2009 Qld Xmas Case Swap

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I was one of the only people at ANHC last year wearing a name tag, and was told that I was the only person that didn't need one! I will bring one anyway :p
*** This is a community service announcement: ***

Be aware of the breathalyser machine that may be at the QLD case swap. It has been identified as a fake and gives really bad results. The fake should be easy to identify, it will be very large and may make sounds similar to Sully or InCider moaning.

A photo of the fake item is shown below:

You have been warned!

I mentioned this very thing to Brucey at Winkle's but can't recall his opinion. TTBOMM I think the tags were supplied gratis along with a lot of beer by Jimmyjack? Can someone please correct me if I'm wrong here?
I still have my original tag, personally autographed by Rossco :lol: but reckon tags are a great idea if we can get them.


And they were the Beez Kneez alright. :super:

Still got mine too Pete, I think I'll bring it along!

As for feedack with the swap beers, I'll be filling out a BJCP scoresheet on each, swappers can let me know via PM if they want a copy emailed to them. I won't be putting any results on here.


The Nikko pen idea is probably the go. If we have our names written on our foreheads at the start of the day it'll save time later in the night. <_<

Swap beers:
I don't have a problem with whatever a brewer wants to bring along. I'm sure we all do the best we can with every brew and this is an ideal way to get feedback, whether it's a pat on the back for a job well done or something that'll nudge you in the right direction to do better next time. There will probably always be better beers than yours so you shouldn't worry about what you may feel is an inferior beer. I was shitting myself before my first swap till I discovered that my beers were just as good as everyone elses.

I don't really give a stuff what the beer is bottled in. I prefer PET now that I'm kegging because I only have enough glass for leftovers and I don't want to lose them. Just as long as they don't have some manky label on them that takes forever to scrape off.

Bring out your Beers!!

FINALLY got the swap beer bottled (in PET you #$#@^%$#&^$-ers ) and its pretty good from the fermenter, a touch sweet but bottle conditioning should dry it out a bit. Should be in the 9.25 / 9.5%ABV area and will be labled " 9 Rounds Rapid" should be good to go around Xmas and beware. :icon_cheers:
ah winkle you didn't tell them all about our incider inspired special ingredient. :lol:
I'm glad to see that there are still some real brewers with real balls that are still willing to swap their beers. To rest of you pouncy nancy girls, who squat to pee, better make sure those the kegging efforts are up to scratch, yeah?

+1 BD happy to critique the beers off line and email the BJCP scores individually, in fact it'll be my pleasure. I'm not a judge but I do love me beer. ;)
I'm glad to see that there are still some real brewers with real balls that are still willing to swap their beers. To rest of you pouncy nancy girls, who squat to pee, better make sure those the kegging efforts are up to scratch, yeah?

+1 BD happy to critique the beers off line and email the BJCP scores individually, in fact it'll be my pleasure. I'm not a judge but I do love me beer. ;)

Geez, lucky I put my name on the list then!! :unsure: I can now be a real brewer with massive real balls.. :beerbang:
I dont want to be a pouncy nancy girl that squats to pee... :ph34r:

Just as well, the bullants around Sqyres place will be up ya jacksie before you know it if ya have a squat :huh: ,
On Ya SULLY!!! You farkin' legend!

1. NickB + 1 Keg shaped vessel for consumption.
2. Chappo - Wheat Rye I have been working on!
3.Scoundrelrogue (Green bullet Ale, winkles brew day and my 1st AG)
4.half-fix (something ag) - BETTER BE SOMETHING DECENT!!!
5. Chappo - Grape Ape Rye IPA + keg of Summer Ale + Stout
6. Stillscottish +keg (and bring yer soddin' pipes ya big jessie)
7. kram - beer... maybe
8. Troydo NFI + keg
9. Browndog - number 9 number 9 number 9 number 9 ale
10.winkle - SubTropic Triple (or a xmas ale) + keg of Galaxian PA
11. FROGMAN Banana Wheat Beer. + Keg.
12.AndrewQLD - Coopers Sparkling Ale
13.jlm- + a keg
14. Bradsbrew- ESB or Stout
15. Gavo - Bastardized Dogwood Pale.
16. Daemon - NFI yet
17. Henno - some kind of beer
18. GravityGuru - Powderkeg GB
19. Fatgodzilla - Dragon Ale (red, smoky, hot!)
20. Clean Brewer(T.B.C) "Leftovers A.I.P.A" or "4/8 A.I.P.A" + a keg for consumption
21. Ducatiboy Stu - Beer
22. Sully + ESB swap + a keg of sumthin...

