On Ya SULLY!!! You farkin' legend!
1. NickB + 1 Keg shaped vessel for consumption.
2. Chappo - Wheat Rye I have been working on!
3.Scoundrelrogue (Green bullet Ale, winkles brew day and my 1st AG)
4.half-fix (something ag) - BETTER BE SOMETHING DECENT!!!
5. Chappo - Grape Ape Rye IPA + keg of Summer Ale + Stout
6. Stillscottish +keg (and bring yer soddin' pipes ya big jessie)
7. kram - beer... maybe
8. Troydo NFI + keg
9. Browndog - number 9 number 9 number 9 number 9 ale
10.winkle - SubTropic Triple (or a xmas ale) + keg of Galaxian PA
11. FROGMAN Banana Wheat Beer. + Keg.
12.AndrewQLD - Coopers Sparkling Ale
13.jlm- + a keg
14. Bradsbrew- ESB or Stout
15. Gavo - Bastardized Dogwood Pale.
16. Daemon - NFI yet
17. Henno - some kind of beer
18. GravityGuru - Powderkeg GB
19. Fatgodzilla - Dragon Ale (red, smoky, hot!)
20. Clean Brewer(T.B.C) "Leftovers A.I.P.A" or "4/8 A.I.P.A" + a keg for consumption
21. Ducatiboy Stu - Beer
22. Sully + ESB swap + a keg of sumthin...
I knew I could rely on ya mate!
I'm entering 2 beers but only count me as one boys. I was going to give them as a little Christmas pressie for a select few but I would rather share it with the brewers that don't have a stick rammed up their clacker and are worried about getting the odd dead beer.

Now it is a little experimental but the sample I'm sucking on ATM has me convinced that you either love it or hate it. :lol:
Bring on a great Swap and Piss up I say!!!!
Chap Chap