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MartinOC said:

One of the Weizen's I've been playing with recently (in anticipation of a hot summer).

50-ish L batch.

5Kg Wheat
3Kg Munich
3Kg Pils
Rice hulls.

30g of Perle (13.6 IBU)

WLP 380 @ 18C.

A bit under-carbed, so I'll improve on that with the next batch.

Edit: Thanks to Droid for the glass he left behind at the Vic. winter swap.
Just tried your weizen from the Xmas swap. Even though you said drink in a few weeks I felt the bottle and it was tight so gave it a go. Easily carbed enough and so much banananana. Bloody delish with home made pizza.
Bugger! I've been trying to avoid a banarama & go for cloves.

Back to the drawing-board........ :(
Is that the same recipe? Im not the best at recognising flavours yet but banana is definitely there in abundance.
I regret not cold crashing but I currently don't care much because it tastes great. My 7.1% IPA. Mainly mosaic and chinook with a bit of a citra chucked in on the side during dry hopping.

Hoppinest beer I've made and far too drinkable. Decent maltiness backing but still very hop forward as you want from an american ipa.

3.5kg mo
1.5kg rye
500g crystal wheat
500g centennial cascade topaz in the kettle late with no dry hop.
35.5 ibu. ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1449954141.561009.jpg
Deschuttes Mirror Pond Clone from the Can You Brew It Podcast

Very nice. Will definitely brew again. ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1450006569.748030.jpg
With the help of my my housemates, finished the keg of German cider tonight. Felt like really light but was around 4L which was unexpected. Now I can keg my Hefe with 3638 tomorrow to be good for our Christmas party of Saturday.

Cider itself was made with 3638, plenty dry and had a nice tangy apple flavour going. At 7.2% a bit strong for drinkability but made a good Oktoberfest beverage

Also the blurriness is condensation, cider was clear as glass

I've found that happen with my kegs at times too.. the last one was a red ale, about a week ago or so it felt quite light but I ended up getting another 10 or 11 schooners out of it before it blew dry, plus a few half pints of foam that were also drunk once it settled.

Anyway, the last couple of brews I've had recently were a Bo Pils and my SNPA clone beer. The Bo pils keg is empty now as well unfortunately because it was starting to get really nice too. The darker one is the SNPA clone, it is darker than the original but the flavour etc. is pretty well spot on.


Here's cheers to end of year beers! Apologies to the other 97% of people that have to work over the summer. As a teacher who once worked in the real world I ain't moaning about our lot.

BTW the beer is half Single Tap IPA, (Pour Report) half Tony's bright ale clone w NZ hops. Need to invest in another bronco so I don't have to keep swapping.

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Freshly kegged Hefe to replace the cider. This version (5th time) I've used hallertau blanc for bitter and cube hops, about 20g in total. Quite clover and decent banana finish with some other flavour mixed in there which I'm guessing is from the hops. Much better than my previous two version.

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Dortmunder Export. I bought a DAB on Thursday for comparison and I'm happy to say this isn't too far off the mark. Pleasantly hoppy in that European way on the nose and palette, with a moderate amount of body and notable bitterness. I lagered this in a secondary for 5 weeks (which haven't done for yonks) and due to a leaking disconnect ran the keg out of gas. Combined, there's notable oxidation which is disappointing for the time and effort I put in. On the plus, the head laces well and it's clear of diacetyl. Perfect for this typical 40°C summer day in my new/old home town. Would brew again.
MartinOC said:
Bugger! I've been trying to avoid a banarama & go for cloves.

Back to the drawing-board........ :(
Apparently over-pitch and oxygenate well to reduce banana. Not sure if that directly correlates to more cloves.
I over-pitched & went crazy-ape-bonkers with the paint-stirrer in an attempt to reduce banana.

Meh...merda succede (as they say in the classics)...
Last of the Brett saison on this bat-**** crazy Melbourne afternoon.

I'm expecting snow any minute.

Here is my Summer Ale ( aka American Wheat )it was my 100th AG beer.

3.8% Abv - 20Ibu , 60/40 Pils and Wheat, Mashed @ 64c

Simcoe, Citra Centennial in the boil and dry hopped.

Giving the keg to a mate for xmas who introduced me to brewing! (its ok, I've made another batch ) Its crisp and dry with a nice aroma, just needs a little more carbonation.

Fermented with Bry97 @ 19c


^Love brewing this style in the summer. Pic 2 would represent about one (modest) sip. Ah..refreshment!
Just cubed an american wheat today. Looking forward to getting it in the fermenter.