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Next up is a Belgian Dark Strong c/o Warra (ABV >10%). A style not to be trifled with......


Appearance - Blood orange/'Bottom of a Tequila Sunrise' red. Off-white head that slowly dissipates but can be revived with a quick spin of the glass.

Aroma - Surprisingly when cold it gives off fresh stone fruit aroma's but moves to more clovey/pepper/almost bubblegum phenols when warmed up. Very clean.

Taste - Definite alcohol/spirit/whiskey feel competing with the Belgian dry spice phenols. Dry fruits are there initially but the finish is balanced and dry.

Overall - Wow, a BIG beer but the alcohol is noticeable but pleasant. After a pint bottle the effects can be best described as 'Anesthetic of the Belgium Gods'. Would be a credit to any brewer, top stuff Warra.
Wow that sounds good, is the recipe in the database by any chance?

Next up is a Belgian Dark Strong c/o Warra (ABV >10%). A style not to be trifled with......


Appearance - Blood orange/'Bottom of a Tequila Sunrise' red. Off-white head that slowly dissipates but can be revived with a quick spin of the glass.

Aroma - Surprisingly when cold it gives off fresh stone fruit aroma's but moves to more clovey/pepper/almost bubblegum phenols when warmed up. Very clean.

Taste - Definite alcohol/spirit/whiskey feel competing with the Belgian dry spice phenols. Dry fruits are there initially but the finish is balanced and dry.

Overall - Wow, a BIG beer but the alcohol is noticeable but pleasant. After a pint bottle the effects can be best described as 'Anesthetic of the Belgium Gods'. Would be a credit to any brewer, top stuff Warra.
Thanks waggastew, for the kind compliments and detailed description of my brews. Much better analysis than I could come up with!

Belgian Dark Strong
24 litres
OG 1.078
FG 1.010

4500.00 g Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (5.9 EBC) Grain 1 66.7 %
480.00 g Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 2 7.1 %
400.00 g Special B Malt (354.6 EBC) Grain 3 5.9 %
250.00 g Caramunich II (Weyermann) (124.1 EBC) Grain 4 3.7 %
150.00 g Caraaroma (390.0 EBC) Grain 5 2.2 %
120.00 g Maris Otter (6.0 EBC) Grain 6 1.8 %
100.00 g Amber Malt (85.0 EBC) Grain 7 1.5 %
98.00 g Strisslespalt [3.40 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 9 28.7 IBUs
0.50 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 mins) Fining 10 -
1 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10.0 mins) Other 11 -
750.00 g Candi Sugar, Dark (541.8 EBC) Sugar 8 11.1 % Added to fermenter in 2 lots at week 1 and week 2 in primary. Total time in primary 4 weeks.
1.0 pkg Trappist High Gravity (Wyeast Labs #3787) [4000.00 ml] Built up from a donated tube from waggastew.
I think I have finally cracked the perfect Pilsner, I've been on this tangent for a few years.

There's no where for anything to hide in this beer, I'm happy this was number one on my new brewery.

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As usual your place looks lovely, beer looks good to Batz, how about sharing the love and shooting me the recipe, I was planning on brewing a Pilsner soon.

Thanks for posting the recipe Warra, that ones going on my to-do list
My first AG brew ... and god knows why I decided to try this monster, but i'm glad I did.

1941 recipe. English IPA. Served from the keg at the perfect temperature and with a 'London head'.

My first AG brew ... and god knows why I decided to try this monster, but i'm glad I did.

1941 recipe. English IPA. Served from the keg at the perfect temperature and with a 'London head'.

Would love to try that one, if you get the chance to drop one in :icon_drool2:

cheers Ross
My first AG brew ... and god knows why I decided to try this monster, but i'm glad I did.

1941 recipe. English IPA. Served from the keg at the perfect temperature and with a 'London head'.

If it tastes as good as it looks it's a winner Graham.
One of those Barclay-Perkins recipes I presume?
Hopefully there'll be some left when I come over sometime next weekend? Will PM you.

Ross - I suspect you'll have guessed already, it's pretty similar to your GMT+10 IPA.

I have 4 500ml bottles and no wotsit to decant from the keg, at least one already promised, but if there's one left next time i'm in Capalalalabalalala i'll drop it in :beerbang:

Pete - should be 9/10ths of the keg left by next wknd so you'll get yours.

crappy phone pic of my UKPA, comes in at about %3.8 and has a good whack of Fuggles and Goldings, forgot the whirfloc...
My first AG brew ... and god knows why I decided to try this monster, but i'm glad I did.

1941 recipe. English IPA. Served from the keg at the perfect temperature and with a 'London head'.

**** that looks the dogs...................... but it could have been better ;)

Nothing like drinking someone else's well made HB to make you think its about time to start saving up for an AG setup.

BIAB - seriously, one K&K brewer tried one of my most boring beers, and then went out and bought an urn.

He now has more equipment than me (the urn - my two 19L big w pots are no match in $).

Not very expensive, not high tech, fantastic beers rolling in now.


My 2nd "full size" BIAB with my urn.
Oatmeal stout, as per the recipe in "Brewing Classic Styles".
Not even 2 weeks in the bottle and it's bloody lovely.
Will make more soon, so I can (hopefully) age some for next winter. Hops (for 3-4 more batches) and spec. grains (for about 6 more batches) are on their way.
Only change I plan from the original recipe is to sub. the "Pale ale" malt for Maris Otter, and maybe chuck a vanilla bean into the FV. Only changing the base malt because I have 14kg of MO sitting here...

Tried 1st one on Saturday, it had been bottled just 8 days and it was pretty bloody nice. My mate had some too, he runs a vinyard and winery, and a cafe, and loves his oatmeal stouts. He couldn't believe this stuff had only just been bottled!
Might as well add my oktoberfest beer. Tastes great at the moment, worried about how long it will last. I got to save 2 kegs of it for my oktoberfest party.

My version of Dr Smurto's delicious Golden Ale - a recipe that has brought me much happiness :icon_cheers: . Crash chilled for a week and a week in the keg.