I can feel it getting closer...
Just completed bottling up the Powderkeg. Should be a beauty, but it will be a little while before this batch can be sampled with certainty in terms of carbonation and allowing the flavours to settle. I'll be bringing some bottles from a previous batch for those swappers who want to experience what they are in for.
Here 'tis!
View attachment 32794
Needs more Carbonation but here my Beer for Consumption at the Swap... :icon_drunk:
View attachment 32798
:icon_cheers: CB
If my current batch of spiced Xmas ale (or dubbel or Belgian dark strong) finishes bubbling by Saturday, I'll chuck a bottle in for ya - be around 9.5% ABV with bottle conditioning :icon_cheers: .
Hell yeah!!! :icon_drunk:
Edit: Speaking of the brothers Smith, I notice their names are absent from the attendee list, what gives?
Needs more Carbonation but here my Beer for Consumption at the Swap... :icon_drunk:
View attachment 32798
:icon_cheers: CB
Do we all have to share that glass CB? :lol:
* "Leftovers" AIPA or Weekend Weizen [CB]
* Landord-esqe ESB [donated by RDEVJUN]
* Munich Dunkel [TROYDO]
* Aussie IPA or Oktoberfest [BConnery], Various Lambics, Sour Orange Ale and maybe a few surprises
* Drown kitten amber ale + bavarian wheat [ScoundrelRogue] (6 x tallies each)
* Keg of APA and some assorted bottles (PocketBeers)
I'm assembling my kit too Winkle...and it's a real Disaster Recover plan arrangement.
Has anyone checked the NSW Swap thread? They are up to nearly 80 too. Well, posts anyway. Lively feckers making frivolous posts!
This year I think I will sleep in Rathdowney. Having the 'downey' makes me think of doonas that are comfy. I'm sure as **** not sleeping where I did last year on a ******* hill! Rathdowney is past Bogandesert and out of the epicenter of the swap. That's safe enough for me.
The first year Ned came down, he slept in the front paddock. I'd be scared of the Brewerhood too! Sqyres goat was pregnant just weeks later. I was very jealous that Ned got the sheep and Baa Bra in one night. And it was my turn for the goat, but I forgave him.
Oh well, time to go and have a cider and look at some sheep/goat porn on www.ewetube.com
Bribie, Pete & Nick thanks for your PMs - Jay called me today while at work so I'll make it to MorayEelfield and go from there. Thanks again for your offers.
BD - they're homos. Pure and simple. :lol:
Bribie, Pete & Nick thanks for your PMs - Jay called me today while at work so I'll make it to MorayEelfield and go from there. Thanks again for your offers.
PS. Chappo is a skirt wearing, period having, brazilian waxing butt pirate. :wub: