Winter Trip to Bavaria. What are The must do's

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Funny took the kids and wife on a tourist cart ride at Nauschwanstein Castle today. The horse farted right in our face almost. Actually was pretty awesome day as it was snowing when we got near the castle. As the tours were booked out we decided to eat in the Hofbrauhaus just below the castle and ate the touristy pork knuckle and 1L beir. Which was actually pretty tasty.

mudd said:
Funny took the kids and wife on a tourist cart ride at Nauschwanstein Castle today. The horse farted right in our face almost. Actually was pretty awesome day as it was snowing when we got near the castle. As the tours were booked out we decided to eat in the Hofbrauhaus just below the castle and ate the touristy pork knuckle and 1L beir. Which was actually pretty tasty.
Jealous...should have gone to Mikes cholesterol palace and grabbed a hotdog and beer
After walking up there,doing the tour and walking back down a bloke had a powerful thirst.
Loved the flip bottles,a grabbed " a few" for the trip back to Munich,I was 3 parts pissed by the time we got there.
Ah, the memories...still jealous though. :).
P.s. the castle can be seen in the movie The Great Escape.
Useless info really.
Putrino said:
Ooh and beercus is right, Nuremburg has the best Christmas markets on the planet. Keep your eye out for something called Feuerzangenboule (not sure of the spelling on that, but you'll know when you see it) it's mulled wine with rum and which is burnt with sugar. They're famed for it. You can get all sorts of goodness there.

If you can travel as far south as Garmisch and Grainau then you'll be in for a treat of real countryside Bavarian treats.
Very nice. Will be going back for another.
Feuerzangen bowle


mudd said:
Very nice. Will be going back for another.
Feuerzangen bowle
Yes! And I'm off to Nürnberg on the 19th Dec. Can't wait for Christmas goodness ;-)
The Judge said:
Yes! And I'm off to Nürnberg on the 19th Dec. Can't wait for Christmas goodness ;-)
Good on you Judge man.. Apparently only one good brewery in nuremburg which I haven't got to yet is Alstadthof. Should do in next few days. Today I visited Bamburg. Had a great day visiting Spezial(was a bit harsh having rauch beer before lunch but I still enjoyed iy, Mahrs (their unfiltered lager the best beer I had for the day), and the best combination of all was at Schlenkerler where I had an amazing dish of fish wrapped in bacon with cabbage (not soured) and potatoes - together with their rauchbier pure heaven for €15 including the beer. The Franconian brewery museum was closed for winter (Thirsty work climbing that hill) :angry: no beer tours in English so just wandered around.l
Ok cool I've been to Nuremburg a couple of times and never heard of Alstadthof. If the Frau lets me I'll be calling into as many local breweries as possible.
The Judge said:
Ok cool I've been to Nuremburg a couple of times and never heard of Alstadthof. If the Frau lets me I'll be calling into as many local breweries as possible.
A must see in Nuremberg I accidentally found as I am staying about 200 m away is a bottle shop called landbierparadies I picked up 4 local brews that look pretty tasty for €3.50. A lot to look at in the store as well as it has a lot of old brewing equipment.
It is not far from the main train station in Galgonhoffstr. (The street name translates as gallows court street- so some history in this area).
Cheers Mudd
Alstadthof is actually a pretty cool brewery (and distillery for that matter). If I can manage it I might try to get on their tour tomorrow. Thanks to John at Grain and Grape for a few pointers in the Franconian region including Alstadthof and the best breweries in Bamburg.
HBHB said:
If you're going to Bamburg, you might like to check out the Best Malz facility and brewery.
Thanks HB but I've missed that boat. I'll add it to the list for next time.