I knew I could rely on ya mate! ;)

I'm entering 2 beers but only count me as one boys. I was going to give them as a little Christmas pressie for a select few but I would rather share it with the brewers that don't have a stick rammed up their clacker and are worried about getting the odd dead beer. :rolleyes: Now it is a little experimental but the sample I'm sucking on ATM has me convinced that you either love it or hate it. :lol:

Bring on a great Swap and Piss up I say!!!!


Chap Chap
4.half-fix (something ag) - BETTER BE SOMETHING DECENT!!!

Hey Half-wit Fix, what is this "something AG"?????????? :unsure:

Have you done it/one yet??????? :eek:

:icon_cheers: CB
i don't see it happening, he may not even come as it stands at the moment, just sent him a txt, to find out he's even going?
Edit: halfy won't be coming ill take his name off the list, he's working or something won't have time to brew and works weekends.

On Ya sully, i hope that a few other nay sayers follow sully and have a farkin go.

cash will be on its way in a couple of days sqyre, just need to get to the bank mate.
1. NickB + 1 Keg shaped vessel for consumption.
2. Chappo - Wheat Rye I have been working on!
3.Scoundrelrogue (Green bullet Ale, winkles brew day and my 1st AG)
4.half-fix (something ag) - BETTER BE SOMETHING DECENT!!!
5. Chappo - Grape Ape Rye IPA + keg of Summer Ale + Stout
6. Stillscottish +keg (and bring yer soddin' pipes ya big jessie)
7. kram - beer... maybe
8. Troydo NFI + keg
9. Browndog - number 9 number 9 number 9 number 9 ale
10.winkle - SubTropic Triple (or a xmas ale) + keg of Galaxian PA
11. FROGMAN Banana Wheat Beer. + Keg.
12.AndrewQLD - Coopers Sparkling Ale
13.jlm- + a keg
14. Bradsbrew- ESB or Stout
15. Gavo - Bastardized Dogwood Pale.
16. Daemon - NFI yet
17. Henno - some kind of beer
18. GravityGuru - Powderkeg GB
19. Fatgodzilla - Dragon Ale (red, smoky, hot!)
20. Clean Brewer(T.B.C) "Leftovers A.I.P.A" or "4/8 A.I.P.A" + a keg for consumption
21. Ducatiboy Stu - Beer
22. Sully + ESB swap + a keg of sumthin..
23. BribieG Coopers Stout Toucan 9% Headbanger Niggajuice + keg SuperLandlord

This toucan stout is starting to get legs around the place so I'll spread the love.
cash will be on its way in a couple of days sqyre, just need to get to the bank mate.

Dont worry about it mate, we will fix that up when i get the ribs off you and give you some cash for them.
Thanks to the guys who have already paid, that wont be a problem now.. :icon_cheers:

Especially after Ross kindly donated Josh's Pay for the week to the cause... :lol:

Sqyre.. :p
i don't see it happening, he may not even come as it stands at the moment, just sent him a txt, to find out he's even going?
Edit: halfy won't be coming ill take his name off the list, he's working or something won't have time to brew and works weekends.

Thought as much... :lol: :blink:

:icon_cheers: CB
Dont worry about it mate, we will fix that up when i get the ribs off you and give you some cash for them.
Thanks to the guys who have already paid, that wont be a problem now.. :icon_cheers:

Especially after Ross kindly donated Josh's Pay for the week to the cause... :lol:

Sqyre.. :p

That Rossco has a BIG heart.... :D

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