well, i'm female (last time i checked, anyway) and i'm here..... that may or may not be a good thing though
So here's my take on what's been said so far....
As I am not a huge beer drinker I have started out with cider kits - and yes, I did look through past topics and have not had to ask any newbie questions (yet)...
When I get more confident in my brewing i'm sure I will need to ask advice then - in the meantime I am already inspired to try the orange mead & the galangal ginger beer. At this rate I will need to buy another fermenter.
Brewing has a whiff of "secret manly man cave activity" to it that most women might find offputting; thats just my guess though. When I said I was going to try homebrewing, my male friends went "awesome!", while my female friends went "ohhkayy....", looked at me sideways & changed the subject.
But i'm not your average girl. I'm a car nut, I grow orchids, I fish, I hunt, I like guns, I keep 15 snakes, I like my scotch neat and currently hold a state & (pending) national archery record at 50 meters..... and i'm a new & enthusiastic homebrewer.