Worst equipment purchases

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JDW81 said:
Stuff to build a keezer collar, 3 days before the freezer blew up.
No way
Did you use it on another freezer
stupid ******* KK mini co2 regulator and filler thing - broke before I dispensed a beer, now it's in pieces
One of those ****** hydrometers from Big W that only go up to 1040.
Yeah, right. 1040. Cos no beer ever went above 1040 right?

The only time it's useful is when I break a proper hydrometer.
petesbrew said:
One of those ****** hydrometers from Big W that only go up to 1040.
Yeah, right. 1040. Cos no beer ever went above 1040 right?

The only time it's useful is when I break a proper hydrometer.
or for FG readings ;)
petesbrew said:
One of those ****** hydrometers from Big W that only go up to 1040.
Yeah, right. 1040. Cos no beer ever went above 1040 right?

The only time it's useful is when I break a proper hydrometer.

SBOB said:
or for FG readings ;)
Oh yeah, I forgot to add, only FG readings.
Amazing this little bugger has never broken in all these years...
Haha. Nah, it's ok, s'pose I'll keep em. Everything has its place, etc [emoji41]

I'll try to remember to bring you a nice lager for your bday [emoji12]
Bought a commercial fridge for $500 off Gumtree, forgot to ask for them to put it on for a while before I got there. When I rocked up I asked them to put it on lights worked compressor worked so I grabbed it got it home and it wasn't cooling got a fridge mechanic to have a look and it had lost its gas and the compressor was on the way out.

Was going to grab a ss brewtech mash tun though, because I'm a tight arse, got a cooler style one been dealing with leaks ever since.
Feel like since I brewed a few FWK's that all my all grain gear seems a waste, FWKs are just so damn easy and the quality is as good as anything I can do, though, much less variable of course. G&G FWK less than $40 when on sale, which though more expensive than I can make it for, saves me hours in the brew house.
Stainless plumbing fittings and false bottom to convert a Crown urn into a brewery........

Because SWMBO went and bought a grainfather when i asked for the urn.

I guess I can use some of the plumbing stuff to convert a Big W stock pot into a sparge water heater.
petesbrew said:
One of those ****** hydrometers from Big W that only go up to 1040.
Yeah, right. 1040. Cos no beer ever went above 1040 right?

The only time it's useful is when I break a proper hydrometer.
I thought the same when I got it put the box and never used it.......

...... until the dog chewed the plastic one that came with the kit and I had a brew in the fridge I was waiting for FG.
Mattrox said:
Stainless plumbing fittings and false bottom to convert a Crown urn into a brewery........

Because SWMBO went and bought a grainfather when i asked for the urn.

I guess I can use some of the plumbing stuff to convert a Big W stock pot into a sparge water heater.
Not the worst problem to have...
petesbrew said:
One of those ****** hydrometers from Big W that only go up to 1040.
Yeah, right. 1040. Cos no beer ever went above 1040 right?
Semi useful for FG as you can get better resolution out of it
damoninja said:
Semi useful for FG as you can get better resolution out of it
You could water down the hot wort with cold water and do a calculation to workout what the original gravity was that could also help with the wort being to hot
Geez, after reading some of this stuff I feel much better about spending $2.85 on that hop sock yesterday only to find it already had two big holes in the material.
Yay to 1st world problems eh?! :)
good4whatAlesU said:
Plus 1 for buying a heat pad whilst living in a hot climate (goose!).

Pumped out a bunch of evil fusels on the first batch, went in the cupboard never to used again.
Heat pads just need judicious use. I use one to heat the air in the fridge/ insulated brew box, in conjunction with a temp controller and probe.
The heat pad should not be in direct contact with the fermentor, for best control, so I just sit mine on another shelf or lean against the wall beside the fermentor.
rude said:
No way
Did you use it on another freezer
Not yet, as I'd already built the collar then the freezer s#^t itself :angry:

I'm actually looking at moving soon, and Mrs JD wants a new fridge, so I've put dibs on the old one for the kegs.