Whiskey Beer Experiment

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What do you guys think of this idea, I tried a beer a couple of weeks ago which I have absolutely fallen in love with, its called Green Man Strong, and you prolly dont have it over in Aus which is a shame, but maybe you have something similair?

The beers a mixture of two, a full strength bock, matured in a whiskey oak barrel for three months, then mixed with an English Bitter...

The taste, fantastic, nice malt sweetness with good hoppy tones, and a slight whiskey taste on the pallat, amazing and I never thought whiskey flavours would meld with beer so well!

So ive been thinking of trying to replicate it using jack daniels or similair oak chips with a bock, then mixing it with an english bitter... Does anyone have any thoughts about using oak chips? Or any other thoughts about my soon to be put in place experiment? Some good Bock extract recipes would be choice...

Baby Bock
2.5kg Light DME.
500g Dark DME.
1kg Morgans Chocolate Malt.
50g Hallertau hop pellets.
50g Saaz hop pellets.
Morgans Lager Yeast

500g LightDME & 500g Dark DME at 60. 50g Hallertau hops at 60. 25g Saaz hops at 60. 25g Saaz hops at 30. 2kg Light DME and tin of Chocolate Malt at 15. Strain into fermenter but add most of remnants anyway Fill to 21L

Just double for a normal bock.

theres a few threads on using oak chips etc. just do a search on oak chips. not sure how your going to replicate the Whisky taste though (although there is a thread on some guys using a bottle of whisky in the secondary), you could try that.

importantant to note what sort of whisky flavour your trying to replicate. if its a scotch or irish whisky then using Jack Daniels isnt going to cut it.
500g LightDME & 500g Dark DME at 60. 50g Hallertau hops at 60. 25g Saaz hops at 60. 25g Saaz hops at 30. 2kg Light DME and tin of Chocolate Malt at 15. Strain into fermenter but add most of remnants anyway Fill to 21L

What volume boil is this?

Any why the addition of the Light DME in two goes, instead of just dumping it all in at the beginning of the boil?

Sounds like a great beer, pity stuff like this doesnt make it to Oz

Do kiwis get many Aussie micros?
Sounds like a great beer, pity stuff like this doesnt make it to Oz

Do kiwis get many Aussie micros?

It really is a fantastic beer! Hopefully one day it will make it over there, Emersons has, so be hopefull...

Ive never tried an Australian micro, I dont think we get any over here, or maybe one or two, what are some good names and ill keep an eye out...

And it doesnt have a scotch taste, i reckon the bourbon chips would replicate it fine...
What volume boil is this?

Any why the addition of the Light DME in two goes, instead of just dumping it all in at the beginning of the boil?

The boil volume is likely around the 8L mark, maybe less.
I had an 11L stockpot and I always left a little room...

The two additions is to avoid too much darkening of the wort but allow some in there for the hop utilisation.
The darkening isn't 100% a factor in a bock, which is a little darker anyway, but I used to do most of my extract beers this way.

I wouldn't double this for a normal bock, it gave me an OG of 1063, which is only just off the minimum needed, just add in a little more DME.
The boil volume is likely around the 8L mark, maybe less.
I had an 11L stockpot and I always left a little room...

The two additions is to avoid too much darkening of the wort but allow some in there for the hop utilisation.
The darkening isn't 100% a factor in a bock, which is a little darker anyway, but I used to do most of my extract beers this way.

I wouldn't double this for a normal bock, it gave me an OG of 1063, which is only just off the minimum needed, just add in a little more DME.

What sort of alcohol content would that give? Bocks should be about 7%

Also, cant get the chocolate malt cans over here, would using chocolate grain be fine?
BConnery should know, its his recipe! yeah doubling would be a bad idea. my mistake (unless you wanted a doubleebock)

choc grain wont be the same. choc malt extract is fermentable liquid extract. the choc grain will give you mostly flavour. I guess you could increase light malt and add a big bang of choc grain
BConnery should know, its his recipe! yeah doubling would be a bad idea. my mistake (unless you wanted a doubleebock)

choc grain wont be the same. choc malt extract is fermentable liquid extract. the choc grain will give you mostly flavour. I guess you could increase light malt and add a big bang of choc grain
The Morgans website, and the cans, give you the percentage of what grains make up each one. From this you can do the maths to work out what amount of chocolate to use if steeping grains.
This is what I used to do to work out how to enter the tins in a recipe calculator.
According to my old spreadsheet, which I remembered about as I was typing, the chocolate tin is made up of 200g chocolate and 1150g of Munich.
I'd personally recommend using less in a bock if using chocolate grain, but I haven't really tried to replicate any of my recipes using these tins with grain yet.
I have a whiskey beer experiment in the fermenter now.


EPA bitter kit
200g cracked smoked grain boiled with a sliced vanilla bean and 50g Goldings in a bag (hop bag went into the fermenter), and rind of 1 orange
1.5kg light liquid malt
500g light oat malt extract
Goldings hops
100ml Marsala
Safale ale yeast

Will bottle it mid-week - flavours are bang on now (needed the marsala to counter the smoked hops, noting the smoked hops will move to the background later). Alcohol at 8.9% putting it in barley wine space, but giving it a kick you would expect from a whiskey flavour. I plan on putting this down for at least 3 months to let the multitude of flavours settle into the bottles.
Hey Guys,

On the whiskey beer theme, I had a BrewDog - Paradox (Smokehead) a few weeks ago. Think Imperial Stout aged in whiskey cask.

http://www.brewdog.com/paradox.php - they've even got a 'brewsheet' on there:

ABV: 10%
OG: 1092 (Jaysus!)
IBU’s: 70
Malts: Marris Otter, Dark Crystal, Caramalt, Chocolate Malt, Roast Barley
Hops: Galena, Bramling Cross
Twist: Aged for 6 months in a Scotch malt whisky cask

It was a mighty big beer, and the smoky peat aroma could be smelled from quite a distance on pouring.

I had a nice buzz on by the end of the bottle:)


Cheers Mike, heading to the beershop today so will see if they carry it. Sounds brilliant.


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