2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap

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I'm planning on brewing a Southwark Bitter clone for the swap mate. I know there's a chance I'll get kicked off AHB for saying this but I really like southwark bitter.

Smurto, you did a top job of painting all of those caps black.

I'll join you in the southwark bitter supporters club :beer:
There's 2 of us! Woo hoo!
Make that 3!, I was weened on that stuff but Southik Premium was me favourite. When they took it off the market I started making my own.
Southwark Bitter aint what it used to be though.
Green Death.
Ok, now might be a good time to revisit my idea of an extended
list of swappers as the backup list ...


I've edited the case swap article with a note about consideration for an extended list
(and I guess it is just a consideration at this stage) so we can see how many people
want to be involved in this.

For those on the main swap list, please add (+ BACKUP LIST SIDE SWAP) after your
name if you are willing to create extra swap beer for this (or let me know and I can add

For those on the backup list, please indicate if you would NOT be interested in being
involved in a mini swap?

From here I see things will be:
[1] Numbers increase a lot and maybe we can consider two separate man swap lists
[2] Numbers stay as they are or increase slightly and we do the mini backup list
side swap or [3] Numbers drop and we go back to one swap list (but consider that
at the last swap, quite a few couldn't make it to the swap meet but still put beers in
for the swap).

I can probably go to 3 cartons but not much more than that. I'm also rethinking the southwark bitter clone, I'm not too keen on the idea of brewing a lager in summer.

I assume the beers in a side swap wouldn't have to be the same as the beers in the main swap. It would involve more bottling though.
Hatchy I was looking forward to your take on this beer. I have a bit of a thing about Aussie style lagers at the moment. I say go for it.
I'm also rethinking the southwark bitter clone, I'm not too keen on the idea of brewing a lager in summer.
I can probably go to 3 cartons but not much more than that. I'm also rethinking the southwark bitter clone, I'm not too keen on the idea of brewing a lager in summer.

I assume the beers in a side swap wouldn't have to be the same as the beers in the main swap. It would involve more bottling though.
If I decide to participate in the side swap I will most likely just CPBF whatever I have handy in a keg.
Hoping to do something special for the main swap though.
Hatchy I was looking forward to your take on this beer. I have a bit of a thing about Aussie style lagers at the moment. I say go for it.

My main problem at the moment is that it would tie up my ferment fridge at a time when I can't really have fermenters in the bath. Do you really want me to run out of beer? The other issue is that I've got no idea where to start with a recipe.
running out of beer=bad

recipe would be fairly simple. I'd start with JW trad ale maybe some sugar and bitter with POR to 25 IBU. choose a nice lager yeast. too easy.

.....or you could go for a 200IBU triple dry hopped 15% monster Quad IPA. I'm not fussy.

My main problem at the moment is that it would tie up my ferment fridge at a time when I can't really have fermenters in the bath. Do you really want me to run out of beer? The other issue is that I've got no idea where to start with a recipe.
Well that's easy enough. Let a can go flat & use that to get a FG reading, then work out the OG from there. The fact that it has 25 IBU written on the can makes that easy to work out. I assume BB ale would be acceptable, I've got 50kg of it but no Joe White. The lager yeast is what's really scaring me, I need a 2nd fermenting fridge if I'm brewing lagers in summer.
Mate you're almost there
Lager yeast... no need to worry... If Awesome Fury can manage then anybody can!
Go the BB ale
Well that's easy enough. Let a can go flat & use that to get a FG reading, then work out the OG from there. The fact that it has 25 IBU written on the can makes that easy to work out. I assume BB ale would be acceptable, I've got 50kg of it but no Joe White. The lager yeast is what's really scaring me, I need a 2nd fermenting fridge if I'm brewing lagers in summer.
Can someone move whoevers top of the backup list into spot 5? I'm on my phone, if I was on my laptop I'd do it myself.
Hi Guys

happy new year.

Hops and grain has been ordered and brew planning is in progress.

Have had a quick look through the thread and article and am wondering if there has been a consensus on location and date. From what I can work out it was the 26/3 at Widdley's place. Can this be locked in? I know it's still early days but it would help me with booking leave etc.


and whats up with all you guys multiplying? Fury has let me know that he has doughed in on one of his own. good work.
Hi guys,

yep a date would be nice as i'm due on the 6th of april. should hopefully be able to make it.. haha i'm dreaming i think. lol

I spoke to a very drunk Jayse last night who said he'd be happy to host. I doubt very much that he'd remember the discussion though. There was even talk of him putting his name on the swap list. I don't think he'd thought it through enough to realise that he'd have to brew if he wants to swap though.

Edit: I'm pretty 26/3 is locked in as the date.
hmm case swap or hospital... damn this is going to be hard....

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