Who's Off Their Face?

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Way OT now..

Not having a crack, and on this learning thing, my Mechanics lecturer in my first year at uni was a stickler for calculations being correct to 5 decimal places, answers in 3 decimal places.

pi is 3.14159265 which makes it 3.1416, to 5 decimal places, and 3.14 to 3 decimal places.

:rolleyes: Bob Lane would be rolling in his grave.... (If he's actually dead yet...:unsure:)

Poppycock. Pi is an irrational number, 3.14159265 is pi approximate to 8 decimal places.
Poppycock. Pi is an irrational number, 3.14159265 is pi approximate to 8 decimal places.

Absolutely correct, my bad, I meant to add 4 million dots after it as in 3.14159265............................................................... The eight decimal places was all I could remember....:p

Bob Lane would be doing backflips in his grave now
Who was just waiting for me to get in on this OT bit?

pi to 50 decimal places: 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510

Approximations to pi;

3, 13/4, 16/5, 19/6, 22/7, 179/57, 201/64, 223/71, 245/78, 267/85, 289/92, 311/99, 333/106, 355/113, 52163/16604

in increasing order or accuracy. 3/1 gives you pi to 0 decimal places. 52163/16604 gives you pi to 6 decimal places.

Want better?

ln[(6403203 + 744)2 -2.196884]/[2(1630.5)]

which is good to 46 decimal places, which you can confirm on your calculator (to the extent that it is able; Windows inbuilt calc will get you most of the way there).

Or were people just making small talk? B)

Hmmm... one day when I get really bored I'll have to work out what the difference is in millimetres when calculating the earth's diameter, 12700 odd kms that it is, using Pi to 8 places verses Pi to 50 places.... just for ***** and giggles
just for ***** and giggles

A certain someone who shall remain nameless (Muckey :lol: ) looks up all the stated facts in Eric Idles "Galaxy Song", just to see how much artistic license he has taken. :lol:

Hmmm... one day when I get really bored I'll have to work out what the difference is in millimetres when calculating the earth's diameter, 12700 odd kms that it is, using Pi to 8 places verses Pi to 50 places.... just for ***** and giggles

No point using pi to 7 sig. figs. if you're measurement of the diameter is only to 5 (technically, 3).

Calculation depends on how you are calculating the diameter. Let's say you want to calculate the circumference...

Earth's (mean) diameter: 12,756.32 km (so we can really only work to 7 sig. figs. with an error of +/- 0.005 km)

Circumference = pi x diameter

using 8 decimal places, C = 40,075.161153048 km = 40,075.16 km with appropriate rounding.
using 30 decimal places, C = 40,075.161198841 km = 40,075.16 km with appropriate rounding.

Why was I doing this again? Oh, yeah, I'm a nerd. Got it. <_<
Poppycock. Pi is an irrational number, 3.14159265 is pi approximate to 8 decimal places.

probably explains this topic

A certain someone who shall remain nameless (Muckey :lol: ) looks up all the stated facts in Eric Idles "Galaxy Song", just to see how much artistic license he has taken. :lol:

I seem to remember you were eagerly standing there waiting for the answers.

iirc it was another late night home brew testing session
using 8 decimal places, C = 40,075.161153048 km = 40,075.16 km with appropriate rounding.
using 30 decimal places, C = 40,075.161198841 km = 40,075.16 km with appropriate rounding.

Well if we're being geeky an anal...

appropriate rounding for both for an answer is 40.1 x 10^3 km
I'd lean towards 4.01 x 10^4 km... scientific notation usually only has a single digit before the decimal.

How the hell did we get here?
Not in engineering...... you use 10^3, 10^6, 10^9 etc..... thats the way I was learned it anyhows... Ties in with kilo, mega, giga etc

edit: and isn't it amazing that 22 decimal places only makes 40mm difference on the circumference of the earth...

One of my good nights.. Im Happy.. :icon_drunk:
Well if we're being geeky an anal...

appropriate rounding for both for an answer is 40.1 x 10^3 km
Pfft. Useless Engineering shortcuts that lead to wrong answers. Single digit after the decimal and powers of 103 are just formalism BS so that engies don't have to actually learn how to do anything.

Under that logic, pi = 3.1 x 100. I stand by my answer to lowest number of sig. figs. :beerbang:
Pfft. Useless Engineering shortcuts that lead to wrong answers. Single digit after the decimal and powers of 103 are just formalism BS so that engies don't have to actually learn how to do anything.

Under that logic, pi = 3.1 x 100. I stand by my answer to lowest number of sig. figs. :beerbang:


Maybeeee.... but still not correct. You don't use '100' in Engineering, it's just 3.14 as a final answer or 3.1416 in calculations. I guess it's from Engineers using Newtons more than anything else....

Maybeeee.... but still not correct. You don't use '100' in Engineering, it's just 3.14 as a final answer or 3.1416 in calculations. I guess it's from Engineers using Newtons more than anything else....

Schooey, while the scientists continue to operate in the z-irrational plane the engineers have been too busy building the world and just making it happen on budget and on time before the GM changes his mind again because the scientists aren't prepared to document their specification in the design breif. Heres to a can do attitude, now back the pert and gantt charts and keep those progress wheel turning.

Sorry to the impared that I may have offended. You will recover just as will smashin's hangover. Now back to building that hangover.

I just read all this and well, I hope the world is, like , round :icon_drunk:
Ermm.. at the risk of being flamed for keeping this soooooooooo far off topic, it's actually not :blink: