Whisky Made From Unconventional Ingredients

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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jeeze, whats next, they will be using their turd to make rum..
Isn't that what bundy is made from?
yeah that's bundy red, regular bundy doesn't go through that step

I was in Bundy doing the tourist thing a while back spitting in their big Mossasses Tank like a swimming pool and the lady at the massive American Oak ageing vats said that they can no longer get hold of that wood (or want to get hold of it - probably too expensive or something) so they were experimenting with Red Gum instead.

Turns out what they're trying to do is "convert" the product by the looks. I'd not be at all surprised if people in ten years time sat around saying, "Remember Bundy Yellow?"
I'll remember Bundy Yellow, but not with any affection. Not in any particualr order.. Mount Gay Extra Old, Inner Circle, and Appleton Estates all know how to make a far superior rum. I think Bundy comes from the same cesspit that oozes forth XXXX.

I was in Bundy doing the tourist thing a while back spitting in their big Mossasses Tank like a swimming pool and the lady at the massive American Oak ageing vats said that they can no longer get hold of that wood (or want to get hold of it - probably too expensive or something) so they were experimenting with Red Gum instead.

Turns out what they're trying to do is "convert" the product by the looks. I'd not be at all surprised if people in ten years time sat around saying, "Remember Bundy Yellow?"