2008 Sa Christmas In July Case Swap

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I've updated the wiki on this subject. If it's regularly updated, it will make it easier to see at a glance what is going on.

I don't see why we would close the list off yet - unless it starts to get above 24 (in which case, everyone would need to brew more than a standard batch). I also don't see any issue with having 15, 17, whatever - no need to make it an 'even' case.
Ok - we should meet before lunch and do a lunch or a mid arvo and do a tea.

Happy either way.
My contribution will be in Stubbies.
I have just brewed an AG Trios Pistoles - 9% Belgian Dark - with the new Wyeast VSS Strain 3864 Belgian/Canadian Ale Yeats.
Tasted most excellent from the secondary....Thinking of putting that in.

I am also wanting to do another AG Barley wine in the next week or 2 - but you might need to wait until Xmas if i put that in.

i also have an AG recipe for a Samiclaus Bier - 14% but if you guys want i can brew it but it needs aging - so might be ready for next june july.

Otherwise happy to wait for everyone to select their style and i will fit in..

just let me know.
Ok - we should meet before lunch and do a lunch or a mid arvo and do a tea.

Thats fine with me. Kickstart things at around 11ish onwards. But we still need to pick a suitable day/date.Remeber the 19th-20th July is out.Better still let me just say the 5th of July.July is way off at ATM so brewers should be able to work it in.

sound good to me 5th is fine just put it in the diary. Now the only thing is to get the brewery back together
If anyone wants to acclimatize before the swap, PM me and we can arrange a time when you can drop in.

GMK: The 9% belgian dark sounds a winner! Leave the BW for the actual Xmas case and the Samiclaus for next year :)

I am thinking I may complement the belgian dark with a hybrid'ish belgian golden strong, something along the lines of Piraat.

1. KHB
2. Domonsura
3. Adam - Hybrid Belgian Strong Ale
4. wee stu
5. peas_and_corn
6. Backyard Brewer
7. GMK - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
8. Homekegger1
9. Jazman (to confirm)
10. choppadoo
11. Rustyc
12. BenH
13. MickOz
14. Tim F
see what brews i can do maybe a bock since i have a fridge to ferment in,,, but see what beer i have as th that time of year im stockpiling for summer so beer is low a lunch think is better for me and nuri aint to far from me so it be good for a change
5th is good for me......not too sure what I'm going to brew, but it will most likely be the best of whatever I brew over the coming couple of months.....
5th is good for me too, havnt brewed a dark AG yet, but will be looking to do a porter
I'm in several minds about what to make, so my contribution might be edited a couple times before the swap! But right now a Foreign Extra Stout is my thought

1. KHB
2. Domonsura
3. Adam - Hybrid Belgian Strong Ale
4. wee stu
5. peas_and_corn- Foreign Extra Stout(?)
6. Backyard Brewer
7. GMK - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
8. Homekegger1
9. Jazman (to confirm)
10. choppadoo
11. Rustyc
12. BenH
13. MickOz
14. Tim F
PnC, you might want to add that in the new article (wiki) on the Xmas case. There's a new section for that a new one for the SA Case as well. Should make life easier. :)
I've updated the wiki article, swap contributions can be dropped off to me, and I will transport them to the swap on the day.
I will have a couple of seats available for the trip up there and back - however I will be staying up there for the night and returning the following day so passengers will need to fit in with that :)
1. KHB
2. Domonsura
3. Adam - Hybrid Belgian Strong Ale
4. wee stu
5. peas_and_corn- Foreign Extra Stout(?)
6. Backyard Brewer
7. GMK - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
8. Homekegger1
9. Jazman (to confirm)
10. choppadoo
11. Rustyc
12. BenH
13. MickOz
14. Tim F
15. DrSmurto - Robust Porter or Dry Irish Stout

Lurking on this thread for a while deciding whether or not to join in - the darker beers sold me. I have a robust porter in bottles already so it will be nice and aged by the swap altho i may do another dry irish stout that was damn nice over xmas but would be better suited to winter.

Wayne - the dark ale you gave me is damn nice and other dark ale loving mates agree. And its getting better altho with the heatwave we are going thru i switched the tap to a hefeweizen. Will put it back on if/when the cool change arrives.

As for dates, i can only make a Sunday unless you plan an evening Saturday do due to footy.

I got a mate that brews and has told me of his interest to be involved. Any chance he can join in even though he isn't an AHB member?


I've updated the wiki article, swap contributions can be dropped off to me, and I will transport them to the swap on the day.
I will have a couple of seats available for the trip up there and back - however I will be staying up there for the night and returning the following day so passengers will need to fit in with that :)

So you are a back lawn/tent candidate?I do have room under a carport or verandah as well. Do I need to hire a portaloo or are you house trained :rolleyes: BTW there is a gentlemans room outback behind the bar ;)

So you are a back lawn/tent candidate?I do have room under a carport or verandah as well. Do I need to hire a portaloo or are you house trained


depends how much beer you feed me.......but I'm more likely to pull a homekegger and fall asleep in a corner :p . I don't have a tent yet, but I was thinking of getting a cabin at the caravan park place...who knows.......a bit bloody cold for a tent in the barossa in July isn't it? But then we come back to the how much beer question......beer has a wonderfully insulating quality......:D
Maybe I should bring the van up and sleep in that (with the keys dutifully handed in of course.......*nudges smurto*......).... :icon_drunk:
Again, is he house trained

Yeah I think Little Butts is house trained. Plus he can stumble home afterwards

depends how much beer you feed me.......but I'm more likely to pull a homekegger and fall asleep in a corner :p . I don't have a tent yet, but I was thinking of getting a cabin at the caravan park place...who knows.......a bit bloody cold for a tent in the barossa in July isn't it? But then we come back to the how much beer question......beer has a wonderfully insulating quality......:D
Maybe I should bring the van up and sleep in that (with the keys dutifully handed in of course.......*nudges smurto*......).... :icon_drunk:

Nice one Dom, glad to see I am an inspiration to you. Gotta say, I am steering clear of the Eisbock this time. Damn it was so so good... BTW if you are in need of a tent, let me know. I have a spare. even have an air mattress you can borrow as well. Can't guarantee it will stay up all night but it does the job. Used it recently for a long weekend away. Needed pumping up each night but was sufficient for the night. Just bring a couple of blankets and you will be warm enough. Let me know if you need to borrow it. I will most likely take pride of place in the driveway with my camper if BYB will allow it :party:


If my experimental batch works out ok I'll go with a roggenbier! Hopefully that fits a wintery theme.

1. KHB
2. Domonsura
3. Adam - Hybrid Belgian Strong Ale
4. wee stu
5. peas_and_corn- Foreign Extra Stout(?)
6. Backyard Brewer
7. GMK - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
8. Homekegger1
9. Jazman (to confirm)
10. choppadoo
11. Rustyc
12. BenH
13. MickOz
14. Tim F - Roggenbier
15. DrSmurto - Robust Porter or Dry Irish Stout

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