Noob What Craps On A Bit
Same principle. Replace "O2" with "air"
Yep, have worn one out, second one is getting on as well.SBOB said:i have one of these and think its great. Much faster than trying to funnel from one bottle to another
Yes, bit of a trap for the unwary - 1/2in is the through diameter only, actual connecting parts can vary - always bring along one from your supply when buying more to check they are compatible.2much2spend said:Ordering 1/2 cam locks from one HBS then buying more from a bulk buy on AHB only to find that they are different sizes, when when they are both '1/2in'.
Mardoo said:FWIW I've had zero issues with my stone in the last two years using the Smurto method:
Never touch the stone. Store the stone and hose in Starsan (made up with distilled water so the pH stays low). When using, hook up hose to tank and turn O2 on while the stone is in the Starsan. Move to fermenter and aerate. With O2 still on return the stone to the Starsan. Turn O2 off, disconnect hose and make sure the hose and stone are submerged in the Starsan. Change the Starsan every month or so, depending on how often you use the stone.
Crikey! I thought this was a good idea and then thought pumping pure O2 through metho with an airstone might be a bit risky?Camo6 said:If the stone blocks dip it in metho with your pump running.
sooo... good book?TheWiggman said:This book:
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1435486822.406037.jpg![]()
I brewed kits many moons ago. This book is responsible for thousands of dollars of equipment, fridges everywhere, countless hours on an online forum and a disregard for beers all my friends enjoyed.
My wife is still regretting the Father's Day purchase.
Ah yes, didn't quite register that - just saw the red and ran for it.Camo6 said:That's why I said turn your pump on!
They are very popular in Tasmania because you need three hands and two heads to operate one.Rob.P said:Counter Pressure bottle filler..
bloody waste of time, I'd rather drink uncarbonated beer than do this again.
Looks like we all got one from the same batch. Time to look at a better option or newer siphon. I had a jiggle valve syphon that I used (only ever for beer), and it worked well. Not sure why I spent money on the auto siphon and persisted with it.kennek said:Have always had problems with them sucking air down through from the outta tube then tiny bubbles heading up through the inner syphon hose. ( not sure if it's similar to your problem? )
But if I clamp a clothes peg or similar on syphon tubing to slow the flow rate it helps to eliminate the problem, just takes longer...
Negative, guy. Did not help at all with my siphon. YMMV. May have been old and perished before I bought it.Nizmoose said:small hose that you have to boil the end of to fit on the siphon (much the same tightness as beer line on disconnect barbs. and for the inner tube letting in air: a really small amount of keg lube on the piston rubber seal will keep it doing its job![]()
These 2 would be my worst ones too. I've had too many cheap thermometers over the years, and had 5 kk elements with zero remaining working._WALLACE_ said:Cheap eBay thermometers and keg king elements, i believe it would be safer and more economical to breathe on my kettle than use those piece of **** elements.
Ditto.Danscraftbeer said:One of those pump syphon thingoes. For the life of me I cant make it work, it would hideously oxygenate and destroy the carefull labored brew.
What is the trick? those dudes on youtube do it so easily! grrrrrrr