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Fraser's BRB said:
For those that were asking, my Celtic Red.

Maris Otter 91%
Black Roasted Barley 3%
Dark Crystal 3%
Light Crystal 3%

East Kent Goldings 20 IBU @ 60


OG 1.053
FG 1.013
5.2% ABV
Mash 60 minutes @ 66 deg
Boil 60 minutes

As I said above, it's delicious, I just wish it was more red and less copper. I might fiddle with the percentages slightly to that end or swap out my Dark Crystal for another brand with lower EBC (BB @ 250EBC) but if it moves too far away from the current flavour profile, I'm happy to leave it where it is.
Gladfield Shepperds Delight throws out a beautiful full red colour but is very sickly sweet imo
you have a mix of 9% being made up of crystal and roast barley - a 96 or 97% ale malt with 3 or 4% (max) gladfield sheppards delight might be very nice
you won't get the roastiness though but will get a kola flavour and easily the same sweetness as the 6% crystal if you change out all your xtal I would not suggest replacing it gram for gram with SD - it punches above its weight
Yeah Shepherds throws a wonderful red colour. Had 3-4% in a sour I made with Gigayeast Sour Cherry Funk and the colour was amazing. I was actually hoping for some cola, mmmm cherry cola... of course the Brett chewed through all the cola!
I just made an amber with 4% shepards delight and 9% red back, can't wait to crack it...
I'm going to brew it again next weekend because I have some yeast to flip from one brew to another, so I'll have a play with the grains and no doubt you'll see the results here at some stage.

Thanks for the suggestions.
I have a red ale just kegged that uses a combination of Caraaroma and black patent malt which gives a really lovely red colour to it. Not sure if it would be the same flavour profile you've got though. I'll post in this thread tomorrow when I try a glass, and other beers I have on tap too. :)
"Hey man, you want some gear? I got bourbon barrel aged RIS and X-Files IPA and some keg hops ready to go. 25%nelson sauvin/75%mosaic or galactic stricklebract, brother what's your poson?" image.jpg
Oyster Stout.jpg
Here's my Smoked Oyster Stout.
I'll post up a recipe later - hdd is playing up.
Best bitter


Ale malt
Medium crystal

Challenger at 60
Ekg at flameout and dry

MJ Liberty bell at 20deg all the way

Deeeelicious :)

This was the last of my Pearl malt.

So simple and tasty.

Pearl Malt 90.9 %
Rye Malt 5.5 %
Caramunich III 3.6 %

Citra 30min 8.4 IBUs
Citra 20min 13.2 IBUs
Citra 15min 8.1 IBUs
Citra 5min 3.3 IBUs


Citra Dry hop 2g/l

The keg never lasts very long.

Name suggestions?

2014 US Barleywine with homegrown Chinook and Cascade - Been ageing in a keg and just beginning to hit its straps. Hop character is beginning to fade but integrating well with rich malt. Might even keg hop this with a bit of Cascade.

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Doctor Smurto's Golden, one of the regulars in my lineup. Converts more megaswill drinkers to good beer than anything else I reckon. It's a gateway beer.

This one was from Saturday when I was doing my Bo Pils brew day. It's the German style lager I brewed using the 40g of home grown Hallertau flowers I'd harvested from my first year plant earlier in the year. Those went in as a 10 min boil addition. It has turned out really well, I'm quite pleased with the flavour of it, pretty well what I was expecting and wanting from the recipe so it has been a success. :D

My latest stout, was kegged mid May, nice and roasty with a small hint of chocolate in there as well. Nice thick body too, perfect for a big dark ale. 7% ABV.

Coodgee said:
Dodgy looking background! Ha ha
:lol: Yeah, that's my corner of the kitchen bench where all my yeast starter stuff and some cleaning agents are. It does look a bit 'interesting' :p
The aforementioned amber.... Red Back Delight Amber.... a bit too much effort required to see the red hue, but its there none the less and it tastes fudging brilliant.

I love Friday afternoon on school holidays with no sat morning sport.

Time for a..... Let's call it an American Bavarian wheat. Kellerweis yeast with malted wheat. Excuse the condensation.

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