2008 Sa Xmas Case Swap

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So what's the best way to get to Mount Torrens, considering I'm pretty much due West from there? North East Rd or the freeway? Looks a bit further on the map to go via the freeway but is it a much better run?
Freeway is the easiest, less windy which is a good thing as the roads are bloody slippery up here atm.

Hahndorf turn off, left at Grumpys, thru verdun, balhannah/oakbank, woodside, charleston and then Mt Torrens. As you come down the hill (mount) to Mt Torrens there is a street on the left just after the 50km/h sign. Spot the sign and take a left.

If you are coming via Chain of Ponds or One Tree Hill then come into Mt Torrens at the other end so take your first street right (Oval Rd - guess why its called that) and then the 1st street left - again , look for my creative signage.

Its not actually that cold up here tonight so we may be ok. Then again it may be the sparkling shiraz and porter speaking. :D

EDIT - and its stopped raining! Not bad, 36 hours straight.
I would like to come to the case swap...but have to work until 2pm on saturday - also have no transporation - and work at 6am on sunday.

Will come if someone can take me there at 4pm and drop me home at 11pm - big ask but might as well put it out there.

Will definatley be there next year - if the 2009 dates are put out early enough I can get the time off work, get a wicked beer down and buy a swag to sleep in :)

Have fun guys, and make sure you get home safe!
I would like to come to the case swap...but have to work until 2pm on saturday - also have no transporation - and work at 6am on sunday.

Will come if someone can take me there at 4pm and drop me home at 11pm - big ask but might as well put it out there.

Will definatley be there next year - if the 2009 dates are put out early enough I can get the time off work, get a wicked beer down and buy a swag to sleep in :)

Have fun guys, and make sure you get home safe!

You can still come up, have a feed, taste a few beers and drive home safely (assuming you have a car). If you are super keen you can crash - i have a swag and an alarm clock so HTFU.

RustyCs smoker is lit, will be throwing the monster leg of lamb on it soon. It will take up half of 1 rack so there is 1.5 racks spare for the rabbit etc. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Creek has stopped flowing, its just a few puddles now and the rain is a light mist if that.

Drinking a coffee to stop me from cracking into the beers before anyone arrives! :p

Signs are out, only problem is there was supposed to be a garage sale on the street which got cancelled due to the weather (i assume) so have had a stream of little old ladies asking if i was having a garage sale :lol: SHould have found something to sell them.
On my way up there soon. Had to keg 2 beers for my brother-in-laws christmas show (i feel like I'm doing my bit to support our MFS!).
See you soon boys and gals.
Hope you boys are having a great time up there, I so wish I was up there with you all, but I'm so glad I'm not :icon_vomit: Enjoy!!!
Just dropped in at home from the swap on the way out to the work Xmas dinner this evening. Thanks DrSmurto for letting us have the swap there. Great bar setup you've got going on there.

Cheers to everyone who brought kegs along (19 at last count I reckon!), I think I had a taste of them all and they all deserve good wraps. Wayne deserves a special mention for being the only one to bring his own fridge (I expect better from the rest of you next time!) and the standard bitter on the hand pump was also a nice touch. :party:

Hope you all have a good night and don't make too much of a mess of yourselves. As I throw back another paley I'll be thinking of the FSM stout, DrSmurtio's golden ale or Boston's Czech pilsner I could have been drinking instead. :icon_drunk:

Time to go check my case to make sure I didn't get that bottle of GMK's beer with all the floaties...
Good night, ****** good beers.

nice to meet everybody in person and share our similar interests.

hope i didn't offend anybody by doing the stealthy bail out, i just had to get home at a reasonable hour this morning.

hope everybody had fun!
Well, I am finally home after a fantastic night out for the Swap. Big thanks to DrS and Claire for their wonderful hospitality and garage floor to sleep on. The horn section was a great touch.

Thanks to all the guys and girls who brought along beer and food. The amount of beer available was an absolute ripper. And the food was awesome too. The smoked pork, beef, lamb, rabbit chicken and fish were bloody fantastic. A special mention has to go out to whoever made the baklava it was unreal. I am sure all that tried it agreed.

Plenty of beer drunk, a bit of backyard cricket in the middle to break it up was fun. (Can't bat, can't bowl) But I think the highlight for me was definitely the inception of the new "Beerbelly Hopback" Hmmmm Cascade.... :icon_drool2:

A top notch breakfast this morning and a long drive back through the hills.

Thanks again guys. Now I look forward to trying all your beers.



Most of the beers on the front veranda

BYB Enjoying some smoked leg of Lamb

Beerbelly's awesome hopback

Just some of the many kegs and dispenser's at the swap.
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Many thanks to Mark and Claire for hosting. Only problem was there was far too much food and far too much beer, I hate when that happens!

