wouldn't want to drown out the rye
:lol: thats a good one
Its only 18 EBC. Imagine Munich wheat!
It has a subtle maltiness in a wheaty kind of way. Im getting more rye now that my Belgian rye got a bug in it and making a Roggen with 3068.
Recipe will be:
Roggenbier 2
A ProMash Recipe Report
Recipe Specifics
Batch Size (L): 40.00 Wort Size (L): 40.00
Total Grain (kg): 9.75
Anticipated OG: 1.054 Plato: 13.30
Anticipated EBC: 34.0
Anticipated IBU: 19.4
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes
% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
51.3 5.00 kg. TF Pale Rye Malt UK 1.034 8
20.5 2.00 kg. Weyermann Bohemien Pils GErmany 1.038 4
20.5 2.00 kg. Weyermann Wheat Dark Germany 1.037 18
5.1 0.50 kg. TF Crystal Rye UK 1.031 180
1.5 0.15 kg. Weyermann Caraaroma Germany 1.034 350
1.0 0.10 kg. Weyermann Choc Wheat Germany 1.035 1100
Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.
Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
60.00 g. Czech Saaz Pellet 4.50 17.0 45 min.
16.00 g. Czech Saaz Pellet 4.50 2.4 15 min.
26.00 g. Czech Saaz Pellet 4.50 0.0 0 min.
WYeast 3068 Weihenstephan Weizen