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I think I made it up on the fly.... it was an unscheduled/opportunistic brew day. Posted http://aussiehomebrewer.com/topic/89247-what-are-you-brewing-2016/?p=1353375

Pretty much equal parts Pilsner, Vienna & Munich with some dark crystal and black stuff for colour. 1.051, mashed high.

Used perle, saaz and tett, the tett in there just at the end. Yeast wise went for WLP838 (sth German lager).

Don't know if it was the more restrained hopping, the noble hops, or the lager yeast (only done a couple of lagers) but this just seems so different to anything else I brew.

I probably should have given this a couple months conditioning, but I just don't have the space (without giving up my ferm fridge).

Also harvested the yeast cake, so once I wash/refresh it I'll pitch it into the second cube, hopefully sometime in the next few days (don't you just love the zero schedule commitment of no chill brewing!).
Cheers mofox.
Lol, I'd already preemptively "liked" your brew day post. Already predicting a tasty drop!

Currently looking for a brewing window to knock out an amber lager - somewhere btw an International Amber Lager and an Altbier ....
An Aussie Altbeer!!

That ESB of yours at the case swap was awesome. Fantastic combo of malts and hops. And that clarity is just the icing on a very yummy cake.
Fraser's BRB said:
This is the (somewhat contentious) American Brown I brewed a few weeks ago. There were questions around the 30% crystal bill when I posted the recipe in "what are you brewing".

Well, although it's been a long time since I last tried a commercial example of an American Brown, I have to say that this one has turned out to be delicious. There is no noticeable astringency to the beer, it's got a big malty base but it's balanced out really nicely by the cascade hops with the late and dry additions giving it a great citrus flavour and aroma to balance out the maltiness. Will brew again.
Of course it turned out great! Ignore those crystalphobes!!
Coodgee said:
^^the pauline hanson of crystalphobes!!
hahah, that made me giggle. hey I like a good dose of crystal with a porter, a dunkelweizen and even an American Pale Ale....but not in IPA.
Lord Raja Goomba I said:
So not in a Red Ale then?

Crystalphobe - please explain.
yeah any beer you like, just not in an IPA...unless its an English style or east coast malty IPA. my IPA = <5% L crystal or no crystal, you get plenty of malt presence when the abv is 6.5% and upwards. personal opinion
Sorry joke about Red Ale and Pauline's hair colour.

A bit too vague.

Funny you say that about IPA - I generally use Crystal in an IPA at about 6%, with the balance usually a basic Ale Malt. Sometimes some Rye or Wheat in small amounts.

Mind you, I do mash low and get it to finish fairly dry and go for an OG at the lower end of the range. I don't like much malty body in mine either, but it's more a case of drying out the beer for me so the hops shine.

Except my case swap beer :ph34r: :unsure:
The Dark Ram

Dunkles Bock 7.11% this is from #1 keg that had no conditioning time off the yeast, it's a bit early but what the H, bloody not bad!
#2 keg is conditioning off of the yeast and should clear well.

Loving this kind of malty Lager at the mo. Was going to kick up with some of the 3ltrs of 2206 Bavarian Yeast slurry on board for a stronger Eisbock but this beer has stopped me in my tracks! The Eisbocks and Dopplebocks will have to wait till next year. Decided to crank out more marzen instead using some of the yeast slurry from this (some people will say bad idea going down in abv with yeast slurry but I have and there were no issues with washed yeast...for me...and we're only talking about 1%abv

Great winter brew, malty and finishing dry with plenty of colour from munich 61.5% and vienna 38.5%, decocted, magnum at 60m and mt hood at 20m for 27ibu

American Stout

ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1469094460.292620.jpg

It pained me a bit to brew this because I try to stick to steer away from US stuff, but I had a fresh 1272 cake begging for it.
Pale, Munich, and 500g each of black malt and dark crystal in 23l. Chinook early and Amarillo late and in the cube. I was worried about the black malt and crystal, as there's no roast barley to speak of. How is this a stout I thought.
Anyway... citrus malt on the nose. Deep roast malts sits in the background. Flavour-wise it's irresistible - warming alcohol at 6.5% with velvety smooth mouthfeel and roastiness. I was worried it'd be ashy, acrid or burnt with a mass of black malt in there but in combination with those potent hops they try to push in front of the roast and really play together well. The hop flavour hangs around and has a sticky sweetness that seems to stick to my gums. A very enjoyable beer that will be dangerous to have on tap.
droid said:
The Dark Ram

Dunkles Bock 7.11% this is from #1 keg that had no conditioning time off the yeast, it's a bit early but what the H, bloody not bad!
#2 keg is conditioning off of the yeast and should clear well.

Loving this kind of malty Lager at the mo. Was going to kick up with some of the 3ltrs of 2206 Bavarian Yeast slurry on board for a stronger Eisbock but this beer has stopped me in my tracks! The Eisbocks and Dopplebocks will have to wait till next year. Decided to crank out more marzen instead using some of the yeast slurry from this (some people will say bad idea going down in abv with yeast slurry but I have and there were no issues with washed yeast...for me...and we're only talking about 1%abv

Great winter brew, malty and finishing dry with plenty of colour from munich 61.5% and vienna 38.5%, decocted, magnum at 60m and mt hood at 20m for 27ibu

You really know how to present a beer. All that timber and shed goodness just makes for pleasant beery daydreams. Then you top it off with a great looking beer.

Well played sir, well played.
Lord Raja Goomba I said:
So not in a Red Ale then?

Crystalphobe - please explain.
It's a bit of a joke going on between pratty1 and me. He always bemoans the amount of crystal i put in my ipas. I like an old fashioned malty ipa :)
Coodgee said:
It's a bit of a joke going on between pratty1 and me. He always bemoans the amount of crystal i put in my ipas. I like an old fashioned malty ipa :)
i had a joke with him about it too (and munich) but the more i taste IPAs and brew a tonne myself, the more i tend to agree with pratty. or should i say, my taste buds do. the big west coast american ipas are where it's at.
droid said:
The Dark Ram

Dunkles Bock 7.11% this is from #1 keg that had no conditioning time off the yeast, it's a bit early but what the H, bloody not bad!
#2 keg is conditioning off of the yeast and should clear well.

Loving this kind of malty Lager at the mo. Was going to kick up with some of the 3ltrs of 2206 Bavarian Yeast slurry on board for a stronger Eisbock but this beer has stopped me in my tracks! The Eisbocks and Dopplebocks will have to wait till next year. Decided to crank out more marzen instead using some of the yeast slurry from this (some people will say bad idea going down in abv with yeast slurry but I have and there were no issues with washed yeast...for me...and we're only talking about 1%abv

Great winter brew, malty and finishing dry with plenty of colour from munich 61.5% and vienna 38.5%, decocted, magnum at 60m and mt hood at 20m for 27ibu

Wow! You sir, sure can present a beer in this thread. Impressive.
Coodgee said:
It's a bit of a joke going on between pratty1 and me. He always bemoans the amount of crystal i put in my ipas. I like an old fashioned malty ipa :)
Me beith the crystalphobe.
A summer ale to celebrate the completion of work before heading overseas for a few years.

Going down even better than usual.
