wrong yeast for style?

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Regentville NSW
Hi all, just finished brewing a pretty hoppy American Pale Ale and at the moment it is sitting in the pool cooling off to pitching temps. Just went to the fridge to grab my pack of Safale and almost fell over when i realised i only have a pack of Saflager 34/70!!
So.. what to do, do i use the Saflager, dated to 10/2013, so i don't know the actual quality,
or, do i leave the lid on, put something heavy on top so nothing gets in, go to the LHBS in the morning and get a proper ale yeast and continue like normal?
Will the 34/70 strip too much flavour and body from the beer which is a Galaxy Pond Pale Ale recipe from the Beersmith recipe forum that looks pretty tasty.
What are your thoughts?, any tips would be great.
Well, for a start, that's a lager yeast (probably obvious given the name Saflager), which is all kinds of complicated compared to an ale yeast. Come to think of it, I actually have no idea what a "hoppy lager" would be like, but unless you have the equipment/knowledge for brewing a lager I would get an ale yeast ASAP.
Yeah thats my problem, i know its a lager yeast and have no idea how it will affect the outcome of a supposedly APA.
I thought someone might of had a similar experience but knew i might be pushing it to get an exact answer straight away. The temps are right for a lager yeast now, i have temp control anyway but temps are low enough out here. I have not brewed a Lager for years, i don't even remember buying the yeast!
Looks like a trip to the brewshop in the morning! Cheers for the reply.
Go and get a bry97..

Actually last weekend i brewed a double batch amber ale and after chilling, I opened the 1272 starters I had made- vinegar city!! So Sealed up the worts nice and tight and did an urgent run to LHBS Monday morning. Pitched Bry-97 that night. Now bubbling away.
I've never thought about trying this before, but I would give it a try. Hoppy Lagers are becoming more trendy after all.
Never tried the bry97, will look it up, cheers.
And Kev, i am tempted to give it a go to see how it pans out but after a long brew day i don't want to just chance it, as its not too far to go to the local brewshop.
And i now remember that i used my last safale in my last brew, it was a black IPA and i needed two packs! Darn it!!
Are you in Brissy?
I've done a few hoppy lagers now, can only recommend.

Just go for it, in the end you will realise that the end result will not be all that different.

And don't let people scare you by saying lager yeasts are 'all kinds of complicated'.
Another thing you could do was what NickJD used to do. Cover the top of your vessel with glad wrap and put the lid over that. Leave overnight then drain into fermenter and pitch. He claimed to do this as his standard practice and never got an infection.
No Rowy, only about 1000kms away in western Sydney. Will have to fix my status up, been on here a while but had to change my name and details a long while back for some reason i can't remember.
Florian, thanks anyway but i made up my mind to wait till the morning, so i just finished putting my gear away and chilling on the lounge right now. I guess I've been looking forward to brewing this recipe so want to make sure its to the right style, i guess i don't need another excuse if it comes out shite! If someone had said its hardly going to matter, i would have given it a shot. I guess the only way to find out was to jump in and do it but....
Cheers anyway guys.
Best of luck mate try the glad wrap trick maybe.
Rowy said:
Another thing you could do was what NickJD used to do. Cover the top of your vessel with glad wrap and put the lid over that. Leave overnight then drain into fermenter and pitch. He claimed to do this as his standard practice and never got an infection.
Yeah mate, thats my plan now. Thanks.

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