I tried a half carbed glass of my first saison just now. 1.045 to 1.002, and this is 5 days since I pitched the yeast. Woah it has a fruity aroma, first sip is lemon, then a bit of fruit and black pepper, maybe a bit too much, but then it disappears and whoosh, it's gone haha. It's a bit cloudy but for a beer that only started fermenting 5 days ago it isn't too cloudy at all. I'll try another tomorrow arvo when fully carbed, purely for research Haha. A definately interesting beer. I can't believe how much I abused the yeast and it tastes pretty good. Next time I'm going to try to pitch high 20's and ramp to 30, just to see how much fruit I can get coming through. I have 4 packs of belle saison left and dingemans pils on the way!.