Your Top Five Beers

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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No order and subject to continuing change

Sierra Nevada Torpedo
Abbot Ale
Southwark Old Stout
Spitfire Kentish Ale
Wicked Elf Pale Ale
Emersons 182 IPA
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Old Speckled Hen
James Squire Amber Ale
Boags Premium Lager
With the usual disclaimers on changing tastes and no particular order, and with a bit of breakdown into fives so I could add more beers... :icon_drunk:

Australian Overall:
  • Kooinda Full Nelson IPA
  • Bacchus Obama Black IPA
  • Feral Hop Hog
  • Bridge Roads Bling
  • 4 Pale
Honourable mention: Jamieson Beast IPA

Australian Generally Available Bottles:
  • Little Creatures Pale
  • Mildura Storm Cloudy
  • Stone & Wood Pacific
  • White Rabbit Dark
  • Cooper's Dark
Honourable mentions: Tooheys Old, Cooper's Lager & Pale Ale (when there is only megaswill to be had)

Australian Draught:
  • Matilda Bay Alpha
  • Holgate ESB
  • MT Yippy IPA
  • Brisbane Brewhouse BPA
  • Sunshine Coast Best Bitter
Honourable mention: Brisbane Brewing's Taffinator Dopplebock (R.I.P.)

When in Seattle:
  • Deschutes Mirror Pond
  • Big Sky IPA
  • Grand Teton Bitch Creek ESB
  • Sierra Nevada Torpedo
  • Green Flash West Coast IPA
Honourable mentions: Victory Hop Devil IPA, Anchor Steam

Local Washington State brews:
  • Black Raven Trickster IPA
  • Roslyn Dark Lager
  • Northern Lights Solar Wind
  • Naked City Pale Rider
  • Boundary Bay Dry-hopped IPA
Honourable mentions: Too many really. But the honourable honourable mentions would be Georgetown Brewing's Mannys Pale and Mac & Jack's African Amber (these two taps seemed to have managed to get themselves into every bar in town), and Red Hook ESB. Though a transparent ghost of it's original self of 1981, it was the beer that got me off Rainier lager and into micros. Since AB/Inbev distributes it in the states, a tap will most likely be found almost anywhere in the U.S..
Australian Overall:
  • Kooinda Full Nelson IPA
  • Bacchus Obama Black IPA
  • Feral Hop Hog
  • Bridge Roads Bling
  • 4 Pale
Honourable mention: Jamieson Beast IPA

**** Snowy that's a good batch. Throw Lobethal Pale Ale in there and your talking my favourite sips anywhere.
Mikkeller single hop IPA(any they are all good)
Jamieson's Beast IPA
Bridge Rd Bling IPA
Murry's Icon x2IPA
Murry's Spartacus Imperial IPA
Sierra Nevada Torpedo
Timothy Taylor Landlord
Samuel Smiths Nut Brown Ale
Fullers IPA
Holgate ESB

List is in no particular order and is bound to be somewhat different next week....
Mountain Goat Hightail Ale
Kooinda Pale Ale
Little Creatures Pale Ale
Franziskaner Hefe
Coopers Extra Stout

...with honorable mentions to: SNPA, Schofferhoffer Hefe, Stone & Wood Pacific Ale, Hargreaves Hill ESB, and countless other beers...
In no particular order and changes seasonally

Redhill Scotch Ale
Cascade Stout
JS Porter (Only JS beer worth drinking)
CUB Abbotsford Invalid Stout (Only CUB beer worth drinking, great for when your at a megaswill pub as they usually have it)
MPB Nut Brown Ale
Kooinda Black IPA

Special mention: MPB Pale Ale, Grand Ridge Gippsland Gold, 4 Pines stout
Forever changing as soon as the next big thing comes along...

White rabbit white ale
St bernardus trippel
High rollers wheat beer
28 pale ale
Vale pale ale
In no particular order, hard to narrow it down to 5 tbh....

SNAB Maelstrm
Old Speckled Hen
Mountain Goat Rypa
Vale Ale IPA
No order

Brewdog Punk IPA
Mountain Goat Hightail
Bridge Road Celtic Red
Schofferhofer - Hefeweizen
Wig and Pen IPA.
LCPA - hopefully doesn't change too much
CPA - an ol' Aussie favourite
SNPA- what a beer, jam packed full of tasty goodness
Abbot Ale - subtly superb
Probably Pilsner Urquell or Budvar coz I gotta pick something other than an ale...right??

BTW, there are shitloads of beers on these lists I haven't tried, primarily because I drink my own beer at home nine times out of ten.

Except when I'm at the pub, then it's whatever craft beer I can get, followed by Toohey's Old, then XXXX gold as a last resort.
no order, current list, disclaimer, disclaimer...

Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse/ Dunkel (depending upon whether winter or summer)

Coopers Sparkling - any time is a good time... until they catch up to you!

Timothy Taylor Landord - hand pump

Bath Spa - hand pump (english mild)

Westmalle Tripel - must be in a chalice and savoured
No order, but good honest beery beer!

Randalls Patois
Youngs Special Bitter
Sam Smiths Bitter
Ruddles County.
Flowers Bitter.
In no particular order

Green Flash Hop Head Red
SN Torpedo
Mikkeller Dark Harvest
Mountain Goat Hightale Ale
Brewdog 5am Saint

Favourite ATM
Ballast Point Big Eye IPA - I seem to be drawn towards Dans at least twice a week for more supplies
Tripel Karmeliet
Altenmunster Weizen
James Squire Golden Ale
Little Creatures Bright Ale
Venloosch Wit
Not in any specific order:

Sierra Nevada Pale
Extra Dry, but before they changed it up
Gulden Draak
Rogue Dead Guy
Tooheys New

Yeah yeah mega swill - they have a place! Ie when no craft available!