Man what a day/night.
Good to meet a few more people as well as catch up with the case swap veterans.
We had 16 taps set up which we should send a pic of to Rudd for his binge drinking campaign....
I hope someone got a few pics of the smokers in action, damn they cranked out some tasty food!
The baklava was to die for, we so need some recipes from you Dan. There were a few pices left this morning but we made short work of them!
I didnt break a glass!
The slanting lesson from Comrade Mike was very helpful and cleared up a few questions i had. Not that hard after all.
Paul_Steele - no worries on the sly departure, i found a carton of Hofbrau so i think we are square! :lol:
Rudy - beerbelly has your beers.
SO many good beers, i think i got to them all apart from the irish red which had a premature end. The hopback was crazy but oh so tasty. I might stop bagging kiwi hops for a while now......

The handpump rocked - i want one!
My Alt is all but empty but surprisingly, the golden ale is still good for a few more pints - people must be sick of it by now! Cant remember if i passed my IIPA around later in the evening.
Way too much food (you can never have too much beer) which i will work my way thru!
There is still 1 POR and 2 chinook plants if anyone wants them.
All in all a great time was had. Am looking forward to tasting all the beers. Mine is ready to be drunk now. The 1469 is a weird old yeast, even after bottling it wants to stay on top of the beer. Careful decant and you are set. It's 1st generation.
Claire was very impressed with how well behaved you lot were and was more impressed that a few people stayed to help us tidy up a bit.
And if you read this Rusty - your smoker passed the test. Lit it at 11am, held 130C for several hours and the meat that was cooked in it was amazing. Lamb, beef, pork, rabbit........ i will be using it a few more times before you get it back!
I'm keen to see some more pics - dont recall the air guitar so evidence of shenanigans would be good.
Til next time....
Enough beer?