Whats your favorite Recovery brew

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Pretty much anything I can get my hands on. Yes, even if I crashed at someone else's house and all they had was DB or Tui (I guess that's the NZ equivalent of XXXX or VB in crappyness), I would probably down one or two of those with bacon, eggs, and hash browns. :)
Two shots of Jagermeister at the end of the night, a pain-free recovery the next day. Seriously. I discovered it purely by accident a few years ago. Doesn't work for everyone, but damn happy it works for me.

Doesn't apply to doing Jäger bombs all night though. Tested and tried ;)
Gin and Tonic. It's light and pleasant. Usually my palate is wrecked after a big night, and this is the only thing that isn't too challenging.
Had my brother's bucks party last night, couldnt even think about opening a beer :-!

Water....water & more water.....
If I stagger in the door a little too late on a "school-night" , I find that a berocca (or vitamin pill) with a large glass of water and an aspirin with the same = no hangover.

Not even the one where people say, "Nah. I'm not hungover...just tired." Yeah right....

It's mostly the water helping there but I don't think the other stuff will hurt me ( cant speak for anyone else).

Edit to add that a good Bloody Mary with way too much Worcestershire and Tabasco with a cooked breakfast (especially black pudding) does wonders.
Gatorade (or any other sort of non fizzy sports drink like Powerade), two panadols, bacon and eggs and if I don't have to drive, a mid strength beer.
Duvel, then water.

Gin and Tonic helps when I've been drinking whisky all night also!
Gatorade/Powerade to rehydrate. Cant beat bacon & eggs.

Cant beat hair of dog.
Panadol and glass of water before I go to bed makes a massive difference. I read some where Panadol thins your blood and lets oxygen process through your body more effectively. Maybe it has something to do with speeding up the processing of alcohol?

Mercindol is also another sure way to knock yourself out for long enough to wake up late enough to not have to worry about a hang over.

Berocca when I get home, and when I get up.

Then a strong coffee, and egg on toast.

edit: all while rubbing sleep out of my eyes, stumbling around and telling the kids to turn ABC3 down.
I crave cordial after a big night out. Nice and sweet and lots of it.

By the sound of this tasty new beverage you won't need a recovery drink soon.
When I get home I drink as much water as I can stomach, and have 2 nurofens. Works for me every time.

If I still feel a little under the weather the next morning, pulpy orange juice and either hamburger with the lot or bacon and (runny) eggs.

When I was at uni and living at my parents place, if I went to bed without water and woke up feeling under the weather, my hangover cure every time was making fresh juice (juicing any fruit and veg I can find), and mixing in a berocca tablet and a raw egg. None of my mates ever liked it, but 30min after getting a big glass of that down and I was always good to go. The perfect liquid breakfast (excluding beer)...

The only reason I don't do it anymore is due to remembering water before bed, knowing there's THE biggest and best burgers 1min down the road, and not owning a juicer -_-
water before bed and during the night and a strong small coffee in the morning with some fats and protein, then a date with the couch
2min noodles. Not the maggie ones. Must be all the salt and msg that helps .
two vitamin b tablets and a massive glass or 3 of water. you wake up and your piss is radioactively yellow, but it works. no beers for me until the very next evening, and even then, it'll be a mid to low strength just to take the edge off.

EDIT: bloody mary too if we're straight back into it. first one goes down like nails, but after that it's fine again

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