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Bitterly disappointing.

Not really, just wanted to use the pun... it's brewed by Greene King (read greedy king with track record of voracious 'take overs' - They took Old Speckled Hen and almost overnight reduced it's 5.2% to 4.5% (draught)... and now own Ruddles, one of my favourites from way back), anyway, standard fare, this I reckon. It's English bitter sure... but I bought it in Australia. It's in clear glass (oo'er)... and I can't make out any hops ...EKG, maybe challenger bitters (educated guess). Modest to thin body from whatever malts... it says 6.2% but wasn't apparent. Massive head, reminded me of a ****** Friday lunch, in a **** pub we though we would try, 'cause we hadn't been there before...
I tried 2 bottle's of KOZEL *premium 4.8% * & dark 3.8% from czech republic, Liked them both the dark really kicks the arse outta tooheys old or carlton black but guiness is still 1 step ahead though, the kozel premium went straight to my head it also had a head all the way to the bottem unlike the dark which went away quickly!

My God have they brought out Thirsty Dog again in a clear bottle? :eek:
Full strength 4.2% my sad fat arse it is, but maybe that's an indication of where 'full strength' is heading in the next few years.

Plusses: clean aroma, even though I'm drinking it not too cold (came off the truck only this morning) it doesn't have the wheelie bin taste of TED. There's some malt there. Betcha anything you like there's a bit of wheat as well. No hop flavour or aroma but a bit of lingering AA - 15 to 18 maybe?

Well hand it to Queensland, we have cloned Sol :p :p
There's some liquid missing in one of your bottles, Bribie...
View attachment 31525

My God have they brought out Thirsty Dog again in a clear bottle? :eek:
Full strength 4.2% my sad fat arse it is, but maybe that's an indication of where 'full strength' is heading in the next few years.

Plusses: clean aroma, even though I'm drinking it not too cold (came off the truck only this morning) it doesn't have the wheelie bin taste of TED. There's some malt there. Betcha anything you like there's a bit of wheat as well. No hop flavour or aroma but a bit of lingering AA - 15 to 18 maybe?

Well hand it to Queensland, we have cloned Sol :p :p

Dead sexy
View attachment 31525

My God have they brought out Thirsty Dog again in a clear bottle? :eek:
Full strength 4.2% my sad fat arse it is, but maybe that's an indication of where 'full strength' is heading in the next few years.

Plusses: clean aroma, even though I'm drinking it not too cold (came off the truck only this morning) it doesn't have the wheelie bin taste of TED. There's some malt there. Betcha anything you like there's a bit of wheat as well. No hop flavour or aroma but a bit of lingering AA - 15 to 18 maybe?

Well hand it to Queensland, we have cloned Sol :p :p
tried last week......first impression was its going to be **** with no real flavour. And I was right. But I done my part for science and research and finished the bottle.
tried last week......first impression was its going to be **** with no real flavour. And I was right. But I done my part for science and research and finished the bottle.

Looks like Bribies going for a 6r!

In the real world you would only want to pay $2.99 for a 6 pack.. maybe a buck for 6 of these domestic, if in Mexico proper. Pound 'em ICE cold at the beach and don't look back.

Funny and sad watching this **** sell for $15+, at a guess.


edit: pic attach
Looks like Bribies going for a 6r!
I picked up a six from the pub over the surf side of the island and also had my regular tallie of Melbourne following my power walk. The Melbourne was like Pilsner Urquell in comparison but at least the Summer Bright is currently smoothing off the rough edges of life (onto stubby 4) :beerbang:

I might even get to drink some of that home brew stuff later.

Revox: yes it's sad that the mainstreams just don't GET it, every brew they put out is blander and lower carb than the last one. Lion are doing a bit of an effort via James Squire, but imagine the furore if Fosters actually brought out a beer along the lines of JSGA or LCPA? Yet they don't seem to understand that this is probably where they could make a buck.

Double edit: A company like Fosters, I would imagine that their major cost inputs are plant and equipment, wages, power and taxes with the cost of ingredients being not top of the list. If they pulled their fingers out they could probably put out a really nice Golden Ale or genuine Pilsener for a couple of bucks extra than a six of VB or Melb.
To wander off the current XXXX bashing path (bastards have replaced Carbine Stout with that crap!!!!!!)

Anyhow, another happy consumer of a Thirsty Dog extreme beer -
Dunno how it'd sell in Germany, but this is impressive - has an odd bourbon taste upfront, that is quickly overtaken by a slightly jarring smoke note before the whole thing become a symphony of chocolate/smoke/alcohol with a frankly impressive lingering finish. Gives your jaded taste-buds a workout. :icon_cheers:
I did go to pick up a case of barons pale ale(love that stuff) but came home with Budweiser :icon_drunk:
I did go to pick up a case of barons pale ale(love that stuff) but came home with Budweiser :icon_drunk:

:eek: :blink: WTF???


