Shetland Pony's Cock IPA.
92% pilsner malt, 8% munich, boiled for 90 minutes with Columbus for bittering at 60, Simcoe and Mosaic at 20 and 0 respectively. US-05. Dry hopped for 5 days with Mosaic, cold crashed at 3 days into the dry hopping for a couple of days until I kegged it over the weekend. It's still early and is under-carbed but effin' tasty. Could possibly be my house IPA. It has a really good mouth-feel. I mashed at 66c and mash out at 76c for 15 minutes. I think I prefer it to my John Wayne's Saddlebags DIPA which I won gold at the ESB comp a couple of months back. It's a bit cleaner although hop aroma possibly isn't quite as prominent. I'll have to have another glass of it to check.