Who Filters Their Brewing Water

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Hi all.

I was wondering who filters their brewing water before using it.

I am mainly concerned with mashing here.

I have been thinking about it to try and remove the clorine and fluride ect but am concerned about removing trace elements that are needed for the brewing process to work like calciun and sulphates ect.

What do you lot do?

Collected straight off the roof - Contains the minerals from whatever local wildlife have deposited there :) ...

cheers Ross

I filter because whilst the water preferably should be spring water,IMO

and I know filtered water may be lacking some minerals .

I really like the results I have been getting since filtering

Pumpy :)
Ross...... i will be investing in a rain water tank for brewing when i get my new house when we move. but till that happens....

I made a kit beer with tank water that was actually melted snow from hanging rock a while back and it was so clean and crisp....... thats whats got me thinking.

Pumpy..... what sort of filter do you use?

Is it a carbon job or a very fine regular one?

I use a two stage filter. First is a sediment filter, the second is a carbon block filter.
Pumpy is using the same and by the looks of Franko's pics of his AG rig he is too.

I use a carbon filter for all my water, drinking and brewing. The water tastes better after filtering, so .... :unsure:
I never used to bother but I was having all sorts of issues with chill haze, so as an experiment I tried filtering and acidifying the mash water slighly. Guess what? My last 2 batches I did this way do not suffer chill haze. Im not saying this will be the result for everyone - but I do feel filtering tap water for brewing is definately worth it.
i use the brita on tap filters for my water
I don't filter my water but I do add a snifter of metabisulphite.
I buy my water from the supermarket (I HATE Perth water). Always wondered about filtering, but in tap filters and the such I was worried about the retention time and how effective the filter would actually be.
The jug filters seem to take a while to drip thru which I've always thought would have to be a better thing.
Think it comes down to personal taste.
I use a two stage filter. First is a sediment filter, the second is a carbon block filter.
Pumpy is using the same and by the looks of Franko's pics of his AG rig he is too.


I have one of these in the kitchen and use it to fill my HLT... then I lug it back outside :blink:
I use a carbon filter for all my water, drinking and brewing. The water tastes better after filtering, so .... :unsure:

I now also filter by brewing water using a carbon filter, didn't in the past for my beer <_< I only drink and cook with filtered water so why not for beer making? I drink beer.
I don't have a tank or a spring only town water :(
I buy my water from the supermarket (I HATE Perth water). Always wondered about filtering, but in tap filters and the such I was worried about the retention time and how effective the filter would actually be.
The jug filters seem to take a while to drip thru which I've always thought would have to be a better thing.
Think it comes down to personal taste.

Mika you LHBS should be albe to get you an on tap filter like the one I have. It slips onto the tap using one of those rubber cup things you see on on tap showers and the water filters under pressure out of the bottom of the unit - hehe - dont do what I did tho when I was getting impatient - I turned the tap up quite a bit for a quicker flow rate, the rubber cup thingie blew of the tap and showered water everywhere! Just as well the missus wasnt home :D . I think mine only cost about 20 bucks or so - well worth it if you ask me - just remember to be patient
ok then.

I have a filter housing!

My tap water is fairly clean but i do tend to like the rater from out jug type brita carbon filter to drink. It doesnt taste as pooly....

I will have to invest in a carbon filter and mount it on the brew rig to keep up with the fasion.

I will get dumped off and replaced as a "cool" brerwer if i dont have all the good bits :)

Its not the calcium ect i want to remove, its the clorine and other nasties.

cheers all
I don't filter, our water tastes pretty good apart from the chloramine. I throw a bit of sod met in my brewing water the night before to drive it off.

Would a filter get rid of chloramine anyway?

Cheers, Andrew.
When I start heating up my water (tap), it starts going kinda... hazy. The first time it happened I thought that the pot was dirty and I got new water! Then it turned out that... well, that's what happens with the water here! :blink: I'm considering getting a filter...
will it make much difference if your mashing with bird seed mate?


just stiring :)

will it make much difference if your mashing with bird seed mate?


just stiring :)

Only if I take my water from the bird bath, that would definitely need filtering. ;)

Cheers, Andrew.
oh yeah :)

so all your beers are gluten free......

I work in a factory that produces pure gluten..... i guess you wouldnt be able to do that hey. Its interesting stuff. Pure protein in a bag.

if you get it in a scratch its infected before you can blink.

we have to be careful.

I filter all my water using sediment and carbon. I wont drink it so dont see the point brewing with it. I started with the brita in a bucket trick, good cheap way to see if it is what you want.


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