Yeast pitching.....FFS there is enough in pack

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Ok...just on the off chance...

Who has had an issue pitching a packet/smack pack into a wort that it was designed for...
I direct-pitched a wyeast into a damn mild (1.040) recently and got fusels and (possible) under-attenuation.
From now on in my brewery if it's liquid, it needs a starter.
bum said:
Yes, you did. Click the thing that shows you your most recent posts.

That may not be what you meant but it is what you actually said. Also what you said here.
show me the links...
I already told you how to find it.

I'm not making this **** up.
In relation to the topic, there is always enough yeast in the pack. Provided you pitch the correct about of viable yeast by using starters or multiple packs where required. :p

I AM making this **** up
Ducatiboy stu said:
show the links
Here is the link
Ducatiboy stu said:
show the links
I really don't know why you're being such a ******** about this. I told you where to find it. I'm not making this up.

In a thread seeking general advice about how to make better beer you said:

Ducatiboy stu said:
There is enough yeast in a kit packet
I hope this clarifies the issue for you and anyone else.
Really it's all about manufacture date. If I'm lucky enough to get a liquid lager yeast within 2 weeks of manufacture, in my experience that is sufficient for a clean taste at under 1050 with 20 odd litres. I have also been stupid enough to try 10 litres of 1055 marzen with a 3 month old smackpack and no starter. Horrid.

Dry yeast is almost always good enough for a pack's worth on the above parameters, regardless of age (within reason).

34/70 is a workhorse, it's such an unappreciated yeast on this forum imo, I think it is a better all rounder on the lager side of things than 05 is on the ale side.
Posting in a troll thread.
I Don't care. There is enough yeast in a kit for a normal kit brew And enough in a s mack pack for 22-23 ltrs
If there wasn't then why are brewers out there making great beers without making starters .
jc64...... Shame in you. Tom "I am gay" cruise has no place on this site. Or anywhere for that matter
Note to self, avoid this thread. . . .

As a nooby brewer I think this thread has the potential to scare more people off brewing than any thread talking about making starters or Mr.Malty or under pitching. This has devolved into a troll thread with little or no practical use to someone wanting to make better beer than megaswill.

Back to learning :)
Dars183 said:
Note to self, avoid this thread. . . .

As a nooby brewer I think this thread has the potential to scare more people off brewing than any thread talking about making starters or Mr.Malty or under pitching. This has devolved into a troll thread with little or no practical use to someone wanting to make better beer than megaswill.

Back to learning :)
Some good advice there at least.

Stu, what you are saying is utter nonsense.
A smack pack that starts out with 100 billion cells (adequate, arguably, for a standard batch) deteriorates pretty quickly.
A 3-month old pack, handled well and kept cool, will have about 34 billion cells - nowhere near enough. It goes downhill from there pretty quickly with a bit more age, or in less ideal conditions.
Yes they will multiply in 22 litres or wort, and EVENTUALLY get through most of the sugars. But it will taste like ****.
This is fact. It is well documented, tested and proven.
I have done it when I was a noob. The beer was undrinkable and it all went down the sink.
Should have put A flame suite disclaimer.

I bet there are plenty of brewers put there making unnecessary starters
Dars183 said:
Note to self, avoid this thread. . . .

As a nooby brewer I think this thread has the potential to scare more people off brewing than any thread talking about making starters or Mr.Malty or under pitching. This has devolved into a troll thread with little or no practical use to someone wanting to make better beer than megaswill.

Back to learning :)
If people are scared off brewing by a internet thread than they need to have a look at themselves.

jc64 said:
In relation to the topic, there is always enough yeast in the pack. Provided you pitch the correct about of viable yeast by using starters or multiple packs where required. :p

I AM making this **** up
This could be good advice for a 'nooby brewer'. When a thread is started with the outcome so obvious I fail to see the harm in having a laugh. However beer is so ******* serious we should all talk like professors I guess.
bum said:
Are you shitting me? You're saying 7gms of dried yeast is ALWAYS enough?

What a piggish attitude!
No. I am not offering an opinion on what is an appropriate amount or otherwise. I simply asked you to quote the source you based your opinion on. As for attitude 'hello pot this is kettle'.

PIG of course stands for Pride Integrity and Guts..............
Ducatiboy stu said:
Should have put A flame suite disclaimer.
So you knew that all the experienced/senisble/not lazy brewers would disagree with you? Doesn't that give you an indication of the validity of your statments?

Flame suits (yes, it's spelled "suit") are sometimes necessary when it is a matter of opinion. This is not a matter of opinion; there is a multitude of published research regarding this.
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