Apologies for breaking one of your glasses with a marvellous square cut that can only be described as "smashing".

*pause for laughter*

I'm not sure what of the foods can be attributed to the horn orchestra but I'll give it to that tzatziki, that was one garliccy beast! Everything that came out of that smoker was just awesome; the lamb especially :D.

Beer highlights for me was the handpumped Butters Bitter and Sam's smoked dunkel. I also recall filling my glass at least 8 or 10 times from the scrotum of hops so I guess I liked that too.

When my taste buds have recovered I'm gonna tuck into these beers!

EDIT: Oh yeah... looking forward to some of these pictures!
Well all is well that ends well. Great, fantastic, awesome, liberating, one hell of a day / evening. Stacks of food and plenty to drink. Loved the tzatziki the first mouthfull almost ripped my tongue out but after I could not get enough. Road kill rabbit was a highlight having not had it for a number of years. The smoked chooks were great having been smoked in the Beerbellly smoker. Good to see Mrs Beerbelly and Little Beerbelly having a good time.
Still a little bet pissy in regards to my Red Ale :angry: I paced myself exceptionally well this time and managed to wake up without hitting the wall. Must say everyone else looked in reasonable condition this morning as well. I reckon the weather must have had the calendar mixed up it was a lot warmer in July!!
I thought the day would never come but I finally met someone shorter than GMK and that man is Butters.Still can't believe it. Next time I will ask GMK to take his high heals off. Going from one extreme to the next there is this chap called BigH at 7 foot something. Should have got a side by side photo. Butters Vs BigH.

On with the photo parade....


Homekegger and AdamT putting on the squeeze. The Beerbelly Hop back.


Swap time with the eager swappers


ButterS having a pump

Back Yard Brewer
Man what a day/night.

Good to meet a few more people as well as catch up with the case swap veterans.

We had 16 taps set up which we should send a pic of to Rudd for his binge drinking campaign....

I hope someone got a few pics of the smokers in action, damn they cranked out some tasty food!

The baklava was to die for, we so need some recipes from you Dan. There were a few pices left this morning but we made short work of them!

I didnt break a glass!

The slanting lesson from Comrade Mike was very helpful and cleared up a few questions i had. Not that hard after all.

Paul_Steele - no worries on the sly departure, i found a carton of Hofbrau so i think we are square! :lol:

Rudy - beerbelly has your beers.

SO many good beers, i think i got to them all apart from the irish red which had a premature end. The hopback was crazy but oh so tasty. I might stop bagging kiwi hops for a while now...... :p The handpump rocked - i want one!

My Alt is all but empty but surprisingly, the golden ale is still good for a few more pints - people must be sick of it by now! Cant remember if i passed my IIPA around later in the evening.

Way too much food (you can never have too much beer) which i will work my way thru!

There is still 1 POR and 2 chinook plants if anyone wants them.

All in all a great time was had. Am looking forward to tasting all the beers. Mine is ready to be drunk now. The 1469 is a weird old yeast, even after bottling it wants to stay on top of the beer. Careful decant and you are set. It's 1st generation.

Claire was very impressed with how well behaved you lot were and was more impressed that a few people stayed to help us tidy up a bit.

And if you read this Rusty - your smoker passed the test. Lit it at 11am, held 130C for several hours and the meat that was cooked in it was amazing. Lamb, beef, pork, rabbit........ i will be using it a few more times before you get it back!

I'm keen to see some more pics - dont recall the air guitar so evidence of shenanigans would be good.

Til next time....


Enough beer?
Thanks Mark and Claire,
Great afternoon and night, good to put faces to the names.
A few photos of the day.
Photos not working, try again soon.
What a great night, and some great beers as well....thanks of course to Mark and Claire for putting up with us.
Have posted lo res images in an album here
If anyone wants any hi-res ones, just let me know....

I thought the day would never come but I finally met someone shorter than GMK and that man is Butters.Still can't believe it. Next time I will ask GMK to take his high heals off. Going from one extreme to the next there is this chap called BigH at 7 foot something. Should have got a side by side photo. Butters Vs BigH.

My neck still hurts from trying to look BigH in the eye whilst having a conversation. :lol: Wish we did get a photo, though. But I take solace in the fact that I wasn't the shortest person there.....I'm much taller than Beerbelly Junior. :p
You guys look like you had a cracker of a time! :beerbang:

Good work, you're now at least 10% of the way to a full-blown QLD style case swap :ph34r:


Great day thanks to Mark And Claire for your hospitality, lots of nice bber and food, cant wait till the next one!!

Great day thanks to Mark And Claire for your hospitality, lots of nice bber and food, cant wait till the next one!!


Do I hear Smurto putting his hand up again :eek:

BTW who had that Pilsner, great beer. Is it on the forum data base :icon_drool2:
