2009 Hop Plantations

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haha mine shows just a tad more of the right ****.


Back to the hops.

My Hall, Tet and Por are now 20-30cm up and about to start climbing up the string.

I've potted another POR which I have growing in the back garden of work up in C'Town. It seems to be growing more vigorously and has two bines coming through the mulch now. Its a fair bit hotter up there compared to the 'gong and the growing position probably gets a few hours more sun each day. I'll be interested to compare the two plants once they mature.




Pride of Ringwood




My Hallertau poked its head above the ground over night. Only one week after planting
my cascade has been up for well over 3 weeks. they are only 5cm and have done nothing. anything i can do to help kick them along? they are in a half wine barrel w/potting mix and cow manure (old).


my cascade has been up for well over 3 weeks. they are only 5cm and have done nothing. anything i can do to help kick them along? they are in a half wine barrel w/potting mix and cow manure (old).

I think you will find that the initial growth can stall if temps get cooler and/or its putting energy into the rhizome instead.

I am sure they will be fine, give it time!
Anyone having trouble with birds - buy a rubber snake or two. Place one near your precious plants, move every couple of days. Works a treat on tomatoes and strawberries so I assume it works for hops too.
This is my Mt Hood popping its bines. This one is only in its second season now and I reckon its going to be a monster. Reminds ATM of something from the movie Alien. Mind you we have had a very wet winter and so far spring has not been much better.


My city Chinook has basically had all of the leaved rattled off it over the weekend. I think I have also lost a tiny POR that was being nursed into existence. I think a cat has broken the growing tip off chasing the many skinks about in the area. The rhizome looks swollen and healthy, but I am unsure if it had sufficient nodes to produce more shoots. Oh well.

Cluster-second year


Vienna Gold- second year


POR- second year

Last years Chinook is just popping shoots out, but it was slow to grow last year too.

We got 4kg from these plants last year so it will be interesting to see what we get this year.

We have Golding and Cascade new this year. Goldings has one shoot and Cascade has 3 different shoots all with leaves.

Mrs I like beer

( I like beer wanted the photos up but has no idea what to do)
Hey Wonderwoman,

I hope the one poking up is the Mt hood . My Hersbrucker has the purple knobs just showing but hasn't moved in weeks .

Cascade has a small bush about 5cm high .

Cluster also has small bush slightly bigger than the Cascade .

Hallertau Has two small bushes . I also found that this one has sent out two other shoots that have popped up 30 odd cm from the main plant . If only they would start to get some height .

Mitternacht Brauer ( formerly Buster3931 )

Hey MB... yes it is the Mt Hood. The hersbrucker isn't doing much on the surface, but hopefully is spreading its beautiful roots below the ground.
I just planted 6 plants roughly a week ago, the Chinook is the only one so far to raise its head. My question is when should i cut back some of the bines and how many bines should i cut back to? (i have read some where 2-3 bines per plant for a first year plant). These are all first year plants.

Thanks newguy.

Yes, there are lots of spruce trees, few pines and junipers, but also many birch and few maple and basswoods (lime-tree?) (Oak and many others). But I use some leafy tree ash when I plant and later I use pinch of lime too. I put also handfull of chicken manure each hole.

I think it helps little bit now, I give "autumn PK fertilizer" (straight traslate of finnish "syksyn PK lannoite" =) ) So it could be that lacking calcium problem. Now cones grow littlebit faster and maybe I can collect them soon.

What you think. Next spring, could I need dig up my hop plants and make bigger example 50cm diam. round hole and 50cm deep (it was 20 x 20 before). First put horse manure to hole and fill it whit new soil (I can buy from shop or use my own compost) and plant my hops again?

I suppose you could try that but it would be easier to simply place a pile (perhaps 30-40cm high) of manure and new soil on top of each hop before it sprouts. You don't risk damaging the roots this way.
Q: Whats the best hop string to use? Or does it matter? - looks like they're growing at about 5cm a day!!

View attachment 31274

My Preessshioussssssssss...... (Ok so I need to get out more...)

Baling Twine

Cascade has a small bush about 5cm high .
Cluster also has small bush slightly bigger than the Cascade .
Hallertau Has two small bushes . I also found that this one has sent out two other shoots that have popped up 30 odd cm from the main plant . If only they would start to get some height .

All sounds normal to me Midnight, they will get going in their own sweet time, depending upon your local conditions. I prefer if they shoot late, always seem much stronger. After planting a new rhizome it gets all excited and takes off without aclimatising and sometimes they suffer from the early burst, heat dry or whatever. Following seasons once they are familiar with their location they will shoot when the time/season/climate/hrs of daylight dictates, then they grow like weeds. Sounds like your Hallertau is happy in it's location, sending a shoot off 30cm away.

OK guys, I need a hand. First time growing hops so unsure of what to do...

First, my Chinook has now hit the top of the fence. Should I create some trellis roughly 5m tall for it to climb on, or is it OK just to let it run along the fence? What are the pro's and con's?

Second, I only had two bines on the Chinook, but upon closer inspection this afternoon, I found a couple of other bines that are just shooting roughly 50cm across the garden from where I planted the rhizome. Should I cut these off or just let them do whatever they're going to do?

Thanks in advance.

Ive currently got a tettnang and a mt hood in the mt hood is going crazy.

I have a problem in the leaves seem to be getting attacked by something, i can not see the culprite.

i used some pyretherin on them i hope it works. I will post a pic soon,

Has anybody tried a mix of garlic and chilly boiled and then strained, i was talking to my Greek neighbor and he uses this mix on his vege crop every year.
Good to see you have the sledge hammer there incase of any Day of the Typhoids type contingency arises.... Can never be too cautious....

and of course i mean triffids. Auto-spell check + Amarillo ale = spelling fail.
I just planted 6 plants roughly a week ago, the Chinook is the only one so far to raise its head. My question is when should i cut back some of the bines and how many bines should i cut back to? (i have read some where 2-3 bines per plant for a first year plant). These are all first year plants.

Up to 4 bines is usually what the commercial hop farms suggest.
Being a first year plant I would keep it to say 6 bines - they can be wound around each other on the same string though.

First year plants will be putting most of their growth into the Rhizome.

First, my Chinook has now hit the top of the fence. Should I create some trellis roughly 5m tall for it to climb on, or is it OK just to let it run along the fence? What are the pro's and con's?

Second, I only had two bines on the Chinook, but upon closer inspection this afternoon, I found a couple of other bines that are just shooting roughly 50cm across the garden from where I planted the rhizome. Should I cut these off or just let them do whatever they're going to do?

I would add more trellis or guy wires/twine to let it continue to grow vertical.

They shall spread and shoot, you can dig it up and pot it separately or leave as is. Dig up at seasons end and sell/swap/pass on the leftovers to another brewer?
Ive currently got a tettnang and a mt hood in the mt hood is going crazy.

I have a problem in the leaves seem to be getting attacked by something, i can not see the culprite.

i used some pyretherin on them i hope it works. I will post a pic soon,

Has anybody tried a mix of garlic and chilly boiled and then strained, i was talking to my Greek neighbor and he uses this mix on his vege crop every year.

Mate it works a treat, use a little soap in there too to help it stick to the plants leaves.

Dr S uses this amongst other methods depending on whether its spider mites or other pests.

Have a look through earlier posts on this thread or the 2008 Hop thread for other solutions to these little critters.

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