Whats In The Glass

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North German Altbier. Nice smooth mouthfeel with lots of Spalter hops in this Mk2 version. Probably not a worldbeater but very nice all the same even if I do say so myself. ;)


North German Altbier. Nice smooth mouthfeel with lots of Spalter hops in this Mk2 version. Probably not a worldbeater but very nice all the same even if I do say so myself. ;)


View attachment 41161

Showing off your glass collection again ?

Looks nice Pete, although a little dark for an Alt ;)


My 0min APA. Pic doesn't quite do the beer justice. A bit less red and a bit more deep copper.
My 0min APA. Pic doesn't quite do the beer justice. A bit less red and a bit more deep copper.

Wee-aye me bonny lad, sorved in a Nyukkie Broon Wellington glass an'all. Looks frign spectacular.

Also not the best pic, but I've decided

Gimme da cold break


I'm drinking my way through the rest of the 2 kegs of my cold break exercise and definitely go for the one that got most of the cold break - meaty, assertive and full bodied. The non cold break one is definitely the lawnmower version.

Pigs bum to Palmer B)
LCBA clone....again. Thanks, Tony

Hey..... i didnt invent it..... i just got close to it :)

Gunna make it again myslef this summer. Its always a favorite around here.

Hey..... i didnt invent it..... i just got close to it :)

Gunna make it again myslef this summer. Its always a favorite around here.


Yep, me too. We love it here, it's a "go to" beer. Always a bit worried when there is no bright ale on tap.
Vienna Lager with 100% vienna malt, hallertauer mitt to 29IBU (BeerSmith) with 34/70


Vienna Lager with 100% vienna malt, hallertauer mitt to 29IBU (BeerSmith) with 34/70


I was wondering what to do with all the spare Vienna I have on hand. 100% you say? And does it taste better than it looks ;) ?
I was wondering what to do with all the spare Vienna I have on hand. 100% you say? And does it taste better than it looks ;) ?

Hey, that hurts caus my photography skillz are better than my brewing.


Finally got over my overcarbed keg issue.

Here is my first kegged brew and first time playing with hops.

Not quite Neil's Centenarillo
1 can Tooheys Special Lager
1 can Farmland Draught
1 kg LDME
20g Centenary @ 30mins
10g Amarillo @ 20
40g Amarillo @ 15
30g Amarillo @ 5
Saflager s23 yeast

edit: bugger the sidewards image...lay down to take a look. Its easier than fixing it
American Dark Wheat
about 65% wheat, pils and some choc wheat for colour

400g total of american hops in a 50 liter batch added at 20, 10 and 0 min.

Its wicked hoppy....... you can smell the hops from a distance :)

Midnight Train American Malt Liquor has now all been consumed, and now introducing:

King of the Road8.5% Malt Liquor in the container most likely to please if you are travelling by train, bus or just want to sit on the


Enjoy responsibly but pack three or four for full effect.
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You are the true definition of a derelict, Bribie :super:
Latest incarnation of my 300 Bitter series.
Base grain then 100g each of specialty grains, a lightish, a medium/dark and a chocolate.
This one is Brown, Med. Crystal and Pale Choc.

Pretty good but the Amber/Cara-aroma/Pale Choc combo I think remains the best so far...

i'll make sure to pack myself one for next saturay at cricket instead of a gatorade! :icon_drunk:
As long as you are happy with crawling around the ground sobbing "Leave Britney alone you *******s" B)

Ben: so how come you never give me any of that at BABBs, I'll be waiting with an empty glass at the next meeting :chug:
Ben: so how come you never give me any of that at BABBs, I'll be waiting with an empty glass at the next meeting

Somehow the bitters often don't make it to Babbs Bribie, or you are too busy handing out samples of your own :)

This one was kegged just after the last meeting...

You can wait with an empty glass at the next meeting, but me filling it using only the powers of my mind from the Taphouse in Melbourne could be a stretch ;) :)
Well I'll just have to come down to your street and stake you out B)

I have the time
This pic needs no description.

I will say just this................ IT's GOOD!


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