Mikkeller Big Worst - Was a little scared to be opening this one to be honest. So expensive and I'm unsure if it is even ready yet. The aroma is all orangy zest, sweet malt, a not-quite wineiness (akin to Lindemann's Peche aroma but without the fruit or light funk if that makes any sense at all) and a slightly odd alc. How does it taste? BUGGER! Pretty sure this needs some more time under its belt to develop more fully. It is pulling in different directions at the moment. Tiny, tiny sips (i.e. just wetting the tip of your tongue and letting that spread) reveal lovely citrus (tangerine?) and resiny hopping but more normal tastings give very hot (but smooth) alc. Very big maltiness, as you'd expect I suppose, but it seems even more chewy and sugary here than in other barleywines I've had. Huge though the maltiness is it never noticably mutes the terrific bitterness. Ridiculously long finish on this beer. I really wish I'd bought 2 to see what this beer becones - but at that price that was never going to happen.