2008 Sa Xmas Case Swap

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Hand pumped ale = SEXALICIOUS :D

I'll make sure to bring 2 pairs of underpants.
Hat parade requires some BYB port.... hint hint.
Just finished making the asian noodle salad
Ok - i will be picking up mercluf's beer for the swap - so he still in.

I have to leave Mount Torrens at 3.00pm - sober as i have to drive home.

Can we/will we have everyone there by then to do the swap....

Still have to pick up the bacon tomorrow for you guys....

See you then....
I have grabbed 5 POR hops growing in pots.
1. KHB
2. MikE
Still three available, first in best dressed on the day, if no one else calls dibs on them.
I will take one..

OK I'm back in for the swap Thanks to the mighty GMK and his "Never leave one of your platoon behind enemy line" attitude. He has volunteered to come and get my case swap beers tonight. and bring them up to the Doctor's Lair for the swap.

I hope you have a great time tomorrow Fellas, I'll work hard at fighting back the tears of not being there.....

Enjoy :icon_cheers:
Come on Andy you know it's better to encourage the one's who have backsliden, back to the evil ways of K&K. You know if you give them too much stick they'll give up brewing all together. Only to be found hanging drive thru's and discount liquor stores buying XXXX and VB and muttering how good it is. Lover the sinner not the sin, he'll come back to his senses soon enough, as long as we encouraging him and perhap we should start a support group for him and take turn at going over his place on weekends and make sure the only brewing he's does at least has some grain in it of some description. ;)

OK I'm back in for the swap Thanks to the mighty GMK and his "Never leave one of your platoon behind enemy line" attitude. He has volunteered to come and get my case swap beers tonight. and bring them up to the Doctor's Lair for the swap.

I hope you have a great time tomorrow Fellas, I'll work hard at fighting back the tears of not being there.....

Enjoy :icon_cheers:

See boys your friendly encouragement seems to be working. Imagine without it he may have decided not to pick up your beers. :p

Good on ya Kenny.

Sorry not to be seeing you there Wayne. Damn flu is a pain. I scored one from the last swap. Hope you enjoy the fruits of your labors afterward though. And get better soon mate.


Can someone bring a spare reg. I will bring a cylinder but my reg is hard plumbed through my fridge. Prefer not to cut it off.

Have some schulzs white pudding, linkes garlic mettwurst, and some meat for the barby. A few eggs and a KG of some bacon. SWAMBO has her own refreshments.

Alrighty, I've got a bean/pasta salad and a batch of baklava made up with a few different types of nuts to bring. And some beer.

I can bring a regulator if needed. I've got one here but I don't have a CO2 bottle yet so it's not getting much use at the moment. Would need to work out some way to get it back though as I have to leave by around 5pm.
Can someone bring a spare reg. I will bring a cylinder but my reg is hard plumbed through my fridge. Prefer not to cut it off.
Have some schulzs white pudding, linkes garlic mettwurst, and some meat for the barby. A few eggs and a KG of some bacon. SWAMBO has her own refreshments.
I have a Reg with a T piece. So you should be right. I think I have a couple of Kg in the bottle which should be ample. Chuck your bottle in the car for emergency, but all should be fine.
i've still got mine, unopened. a very sexeh drop indeed. haven't been able to bring myself to opening it tho...

Me too. I was just looking at it the other day thinking "I could just about do with that right now", so I went and poured one from the other bigger bottle that I bribed blackmailed begged persuaded Andy into letting me have :lol:.
I'll keep the case swap one for as long as I can stand, and most likely end up opening it at one of the case swaps some time down the track......but not this one. This one has far too much grog at it already.....although I was thinking of bringing a bottle of bubbly for the ladies - never fear girls, someone's thinking of you lot :ph34r: Hope none of you blokes are expecting the girls to be able to drive :party:

No need to have a tear about it Murcluf - just raise a glass all day in good faith, and eat something that makes you feel blokey, we'll all pretend that you're there and drink your share......good to see you still in the swap, being one step from the grave is no excuse for missing it.........I'm sure if you wanted, one of your fellow Barrosians could drop off some excess hangover to you tomorrow if you really want to join in with the spirit of things

Now off to do some bottling.............bottling sucks and I hate it - I wish I could just bring a keg and a sheep dosing gun along and say 'cmere you, 11 seconds is 700ml....you haven't had your treatment'........totally efficient, just removes the bottle from the whole equation. WHAT? No-one can question that by removing the bottle from the situation, it completely removes the possibility of broken glass related injuries. OH & S would love this solution in a pub, no glasses, no bottles, just some PVC feeder nozzles and a coin slot on the wall between the drain hole and the jukebox................one staff member, a bouncer with a cattle prod in one hand and a high pressure cleaner

WHAT? What's wrong with THAT?

however - anyway, my close second, and the solution that is less likely to get me in trouble is this....a counterpressure filler that purges the bottle with CO2



i may even bring it to the swap with me...it looks close enough to a drenching gun for my purposes........
Bring it to the swap.... then I can bottle it there (or get you to show me how it works 19 times in a row) instead of doing it now, which I'm not looking forward to.
That last pic Wayne looks like some sort of medical tool...... :huh:

Dips are made, not a chance of a vampire attending the swap. 1 garlic bulb used!

Very happy your beer has made it Murcluf altho would have loved to have seen you here. Next time mate!

This weather has thrown up a photo op for you camera wielding people.

Angas Creek is flowing again. Some of you may know i named my brewery after the creek, what most of you wont know is the creek flows thru my backyard.

Hasnt flowed for months but the rain has been heavy up here so its flowing again. See pic.

Paul - not a worry mate, we will be going till the wee hours. Feel free to rock up any time.

And just for the record - i remember, somewhat vaguely the hat parade but dont remember Andys port being drunk. I too have an unopened bottle of it and if the man doesnt bring some i will crack my bottle later in the evening.

I reckon we can rummage up enough hats for a repeat...... <_< :D

Kenny - the minute all the beer is here we will do the swap. If you have to leave before hand i can drop your case off to you and Murclufs if needed.

Just made some signs up so keep an eye out for them - will be obvious when you see them!!! Be careful on the country roads, it was bloody slippery on the way home tonight and i couldnt see more than a few car lengths in front of me. Arrive alive and all that.


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