If anyone is interested I have a significant number of home garden variety strawberry plants to give away.
You may notice in the image between the mass of strawberries and the long plastic mounds in the background, there are some mounds. They are the homes of my recently aquired Chinook rhizomes.
Does any one get any attention from undersiables?(re thieves) and the police for the strange looking vines covering there gardens?
I hope they grow well mate. Out of interest are the strawberry's good eating too?
Aroma is minimal (until you squeeze the ripe cones), and they don't look like a hooch plant. I don't think you will have any problems fella. These are bines that need a structure/twine to grow up. Their cousins are stand alone (I believe!)
I hope they grow well mate. Out of interest are the strawberry's good eating too?
Hi Raven19. My recently planted hops are beginning to emerge.The strawberries just went in less than a week ago but are starting to bound away. Most have flowers and will be fruiting within a couple of weeks!
The strawberries are excellent eating. Home garden varieties have the most flavour. Commercial varieties tend to be 'wooden' because they need to pack well.
Actually, did have an after thought. I probably could mail them if anyone is interested.
just finished rebuilding the trellis
heres a pic
heres a pic
I happen to have some stainless/galved wire (free when a mate come round to mint the hills hoist) I was thinkin of using but not sure if they will grab onto it... I could always run the steel wire for strength and then some string round it for them to grab onto...
the top wires are the plastic coated clothes line wire from bunnings. if i had some of the ss wire i would of used it, but its so god damn expensive.is the main horizontal line up top just rope?
I happen to have some stainless/galved wire (free when a mate come round to mint the hills hoist) I was thinkin of using but not sure if they will grab onto it... I could always run the steel wire for strength and then some string round it for them to grab onto...
nice lookin rig man,
1st signs of life for me is the tett.. sprung to and surprised me, ripped out of the pot in a week and grew 3 inches in a few days.. must transplant it next weekend
Piccie of my first sprout.. :wub:
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im sure the others will be along any time now and cant wait :beer:
I happen to have some stainless/galved wire (free when a mate come round to mint the hills hoist) I was thinkin of using but not sure if they will grab onto it... I could always run the steel wire for strength and then some string round it for them to grab onto...
I give them 2 weeks of weather like this and they'll be at the top.Bit of DIY trellis work.......