2014 Vic Christmas Case Swap - Recipe

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  1. Hop Hog attempt
  2. Belgian Strong Quadrupel attempt of Nogne 0 (I dare someone to ask Bridge rd for the recipe)
  3. English IPA
How about something flexible, an IPA wort, then folks can go nuts with fermentation or flavoring.

Or else something strong to ferment and put down for winter.
How about a low-ABV Summer quaffer (since the warmer weather will be just around the corner):

1. Kolsch
2. Lawnmower weizen (70/30)
3. Aussie pale ale

Smaller grain-bill & more cubes to-boot?

Damn said:
(I dare someone to ask Bridge rd for the recipe)
When I asked them for chestnut pilsner recipe the answer I got was "water, malt, chestnuts, hops and yeast".... very helpful. Got more info from their chestnut meal supplier as to the recipe!!!
Like the idea of a wheat - could cube hop it too which would open up to a US wheat also...
Mardoo said:
Or Dünkelweizen?
Settle, Tiger!

'Got a recipe (buried somewhere in a box, in a shed, somewhere in Kinglake) for a Dunkelweizen that got pipped to a 4th in Vicbrew many, MANY years ago (before anyone else actually thought of brewing one B) ) if anyone's game?? :unsure:

'Dunno about % wheat, 'though (wouldn't want to stuff-up the system/brew-day with a stuck sparge).. :blink:

Edit: Tell a lie, it was a 2nd in 1998 (beaten by 0.5 pts), but the OG was 1065, so not a quaffer, by any means....!
Keep in mind we'll be doing massive lots of grain in large mash tuns, etc.
Idzy, Yob et al may chime in to clarify that the system ended up handling everything w great efficiency, buuuut ... It might be a good idea to keep the gravity lowish, say below 1.060; and to steer clear of too much wheat or oats.
Just a thought, and happy to be corrected.

Nogne o - Terrible, terrible balance in that beer I thought.
My view is we are going to be using heaps of grain, so it would be good to aim for something that we can Partigyle... thoughts?
idzy said:
My view is we are going to be using heaps of grain, so it would be good to aim for something that we can Partigyle... thoughts?
Yeah, two massive brews! Love it.
technobabble66 said:
It might be a good idea to keep the gravity lowish, say below 1.060; and to steer clear of too much wheat or oats.
Totally agree, which is why I suggested something lowish ABV & if it was to be a wheat beer, keep the % wheat on the low-side to avoid a stuck runoff.

idzy said:
My view is we are going to be using heaps of grain, so it would be good to aim for something that we can Partigyle... thoughts?
Yob & I created a total "Parti-gyle monster" at that last one at your place, didn't we?? :lol:

Yeah, as you know, it can be done, but you'd need to think about the logistics of how to do it & then the question of "who gets what" (ie. 1st-runnings cubes vs. 2nd-running cubes). Raffle perhaps?

I'd suggest (happy to be corrected/debate the point) that it would be better for a single gyle, so everyone gets the same wort to play with & no short-cubes & disappointed punters from the 1st runnings etc..etc...
The OG of the Pliny that we partigyled was 1.072, so with a similar bill it would be possible to do another partigyle again. Of course, not saying we have to, but there is something that appeals to me about double the beer.

idzy said:
The OG of the Pliny that we partigyled was 1.072, so with a similar bill it would be possible to do another partigyle again. Of course, not saying we have to, but there is something that appeals to me about double the beer.

You may find though that running different systems the efficiency will change, doesnt mean you cant do anything about it, like add a bit more grain and mash fro half hour or add some LDME for example, just means it needs to be planned effectively..

as you know Idzy we had no brewsheet for the Swap Monster but I'd spent 4 months thinking it through and worked backward for volume.

Knowing what the system is that will be used will drive many of the limiting factors. Given that we know we can get the first run done pretty easily, the second one would almost fall together if planned correctly, you could be mashing batch 2 while boil 1 is on for example.. all sorts of options :)

ed: apalling spelling

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