2014 Xmas in July - Vic Recipe

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Great work Idzy.

Brewing a batch of this size is going to take a long time. There is no way around it.
I know sparging my mash tun takes at least an hour. If we start the boil during the run off from the mash tuns we can minimise the wasted time bringing the kettle up to a boil.

I also have an over the side 2400W electric element that we can use to add a little extra heat to the kettle if needed.
Wow idzy, looks fantastic!! Needs to be a bit shinier, tho B)
The shroud or some sort of collar seems to be the way to go for focusing heat from the burner, if that can be added to the already impressive build.
+1 to RB, I was wondering if a few over-the-top heating elements might speed it up... Or whether the heat coming from the burners might melt their cords.

Query on ingredients: I have a few spare kilos of midnight Wheat. Is it worth considering subbing the roasted barley with midnight wheat?
Or do smart people not experiment with the recipe of a 300+ L brew?
good timing mate, I was getting a bit nervous about this build and we hadn't heard from you for a while, i was hoping you weren't stuck under it somewhere :D

so your 200L was a third of that kettle?

As mentioned above, we can start the flame as we run off and there is little reason why we couldn't be near boil by the time we get to volume, that said it will take a while and more than a few hands to coordinate the sparge of 3 MT's..

anyway, that'll play out on the day one way or another :lol:

Will it be a swap day brew record? I dont know of a bigger one having been done but there well may have been before my time I guess???
Yob said:
so your 200L was a third of that kettle?
I boiled slightly over the third crease and it was about 200 litres, so yeah roughly speaking.
Here I am thinking, I might have a flick through this thread as I will be there on the day... and BANG! I am an invisible fart or something....

Warnings against my chastity breaking abilities, which were all a part of the 'fight club' clause, come on, did you all miss the memos? First rule of Coc.... oh, forget it.

BTW, looks and sounds good, lads... not that I am involved in the brew but will stand around with a beer and question every step! LOL!

Anyway, I have reported this entire thread, and every poster, on the premise of defamatory attitudes and comments.... I am pretty sensitive like that.

WOOT! 9 more sleeps. [Unless you are an ice head, then possibly 2]

Bring it!

You are legend Yob!!
Cocko said:
WOOT! 9 more sleeps. [Unless you are an ice head, then possibly 2]

It is July 19th we are talking about? Right?

By my reckoning, that's 16 normal sleeps, 4 ice-head sleeps, or 32 toddler sleeps.

Please re-inform me if I am mathematically calendar-deficient.
If it took 3 hours to boil 200l from (say) 20 degrees, that's around 22mj per hour of net energy going in (which includes environmental losses).

If you want to get 300l to the boil from say 65 degrees, you need to put in about 44mj. So with the same amount of energy input you're looking at 2 hours to get it boiling.

That's not that bad really, and if it took idzy only 2 hours instead of 3 on his test boil, you're looking at an hour and 20 to boil.

These are very rough numbers done on the train by a non-science person, so obviously don't put your house on them!

Thought it was the 12th.... :(

I dont know how long I can hold off drinking this keg I brewed for it.

Ahh well, 19th it is.
Cocko said:

Thought it was the 12th.... :(

I dont know how long I can hold off drinking this keg I brewed for it.

Ahh well, 19th it is.
You better hold off as my keg must be 3/4s gone by now. I tried my best but these things happen. Plus I dropped the box of bottles which had the leftovers of that brew and smashed half of them.
Camo6 said:
You better hold off as my keg must be 3/4s gone by now. I tried my best but these things happen. Plus I dropped the box of bottles which had the leftovers of that brew and smashed half of them.

So you drank 3 quarters of a keg and dropped a box of bottles? You farken drunktard. Reported.

Cocko said:
So you drank 3 quarters of a keg and dropped a box of bottles? You farken drunktard. Reported.

If he could still pick up the bottles after 3/4 keg he's doing well
Thanks for your support Paul. As for you Cocko, one of those bottles was for you. All good though I swept up what I could into a big bowl. :-0 Nom nom nom!
MartinOC said:
Just you wait! When Cocko enters the building, there will be an ethereal glow, a feeling of wellbeing & your nether-regions will begin to tingle... (or maybe that's just the kit beer he's planning on bringing along?).

I'd guess a lot depends on whether he's pregnant already..... ;)
I admit ....I am a bit slow picking up on the comment, but....

Cocko has a glowing urethra?????
GrumpyPaul said:
Cocko has a glowing urethra?????

I don't know how he knows that.... but tis true, I accidentally 'helmet shelved' a glow stick when I was high on acid at a rave in my youth....

Ever since, glowing urethra.

Please don't tell anyone else.

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