2009 Hop Plantations

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Q: Whats the best hop string to use? Or does it matter? - looks like they're growing at about 5cm a day!!


My Preessshioussssssssss...... (Ok so I need to get out more...)
Quick question as I didn't want to read through all this thread (getting long).

My tettnang started a nice green colour, but has slowed and now has quite pale looking leaves that are small and seem underdeveloped.

Is it from too much fertiliser?
Not enough fertiliser?

Year one plant, planted in large pot, with compost and mulch mix for the soil. Watered daily.
Took off like a rocket but has slowed to this miserable looking thing.

Any ideas?

Don't know much about hop plants yet, but you may be overwatering it if you're watering it every day. I spose it depends on how hot it is up there ATM
First guess...too much water.

Water once weekly or if it dries out maybe twice.
Cheers guys

Have been watering daily, but it is pretty hot, and I watered last years plant daily and got awsome results.

Of course this is a different variety, so will give it a go.

Hard to not 'over-love' these plants I reckon.

I've been going by the rule that it doesn't get watered till the soil looks like it's drying out. Mine's about 20cm high now with a 2nd shoot starting a few days ago
I went outside earlier, my growth 10 days ago was merely an inch..

both plants are around 1- 1.5 ft tall! :eek:

Wow your growth is only an inch... :p I've got an email somewhere that can help you with that.

Glad to hear your plants are doing well though.

I put 4 varieties in the ground last saturday. Woke up Sunday morning to find that my dog had dug up the two Chinook rhizomes :angry: So I replanted them and put some of those dog repellant crystals ontop, so far so good.

One of the shoots were broken, and I didn't cut it back. Will I have any problems because of this?
Quick question as I didn't want to read through all this thread (getting long).

My tettnang started a nice green colour, but has slowed and now has quite pale looking leaves that are small and seem underdeveloped.

Is it from too much fertiliser?
Not enough fertiliser?

Year one plant, planted in large pot, with compost and mulch mix for the soil. Watered daily.
Took off like a rocket but has slowed to this miserable looking thing.

Any ideas?

Hey Marlow, how big is the pot and how many shoots did you allow to grow? Attach a pic if you can.

Growing hops in a container is a little different (I'm told) to growing them on the ground as they wont be able to establish the root system they would normally have. So maybe its got soemthing to do with not enough root system to sustain the shoots??
Pot is 50cm across (or near enough). Certainly wont encumber the roots for a while yet, as was only a small rhizome with shoot when planted. And only one shoot has taken off and was growing well till now. Can't get a photo now sorry.

Used the same sized pot last year for a different first year hop. Grew 150gms (dried weight of hops) in the first season, and when taken out of the pot had filled almost the whole thing. :eek:

The reason I am miffed is that I am treating this new one the same as I did the last one.
Same soil composition to begin with, same place in the garden. Same watering routine.
Just seems to be struggling with a pigmentation problem currently. :lol:
Will try not watering for a couple of days to see what happens.


relax, it'll be fine. i'm assuming (i have some first year plants doing the same thing) it's expended all it's stored energy producing what it has and now has to develop it's root stock and make it's own food.
relax, it'll be fine. i'm assuming (i have some first year plants doing the same thing) it's expended all it's stored energy producing what it has and now has to develop it's root stock and make it's own food.

+1 Looks like you havent done anything wrong so just wait it out, its still early days anyway.
That actually makes a lot of sense. Cheers.

From such a small root a pretty impressive plant has grown very quickly. Make sense it would need to get some roots to continue.

The plant last year spent a couple of months growing roots first, with only dismal growth of the shoots.
Suppose this one is just going about it a different way.

One of my tettnanger shoots has gone nuts and has already climbed about 1.5m up the wire!
That actually makes a lot of sense. Cheers.

From such a small root a pretty impressive plant has grown very quickly. Make sense it would need to get some roots to continue.

The plant last year spent a couple of months growing roots first, with only dismal growth of the shoots.
Suppose this one is just going about it a different way.

mc, my Tettnanger is behaving very similarly, and I've done the same thing as you (small rhizome in a 50cm pot). I got it free from Fraser_john some months ago, and it was the first to shoot of 4 diff varieties, and now it's the smallest of the lot.

The Hallertau (large rhizome) already has 2 shoots about 1.5 metres, and I'm only giving them a soak once a week at the moment. I certainly didn't expect such rapid growth this soon after winter.
woohoo! :icon_chickcheers:

one of my hops (both planted about 2 months ago) has finally poked it's head above the dirt

I was avoiding reading this thread for so long because I was upset that my hops didn't have any shoots. I had even given up checking the pots... so I was very surprised to see a 5 cm shoot this morning
You stole my new avatar :p

:icon_offtopic: Plenty of avatars for all here folks!

Link: Ocktoberfest Pics

Wish I was there enjoying the festivities. Some day <sigh!>.

Back on topic here's a hop update:

- Willamette: 22cm
- EK Goldings - 5cm
- Cluster - 3cm
- Hallertau - 2cm
- Vienna Gold, Chinook, Columbus and Hersbrucker all have small shoots but no serious action yet! Grow my pretties...grow!!!


Edit - forgot link. oops. now added!
:icon_offtopic: How do I get my avatar to show on my posts?

It is of a motorbike, and I see it in my profile page, but it doesn't show up on posts :(

FYI I am pretty computer illterate.

woohoo! :icon_chickcheers:

one of my hops (both planted about 2 months ago) has finally poked it's head above the dirt

I was avoiding reading this thread for so long because I was upset that my hops didn't have any shoots. I had even given up checking the pots... so I was very surprised to see a 5 cm shoot this morning

Hey Wonderwoman,

I hope the one poking up is the Mt hood . My Hersbrucker has the purple knobs just showing but hasn't moved in weeks .

Cascade has a small bush about 5cm high .

Cluster also has small bush slightly bigger than the Cascade .

Hallertau Has two small bushes . I also found that this one has sent out two other shoots that have popped up 30 odd cm from the main plant . If only they would start to get some height .

Mitternacht Brauer ( formerly Buster3931 )

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