White Labs WLP059 Melbourne Ale yeast to be released

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I made a Tooths ish knock off as per the recipe available. First early taster today and it is a winner for sure.
I used BB Ale, polenta, sugar and EKG.
Really good beer. I am suitably impressed. I harvested 4 jars from this so have plenty of spare yeast.
So I have the book and now the yeast however I can't see it referenced in the recipes, do I substitute it for the often required 037, 013, 023?
So I have the book and now the yeast however I can't see it referenced in the recipes, do I substitute it for the often required 037, 013, 023?
Yeah that is the current plan for myself, all the ales being able to use the WLP059. I think there is a reference in the book that the melbourne ale yeast was quite pervasive in its usage.
So I have the book and now the yeast however I can't see it referenced in the recipes, do I substitute it for the often required 037, 013, 023?

WLP059 is mentioned a couple of times in the book (but not directly in the recipes, I assume because WLP059 simply wasn't available when the book was released).

I don't have the book in front of me but I recall, right near the end of the book, I think, reading a suggestion that you try it with any of the ales and (most of?) the stouts. And I think I read elsewhere in the book that anywhere that a recipe had included the WLP017 Whitbread Ale yeast as one of the choices that WLP059 could be subbed in.
I pitched my 1l starter into a 1.050 Tooth's White Horse Ale last Sunday and like Bribie said, this one's a slow plodder. It hadn't even dropped 20 points after 3 days so I bumped the temp from 18 to 20°C. At day 6 it's down to just under 1.020. Too early to get a feel for how it tastes, hydro sample is still quite sweet.
Actually this time around I oxygenated for 24 hours, pitched last Wednesday and it's already dropped bright, 8 days - will keg tomorrow after a quick cold crash to get it down to 2 degrees to add Biofine.
I had even forgotten to use yeast nutrient.
I know what it should finish at but if you have a look at the thread I started the other day the estimated fg is much lower than the 1.008 in the recipe. Has anyone using the yeast noticed whether it finishes at the recipe fg or software expected fg?
I keg and don't really bother about FG. If it's been properly brewed, oxygenated and pitched then when it's cleared from the top it's done. I smashed my last hydrometer about 2011 but might pick one up again just to test my finished beers out of interest.

When randyrob was still around and developing BrewMate I asked him about FG calculations with regard to mash temperatures and other inputs, and he more or less said that if you could write software that could accurately predict your FG then you'd be up for the Nobel Prize in Brewing.
I keg and don't really bother about FG. If it's been properly brewed, oxygenated and pitched then when it's cleared from the top it's done. I smashed my last hydrometer about 2011 but might pick one up again just to test my finished beers out of interest.

When randyrob was still around and developing BrewMate I asked him about FG calculations with regard to mash temperatures and other inputs, and he more or less said that if you could write software that could accurately predict your FG then you'd be up for the Nobel Prize in Brewing.

I keg also but I'm not looking for a 6% smasher that's as dry as water. I'll still be brewing it when I pick up the yeast and hops and I'll report back on how it goes, just trying to work out what I'm getting into before hand.
My experience with my original "bootleg" sample of yeast was that it turned out surprisingly sweet for a high sugar beer. Kegging mine off tonight actually as it's now down to biofine temp - will report.
About 2 degrees after a cold crash to settle things out.
A capful.

edit: totally off topic but an APA kegged 24 hours ago and kept on an insanely high pressure overnight, good drinking now.

biofine 8.jpg
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Got some of this coming in next week and trying to decide what to brew. What sort of flavours have people found with this yeast?
I bottled off my Tooths 1960s style XXX last night as opposed to kegging this time around.
Not dry, and a slight floral hint of bubble gum or even musk sticks. Not unpleasant and I've tasted that before somewhere.
It might even be from the raw sugar ...
I'll be interested to hear if anyone else gets that.

Im going to chuck slurry into a toucan kit stout today to breed up a serious quantity.
I bottled off my Tooths 1960s style XXX last night as opposed to kegging this time around.
Not dry, and a slight floral hint of bubble gum or even musk sticks. Not unpleasant and I've tasted that before somewhere.
It might even be from the raw sugar ...
I'll be interested to hear if anyone else gets that.

Im going to chuck slurry into a toucan kit stout today to breed up a serious quantity.

I got a hint of bubble gum with this yeast while fermenting the 1917 Tooth's pale ale. The beer itself reminds me of a cross between an English bitter and a Belgian pale ale.
Thanks, that's where I tasted it ... da candy sugaz syrupz :bigcheers: