Well now I'm all blushing AJ80.
Glad to oblige. My computer died and I haven’t yet gotten a new one to mount my backup so I’m working off notes. This’ll be close but some of the specs might be slightly different, but not by much.
I’d back off the dry hopping if I were to make this again. and I would also just use US and NZ Cascade. The NZ gave a floral aspect. I’d also probably cut the dry hopping by at least a third to a half, as the beer had to condition for about 3 months before it lost that chemical astringency from the dry hops. I did hop a bit to excess expecting some aging. I diluted a bit but merely because of system size. As it was a rather minor dilution I don’t think it would affect flavour at all to do full volume.
OG 1.065
FG 1.012
IBU’s 50
90 minute boil
Water specs after mineral additions:
Ca = 80 ppm
Mg = 15 ppm
Na = 20 ppm
SO4 = 140 ppm
C l = 100 ppm
HCO3 = 0.0 ppm
3.25k Maris Otter
3.25k Wey Boh Pils
0.5 k Simpson’s Crystal 40
Mash pH adjusted with acidulated malt
Mashed at 66 for 75 minutes, 72 for 15 minutes, 78 for 10 minutes.
Roughly 2/5 of IBU’s as FWH
Roughly 3/5 of IBU’s as late addition
10 gr. Each NZ, US and Oz Cascade as FWH
10 gr. Each NZ, US and Oz Cascade at 20 minutes
10 gr. Each NZ, US and Oz Cascade at 15 minutes
10 gr. Each NZ, US and Oz Cascade at 10 minutes
Brewbrite and nutrient at 10 minutes
10 gr. Each NZ, US and Oz Cascade at 5 minutes
30 gr. Each NZ, US and Oz Cascade for a 15 minute steep
Added 4.75l frozen boiled water at end of steep and chilled by IC
Wyeast 1056
350 gr. Golden Syrup (boiled) added about 10 points before finish.
PItched at 16 degrees, free rise to 18 and hold. Raise to 20 degrees, hold three days at 20 for cleanup. Slow drop from 20 to 4 degrees (1.5 degrees/day IIRC), dry hops pitched at 10 degrees and then left for 4 days once temp reached 4 degrees.
35 gr. Each NZ, US and Oz Cascade cold dry hopped for 4 days
Racked and bulk primed with Golden Syrup (boiled). I didn't use any clarifiers other than Brewbrite as I didn’t want to chance any hop flavour or aroma being stripped.
I really like this malt bill and am working with it further, FWIW.