North German Altbier. Nice smooth mouthfeel with lots of Spalter hops in this Mk2 version. Probably not a worldbeater but very nice all the same even if I do say so myself.
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My 0min APA. Pic doesn't quite do the beer justice. A bit less red and a bit more deep copper.
LCBA clone....again. Thanks, Tony
Hey..... i didnt invent it..... i just got close to it
Gunna make it again myslef this summer. Its always a favorite around here.
Vienna Lager with 100% vienna malt, hallertauer mitt to 29IBU (BeerSmith) with 34/70
I was wondering what to do with all the spare Vienna I have on hand. 100% you say? And does it taste better than it looks ?
Love the bottle BribieG, lends itself to jogging
As long as you are happy with crawling around the ground sobbing "Leave Britney alone you *******s" B)i'll make sure to pack myself one for next saturay at cricket instead of a gatorade! :icon_drunk:
Ben: so how come you never give me any of that at BABBs, I'll be waiting with an empty glass at the next meeting
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