Edit : I also thought Barons Pale ale was one of the worst 'craft' beers ive ever tasted, I was weary as soon as I read the bottle : "Best served at 0-1*c" or something ridiculous...
speaking of worst beers I tried a stubbie of red oak honey ale thats a WTF? where's the honey taste like orange n mango juice :icon_vomit:
Barons lager is crap yes but the pale ale I like, I dont drink outta the bottle though prefer to put this in a glass, do you really hate it or hate the company cause they are up and comming to the megswill status...
speaking of worst beers I tried a stubbie of red oak honey ale thats a WTF? where's the honey taste like orange n mango juice :icon_vomit:
Barons lager is crap yes but the pale ale I like, I dont drink outta the bottle though prefer to put this in a glass, do you really hate it or hate the company cause they are up and comming to the megswill status...

I wasnt really aware of how famous or megaswill like barons was, I tried various craft beers when I was over in QLD in June and my notes say that barons pale ale was the worst of the lot, I never tried their lager...

To me, it didnt seem like a pale ale, it had a big malt aroma which as it warmed up it smelt like burnt toast sorta, not a hop to be smelt anywhere... It also had an astringency to it, well, the bottle I tried did anyway...

I mean, dont get me wrong, if I had to choose over barons pale and something like xxxx, tooheys, VB etc etc I would pick the barons, however when comparing it to beers such as Little creatures pale, knappstein reserve lager, Fat yak pale etc, it just didnt stand its ground well at all!

my 2 cents :icon_cheers:
Actually come to think about it, james squire amber ale had that same astringent sort of burnt toasted malt flavour... I guess some people are into that? Me tho, definately not a fan!
I wasnt really aware of how famous or megaswill like barons was, I tried various craft beers when I was over in QLD in June and my notes say that barons pale ale was the worst of the lot, I never tried their lager...

To me, it didnt seem like a pale ale, it had a big malt aroma which as it warmed up it smelt like burnt toast sorta, not a hop to be smelt anywhere... It also had an astringency to it, well, the bottle I tried did anyway...

I mean, dont get me wrong, if I had to choose over barons pale and something like xxxx, tooheys, VB etc etc I would pick the barons, however when comparing it to beers such as Little creatures pale, knappstein reserve lager, Fat yak pale etc, it just didnt stand its ground well at all!

my 2 cents :icon_cheers:

I found this pale ale lacking as it is being described as an American style of pale ale. The mentioning of Nelson Sauvin on the label led to an idea of what the flavour could be like. Sadly, I couldn't find this particular hop or any other in the flavour/aroma. It also tasted slightly metallic on the finish. I got the same taste in the finish of the ESB.
It also tasted slightly metallic on the finish.

Yeh thats the astringency thingy I was talking about, maybe they use super alpha as a bittering hop which ive been told can impart a metallic ness sometimes...
View attachment 31525

My God have they brought out Thirsty Dog again in a clear bottle? :eek:
Full strength 4.2% my sad fat arse it is, but maybe that's an indication of where 'full strength' is heading in the next few years.

Plusses: clean aroma, even though I'm drinking it not too cold (came off the truck only this morning) it doesn't have the wheelie bin taste of TED. There's some malt there. Betcha anything you like there's a bit of wheat as well. No hop flavour or aroma but a bit of lingering AA - 15 to 18 maybe?

Well hand it to Queensland, we have cloned Sol :p :p

If the marketing department can be bothered spending a few dollars on advertising it'll probably sell through the roof. Nothing moves faster than a beer that tastes of (almost) nothing. They should rebadge it as Ace Sol or something catchy like that though :rolleyes: .
If the marketing department can be bothered spending a few dollars on advertising it'll probably sell through the roof. Nothing moves faster than a beer that tastes of (almost) nothing. They should rebadge it as Ace Sol or something catchy like that though :rolleyes: .

I think it is funny that this is labeled as 'full strength'...
for $$ barons is the go if i could afford it yes deffinetly the knappstien brewery reserve would be my choice but at about $80-90 a carton i think it is barons will do....
But for something else you guys could rip at I just bought Reschs pilsner for $1.13 a bottle use by april 2010, some murrays craft brewery pale ale at $1.67 a bottle and cascade green for $1.51 a bottle all up I mixed a case of 24 for around $30 the majority was reschs though its a bit VB like I think but the aftertaste is different...
but guy's I dont have any home brew to drink yet not till christmas anyway, + the bottle will be handy as I need them..
as for the little creatures pale ale? what are you guys smoking when you drink that ....its like a bottle of vegemite filth maybe my pallet has been infected by megaswill!