Where Did I Go Wrong?

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Not a Beer God
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So i've got my LCBA clone in the keg.

Tastes sensational. Full aroma hops and its sweet!

But its not looking the best, its cloudy as all fook. Can even see through it. I need to know where i went wrong...

I mashed, spaged and boiled as per usual. Put it all in the fermenter then left it to cool too room temp overnight and pitched a pack of US-56 the next day.

Heres the recipe :

JW Pils 3.3KG
JW Wheat 0.84KG
JW Light Munich 0.542KG
Weyermann Vienna 0.783KG
TF Torrified Wheat 0.481KG

12g Cascade ---> 60min
15G Nugget ---> 60min

6g Amarillo ---> 25min
8g Cascade ---> 25min

15g Amarillo ---> Flameout
25g Cascade ---> Flameout

US 56yeast

Only thing i might have done is forgot the whirfloc tab? but surley thats not the prob.

Heres some photo's.




Any ideas?

Could be a number of things. Firstly how cold is the beer? Maybe chill haze.

Only other answer I could offer off the top of my head is starch (permanent) haze. Any chance that some unconverted starch got through? If you don't break large doughballs up when you mash-in there's always the chance of washing starch through.

Warren -

Could be the US 56. Takes forever to drop out.


Have you tried treating with polylcar and filtering?
Also when warmed does the beer clear, which would indicate chill haze. Using US56 you would expect the yeast to drop out of suspension but perhaps when you kegged you transferred some yeast, if these are the first few pours the yeast which may have settled out in the keg and poured through the first few glasses.

Could be the US 56. Takes forever to drop out.



I found that US56 drops out of suspension rather quickly, 2 weeks and it's usually pretty clear.
I'm guessing the Torrified with the All-trub method. If you forgot the whirlfloc tab then that might also cause it.

I'd just call it an American Hefeweizen :)
Ok the beer pours at about 3-4c...

It dosnt clear when its warmed up so its not chill haze i dont think.

I never filter or rack my beer. They all come out clear bar this one.

When kegging i make sure i dont get yeast in the keg, always leave about 2 litres sitting on the cake then turf it.

Keg has been on tap for nearly a week now, i've had cloudy beers before this but they have always cleared up in about a day or two in the keg.

Warren there is a possibilty that there were dough balls in the mash, but i stir good when i mash so i dunno really, but that could be it.

Oh well as i said it tastes great so it aint going no where cept down my throat.

Cheers for the suggestions guys.
I had the same kind of results when I got my barley crusher. Before that - using HB shop milled malt - I had never considered finings, after 3 cloudy batches I started using gelatine 3 days before bottling (after >1week primary).
Results in bright beer.
Have you changed your source or method of crushed grain?
cheers barney. nah i always get my grain crushed at my local HBS. i got no time or funds to buy a mill and start crushing.

i made an IPA last weekend and thats coming along pretty dark and clear.
......... it tastes great so it aint going no where cept down my throat.

That's what it is there for matey...... :chug: :lol:

At least it didn't turn out sh*t.

Why don't you take it off line, charge it and leave it for a month or two - if you can spare the keg of course.

One of my brews I noticed was bubbling out the a/l. I took the lid off to clean everything up and realized I'd left the santizer in the other room.
Upon my return I found THE BITCH with her head in the fermenter lapping the foam off the top of the brew.

I wasn't prepared to taste it after her additions.......

She can be seen an hour before sunset orbiting from east to west.

If you are REALLY concerned about the cloudiness, try drinking from pewter mugs or porcelean steins. :lol:

Don't worry, be happy (or pissed)....

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