Whats The Worst Beer You've Ever Tried?

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emu export... :icon_vomit: :icon_vomit:

Take that back. I grew up on Emu Export! A few king browns of export on a a Friday for a 16 year old in Perth was always a treat :)
Seriously though, I don't mind a few stubbies of Emu Bitter on a hot day. At least there is some bitterness in there.

Another **** one is Hahn Ice in a can. A few years ago I came home with a carton of Steinlager and the old bird next door had her Landscaper fella mowing her lawns. I kindly offered him a beer and he took a look at the carton and said, word for word: "I'm right thanks, mate. If it was Hahn Ice, I'd have one. It's the only beer I drink". I just smiled and nodded, said "No worries", went inside and put them in my keg fridge. He would've probably screamed like a girl if I had offered him a homebrew :D

Ok, back to **** beer talk.
cricketers arms lager. tastes of a bad cider, even let the missus have a taste who normally says no matter what it is oh that just taste like beer. with this beer she said oh that taste like a crappy apple drink.
reading the posts on beers drunk in our youth brings one to mind. back in about 1992 1993 when i was in Tassie mates and i were just poor young fellas who would drink anything to get drunk. there was a beer available down there called Old Milwaukee. it was only 18 bucks a carton from the Battery Point Tavern, we put sooooooo many cartons of that ***** away, thinking about it now just makes me laugh. Truly horrible horrible beer. not even sure if it was actually from the USofA.
Three that stick out for me.

1. Boags St George. Not sure if it's still around now.
2. Barefoot Radler
3. VB Raw - the stuff I had was definitely skunked.

Grand Ridge Blonde gets an honourable mention. Bought a sixer and it was woeful.
#1 VB
#2 is a can of Heinekin that a mate gave me, fully imported and yuck,,, bloody over-rated sheep piss. :icon_vomit:
#3 Can't remember the name of it. was a Chek beer i think. It had a mountain goat on the lable. (Dark Ale)

#4 One of my home brew stuff-ups. 99% sure 'twas an infected Coopers draught.
#3 Can't remember the name of it. was a Chek beer i think. It had a mountain goat on the lable. (Dark Ale)

Sounds like Kozel Dark, Kozel being Czech for "Mountain Goat" not a big fan, much prefer Kruskovice Black.

Stella also gets a dishonourable mention, the VB of Europe.
I tasted a carlsberg on tap recently, it was literally VB/Carlton, turbo yeast flavour & all with no melanoid/vienna flavour at all. I was really tempted to complain to Carslberg in Denmark, but just couldnt be arsed.
TEDs closely followed by Crown Lager
All the beers I used to drink when I was younger and didn't care about taste - TED's, XXXX Gold, Crownies, West End Draught, the usual megaswill rubbish... I can pretty much remember having a really really bad one of each of the above, drank warm, or having a ciggie butt in it. none of this detterred me though - I was your typical megaswill drinking lout.

Funny how tastes change.. Well, probably not - I probably hated the taste but just didnt know any better!
Hard to split bland from awful tasting... but recently

1. Charles Wells Banana Bread Beer
2. Pure Blonde / Pure Blonde White
3. Vale Ale Dry
4. Coopers Clear & Coopers Pilsner
5. Mountain Goat Steam Ale
6. Longboard Pale Ale
7. Mudgee Pale Ale
8. Mad Brewers Orchard Ale
9. Monteith's Summer Ale
10. XXXX Summer Bright Lager

i remember my worst beer. i actually still have some. it was a kit, probably just draught. about my 3 or 4th brew. decided I wanted a Strong beer! haha tried to get to about 6.5 or 7% with a kit and sugar.

Horrible! lol
Thinking back to my youth the cans of Tooheys draught that i used to swipe from my dad were pretty bad, remember skulling them and chasing them with a glass of water to wash the taste out, but actually dont mind a few tooheys news at the panthers games now, very smooth and creamy...
Wow. But a handy container being 2L in brown glass. Get ten of them, tip the contents and you can bottle a 20L homebrew batch! :beer:

I could think of plenty cheaper containers! The cheapest I saw NT Stubbies along the NT Stuart highway (or southern half at least) was $27 each. Hmm 10 x 27 = $270, maybe I'd rather 5 cornies and still have cash up my sleeve!
I could think of plenty cheaper containers! The cheapest I saw NT Stubbies along the NT Stuart highway (or southern half at least) was $27 each. Hmm 10 x 27 = $270, maybe I'd rather 5 cornies and still have cash up my sleeve!

Ouch yeah, now that you mention it NT Stubbies are darn expensive pieces of glassware!