2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap

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Love wheats, when i first started brewing and drinking good beer i had a couple wheats from dans ect and said i would never do a wheat cause they taste like crap, after my US trip and having a fresh wheat i have a few planned myself.

Dark Elf Wit is a nice Aussie one :icon_drool2: (though I haven't tasted the yank versions). Or are American Wits a completely different Kettle?
Dark Elf Wit is a nice Aussie one :icon_drool2: (though I haven't tasted the yank versions). Or are American Wits a completely different Kettle?

wit,weizen and wheats are 3 different beers, american call there beer american wheat, wit is from belgium, weizen's are german (bavarian :huh: i think)

I have not had many wits apart from Hoegaarden.
Bumpidy Bump. Any further progress on this swap folks?
Ok, now might be a good time to revisit my idea of an extended
list of swappers as the backup list has now reached 6 and I think
there are still some SA brewers not yet on the list. I don't like
missing out and nor having to rely on the misfortune of those on
the main list having to drop out in order for those on the backup
list to get to participate.

I understand that a list of 25 is suits well the typical 23 - 25
litre batch sizes and recipes that people do but I think there are
ways to get around this. Most obvious would be to brew 2 batches
trying to keep things as identical as possible. Another might be
to fill bottles with less - potentially, 35 bottles could be had
from a 25L batch by filling to 700mL (unless there's an increase
in risk of bottle bombs from the increased bottle head volume?).

I'm also thinking that taking part in the extended list could be
optional for those currently on the main list - some could stick
to swapping with just the other 24 people on the main list while
others could create extra bottles to also swap with those on the
backup list. Anyone need an example to make this idea clearer?

While there would be more work for those creating extra bottles,
the benefit is they get back more beers to sample in return.

The one tricky bit in all this I can see is the coordination that would
be required - based on how things nearly didn't go smoothly at
Hatchy's swap when we were trying to distribute beers from just
17 swappers :party: but I think we can work this out.

Love the enthusiasm for the swap.
I think the swap is pretty much set at 25, Main Swap that is.
But any proposal for a side swap should be seriously considered.
Those on the reserve list plus any from the main list that can brew/ are willing to brew a larger batch or second batch can always be involved in "The Other CETGTAACS".
Let's not write off this idea just yet.
Sorry to be completely off topic, but theres no way you'd like to part with some stubbies is there Hatchy?

Hatchy can only provide bottles if you sign up for the swap Stef! :D ;)
Malty - A side 'mini swap' could be a goer. I am able to increase my batch size to accomodate a further 6 or so longnecks and join in on both the main and mini swap.

However - I still suspect people will drop off the main list as we are all busy people nowadays, and sometimes **** just happens (e.g. my infection issue prior to last swap).
I'm heaps keen for a swap, but you guys might need to watch your taste buds! Also i dont know when its planned for? I have a total of 4 full stubbies left- been waiting for some gear so i can start BIABing. Got it the other day, so have my first biab brew down, but obviously its gonna take a while to replenish my stocks. (only have 1 fermenting fridge as well...)

Hatchy- I'd pretty much take whatever i could get. Probably anywhere from 60ish to 150 would be sweet.
4 stubbies won't be enough. More like 2 dozen longnecks. Get the stocks up & get a batch brewed that yr happy to have drunk by fellow brewers & get on the backup list.
Hi Folks, I am going to put this up and duck for cover.
Would it be good idea to improve the labeling of case swap beers, say along the lines of competition labels, to help identify the beer and brewer and help with the sorting on the day - Cheers
Hi Folks, I am going to put this up and duck for cover.
Would it be good idea to improve the labeling of case swap beers, say along the lines of competition labels, to help identify the beer and brewer and help with the sorting on the day - Cheers
No real need for labels but they are a nice extra.
The essential thing is that the lids are clearly numbered with the brewers swap number. That way once a case is sorted it is easy to see if any beers are missing from that case.
Hey swappers! really looking forward getting amongst it at this swap. Just trying to figure out what to put down..
I haven't been doing AG for that long and every batch so far has been a different beer, my best beer so far a coopers pale clone. And what a clone it was! super good. But I dont want to rock up with a case of something like coopers pale, when you more adventurous brewers are swapping beers with more hops than a mob of roos. SO I'm afraid my swap beer may be: 1.my first attempt at something special, that may not work, or 2.A tried and true standard beer (that also may not work :rolleyes: )
I'm currently fermenting an Amber Ale of sorts, and if it works out well, I will do one for the swap.
Autumn Amber Ale. Sounds good!
The idea is to offer something that you are happy to share around, if it is a CPA clone then swap that. Won't be the first nor the last CPA in a swap.
If you brew something else between now and then that you love, brew it again and swap that. Totally your call.
Don't brew for a swap thinking that you have to have a beer that is 'different'. There was a number of English bitters in the last swap, IPA's and APA's are common.
It is for you to decide but don't be embarrassed that you have brewed a Coopers Clone. If it is well brewed it will be appreciated and you will get worthwhile feedback.
The idea is to offer something that you are happy to share around, if it is a CPA clone then swap that. Won't be the first nor the last CPA in a swap.
If you brew something else between now and then that you love, brew it again and swap that. Totally your call.
Don't brew for a swap thinking that you have to have a beer that is 'different'. There was a number of English bitters in the last swap, IPA's and APA's are common.
It is for you to decide but don't be embarrassed that you have brewed a Coopers Clone. If it is well brewed it will be appreciated and you will get worthwhile feedback.

+1 brew something you're happy with/comfortable brewing
Yeah I know. I just dont want to dissappoint :rolleyes:
I've got the calendar out to plan my movements around christmas, and this has turned into me jotting down suitiable weekends to brew, extending out to Feb so far! yeh slow day at work...
Hi Folks, I am going to put this up and duck for cover.
Would it be good idea to improve the labeling of case swap beers, say along the lines of competition labels, to help identify the beer and brewer and help with the sorting on the day - Cheers

I put hours of effort into labelling my contribution and this is the thanks i get? :huh:
Yeah I know. I just dont want to dissappoint :rolleyes:
I've got the calendar out to plan my movements around christmas, and this has turned into me jotting down suitiable weekends to brew, extending out to Feb so far! yeh slow day at work...

I'm planning on brewing a Southwark Bitter clone for the swap mate. I know there's a chance I'll get kicked off AHB for saying this but I really like southwark bitter.

Smurto, you did a top job of painting all of those caps black.
@JestersDarts; If you're proud of what you've made, there will be no disappointment. The swap is a time to show off what you make and find out what others can do. It's not a competition, it's just people saying 'this is my beer - want one?'. Personally, I think a CPA clone done well shows off plenty of talent - from what I've heard that yeast is far from easy to work with (alternatively, if you've used a different yeast, then I'm even more interested!).

As for labels, I do one up for the batch, and I know several others did, but I don't think it needs to be a requirement. If that floats your boat, then by all means put one on there, otherwise make sure the cap is numbered correctly.

@Tanga; your name's not on the list yet?
Smurto, you did a top job of painting all of those caps black.


Thinking I will need to find him a white marker pen now.

Numbers (or name) on the lid at a minimum is required imo.

Thinking I will need to find him a white marker pen now.

Numbers (or name) on the lid at a minimum is required imo.

I was going to add something to the lid but with a black lid is was easy to identify.

Perhaps some warning labels from work need to follow me home....... :p