First off top night, many thanks to Bruce and Renae for their hospitality, you guys really are as good as they come. Also, to our interstate visitors, great to have you onboard and put names to faces, unfortunately I never got to have a yack with Butters (who I thought the mystery guest was actually Angry Anderson) but we will catch up another time mate and as declared making it a National Swap. Fat Godzilla, you truely are! The Rook, mate, you go hard. Pat, great to see you again buddy and BYB, sorry we didn't have the Floyd a thon, but before I crashed Incider had commandeered the sound system and was running Johnny Cash songs.
I think we need to explain a little more about the notorious chilli sauce. This stuff caused quite the stir at the swap and some tears and much mirth. Scruffy produced a little bottle of chilli sauce from a wooden box and boys being boys, could not resist have a sample. Actually, sauce is not the right word, I think Andy described it as extract. A couple of the lads (read the young blokes) had the tiniest amount on their finger tips and suddenly proceeded to rush to hang off the balcony handrail.
Someone had spilled a bit on the table and Stillscotish lowered his head to the table with tongue extended into the chilli sauce (hahahaha, realtime laughing there) He jumped like he just received 240V and went to join the younf blokes at the balcony handrail. Stu tried a bit, but being the chillihead he is just managed to take it into his stride. Now it got interesting, Scoundrell Rogue, (young bloke) put an amount the size of a 20c peice in his palm and contemplated it for a few seconds, during which Andy tried to stop him, and then licked it up. The effect took about 5 seconds to hit before he ran off into the darkness not to be seen for a few hrs. Meanwhile, one of the previous young blokes still having a hard time got residue off his hand into his eyes and had a pretty bad time for a while.
This is where it starts to get funny.
I won't mention his name to save embarrassment, but he had nothing to do with the chilli eating somehow got sauce on his hand an when he went for a piss got it on his old fella and it started to burn so bad that he was contemplating asking me to take him to hosiptal untill Sav offered him some moisturising cream to rub into the affected part. How would you explain THAT to the missus, especially when she had read all the QLD swap thread with all it misanthropic goings on.

Campbell learns a new kind of pain.

Stu, hard as nails.

Scoundrell, about to transcend into a new conciousness

The mighty smoker in action

Stu and Ben, using yeast another way.

First glass from Ross Randall
