Hello to all homebrewers 'down under'. I've been brewing for about 12 years and finally decided to try growing my own hops, so this year I planted 12 rhizomes in a 36' row -- which I found out later is probably not long enough because I should have put more space between different varieties. I have 6 Cascade, 2 Centennial, 2 Magnum, and 2 Canadian Red Vine. Australia's famous 'Pride of Ringwood' does not appear to be available over here in the U.S. insofar as I've been able to find. The main retailers that I've checked, such as 'Freshops.com', don't sell the rhizomes.
Anyway, I ran into a few problems -- downy mildew, bacterial leaf spot, a few different types of bugs, and some rhizomes/plants that just aren't doing as well as others, e.g., my Cascade are nearly 9' now and my Magnum are barely 1' and look pathetic -- so I started looking for answers. You folks here are very fortunate because you have a large group of growers, from what I can tell. Many brewing forums I visited didn't appear to have any growers, or had hop-growing threads that were 4 or 5 years old. Consequently, I spent a lot of time just searching for a hop-growing community that could provide answers, and in several forums with growers -- even there I could not get answers. For example, I was told that I needed to apply copper to fight the downy mildew; well, how? Spray, dust, apply to the soil when irrigating, and what sort of chemical, etc. I _finally_ received an answer after asking that on probably a dozen forums or more; the answer is that "copper sulfate" is a soluable form of copper, i.e., it can be sprayed.
Anyway, the difficulty in locating answers motivated me to form a Yahoo group (mail-list) that is dedicated exclusively to growing hops and related matters -- trellis design, diseases, etc. If any of you are interest, the link is
I'm certainly not asking that anyone quit this group, but rather that some of you consider ALSO providing some help over there, too.
Bill Velek