There’re a lot worse ways to spend an afternoon than playing catch-up with your Beer Advent Calendar especially when you can wash them all down with a pint of (#7) Torpedo, had a big smile this morning.
#4 Tuatara MOT Eureka Pilsner
Very light colour good carbonation pleasant aroma nice hop taste - not a big fan, prefer a Kozel if I have to drink Pilsner, good beer & well made but…
#5 Brewdog 5AM Saint (American)
Expected A Lot great colour, pleasant aroma but tasted watery no depth! very disappointing :-{ I guess at 5am you’ll drink anything…$$$! ka-ching.
#6 Young Henrys Natural Lager ‘Serve The People’
I thought this was a strange thing to write on the label but after drinking it I realise there wasn't much else to say!! (boring as bat $hit)
#7 Sierra Nevada Torpedo….
Sits Proudly above the crowed - My nye beer, no one can start the case till the bbq’s over and cleaned up then lets drink till sunrise…Brilliant Beer imho