, fermenting at 17°

That’s it for now. I’ve run out of temperature control.
Once I bottle that Northern Brown I’ll probably get cracking on a batch of Porter
That Aussie Sparkling sounds great. Keen to hear how it turns out. I might try that soon. Just have to set up proper temperature control other than ‘in a cupboard in the shed…’
That Aussie Sparkling sounds great. Keen to hear how it turns out. I might try that soon. Just have to set up proper temperature control other than ‘in a cupboard in the shed…
I tried a bottle last weekend and was very happy with it. It will be 8 weeks bottled this week, which is probably just about it’s prime condition.
It’s in State comp this weekend; a chance to see what others think of it. I’ll still love it anyway.
If I had to choose just one style of beer, that would probably be the one. Highly drinkable and easy to produce at home with modest equipment.
Rest of the year looks like this:
August - Hazy Pale with Citra and Mosaic
Sep - German Lager
October - House Hazy Pale
November - White Stout (Christmas Tradition)
December - Imperial Stout to give it a chance for next winter
Next Batch - American Cream Ale
Then - Sparkling Ale (depending on getting a second hand freezer for temp control)
Then - Attempt a pseudo-larger with Kveik yeast
Then - Interested in a White Rabbit style dark ale