Yeast Sediment

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Hi All

I've done my first brew and noticed the creamy residue at the bottom of the fermentor, Is this the yeast?.... this was a kit yeast so I washed it away. If it was a better yeast I'm sure there are other options? Re-use?

What do you do with yours?

It's yeast plus other stuff (depending on how you brew - i.e. could be proteins, hop sludge, etc). It's called "trub".

Personally, I chuck it on the garden - around a lime tree to be specific. Why lime? Cause everything else was kicking ass, but the lime tree was struggling. Soon after I started chucking the trub on there it started taking off. Coincidence? Maybe. Either way, it's not hurting it!

You could also try to make vegemite from it.
It's yeast plus other stuff (depending on how you brew - i.e. could be proteins, hop sludge, etc). It's called "trub".

Personally, I chuck it on the garden - around a lime tree to be specific. Why lime? Cause everything else was kicking ass, but the lime tree was struggling. Soon after I started chucking the trub on there it started taking off. Coincidence? Maybe. Either way, it's not hurting it!
Sounds like a plan, I have a struggling lime tree too. So last half litre of brew plus the "trub" can go on that next time.

You could also try to make vegemite from it.

uuugh :icon_vomit:
On the re-use front you have a few options.

Firstly, as I've done a few times, you can time it so that you have a brew ready to go into the fermenter when you've finished bottling, and just put the next brew straight into the fermenter without cleaning out the gunk. I've done this when I've brewed similar styles (i.e. an IPA then a slightly different IPA). Don't leave the gunk lying around before doing this though - I finished bottling and put the next batch straight on immediately.

Another option is to put some of the slurry into a santised bottle and leave that in the fridge till you want to use it. Some people also wash the yeast to remove flavours, etc. You probably want to do a "starter" when you go to do this though.

If you do a search on reusing yeasts you'll come up with some good stuff.
I normally chuck mine, but for the more expensive yeasts I add in some pre boiled water, swirl it around then put some of the slurry into some stubbies. Cap and label them and put them in the fridge for use later on. If you have a brew all ready to go you can save a cup of the trub and pitch it onto the next brew.
Yep it can be reused in a variety of ways from dumping a new brew straight on top of it to yeast farming Link Here.


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