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James squire hop thief

Impressive ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1398582824.360663.jpg strong hop flavor instant- but never over powers it.
Yeah great six pack !

Mate works for west end so has had access to kegs and bottles for last month or so and raved about it. He always smashed his allocation so had to find it myself.

Great beer
And this one

Had one last week and was also suitably impressed- didn't think I would but it's pretty easy to drink with good flavor. ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1398584509.469830.jpg
Bizenya said:
And this one

Had one last week and was also suitably impressed- didn't think I would but it's pretty easy to drink with good flavor.
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I tried this on tap when I was at Perth a few weeks ago. I had a lineup of the whole range and gotta say I wasn't a huge fan. Very unusual, though I think purposefully so. A little bit too fruity and wasn't a compliment to their other beers to my tastes.
Agree with your critic- might by why I like it. It's sort of a nothing style, but it's good taste- and what I mean, it's not a pale, not to me - or that bitter. Or even Belgium style ( to me)

But enjoy the experience twice!!
Finally got to try Bell's 2 hearted ale. It was a very good, if not mundane IPA. The yank beers are so ahead of Australian craft breweries it's stupid. I only need to try Pliny the Younger and Heady Topper and I have tried all the beers I want to. The burger is a triple coronary bypass burger clocking in at 4400 calories and 280 grams of fat.....Didn't finish it......didn't finish it for breakfast either :huh:

warra48 said:

Going down a treat.
Bought for only $12 a sixer from one of my local liquor outlets. Presumably it's at a bargain price because of the best before date of January 2014. Unbeknowns to them, the extra time to mature has probably improved this beer!
This. Yuck. Almost as if it was engineered as a crossover between sparkling wine and beer.
Pale, fizzy, bland and reminds me of an Asian larger hopped with NS but with no malt backbone.

Tasteful artwork on the bottle is one good thing. Good for those who find general craft beer labels a bit garish.
Would not buy again.

From my stash in the last week - I'm back at work and too lazy to post on the computer at home (or turn it on just to do it) and the tablet/phone thing is just plain annoying.


HaandBryggeries Double Extreme Imperial Wheat Stout, weighing in at 9%.

Black with a very light tan almost white head which dissipates quickly.

On the nose, it is fairly 'malt liquor' like - not much going on there other than the sweetness, though that sweetness is complex.

Nice beer, hid the 9% very well - no warming alcohol, which I much prefer in a high abv% beer and is pretty hard to achieve.

But, a bit sweet, and the finish borders on cloyingly so. Wheat flavour is pretty much imperceptible and whilst a nice beer, it's a bit one dimensional. No balancing bitterness of any note and not really 'stouty' roasty, more like a porter level of roastiness.

This threw the beer out for me and it never really recovered. I didn't feel sick at the end of the bottle, so not overdone, but definitely not something I'd pay for again. If I wanted something like this, I could make it, but I wouldn't be able to drink 20L of it.

Red Duck Dark Liquorice Lager, 5.8%.

Pours a tan coloured head and very dark brown with chestnut highlights. Head dissipates slower and the carbonation is medium-high.

Liquorice and roast on the nose.

Pretty much a liquorice hinted Schwartzbier.

Much better beer - this finishes drier and is far roastier. Has a liquorice aroma and slight taste. I normally like liquorice but this beer could have done without it. It's given me an idea of what I'm not going to do with my winter beers.

Very quaffable for a dark beer, though I did let it warm up and got even more liquorice as it did.

I like the body being so dry, lager dryness, not lager 'pilsener' graininess. The best of both worlds.

Mikkeller Belgian Wild Ale.

Man I love this beer.

Didn't clean the glass out well, so the carbonation beads are sticking to the glass. High carbonation, head hangs around (longer if the glass was better). Hazy.

New world hops on the nose.

Where do I start with describing it. It's part new world old school AIPA. It has new world hops - I'm assuming Nelson Sauvin and Citra (or galaxy and a little cascade as subs for Citra) - it has the fruity citrusy, slightly passionfruity smell associate with typical AIPA. But not the taste.

The thing is (and I'm guilty of doing it) - the newer AIPA are all hops in both flavour and a little less in aroma. But the older school - it's all about bittnerness with aroma, and generally the late kettle additions aren't there, just dry hopping. This is old school, bitter, aromatic but not the typical late kettle additions that turn it into a fruit salad.

It's also part Saison - I know that they are advertising it as "wild" and effectively a lambic/brett infused beer. It's not. The sourness is typical of a saison's level and the dryness is there to back it up. Nothing more than that. So don't buy it thinking it's a sour bretty style beer, because it just isn't.

I wanted to do a new style saison but got lazy with the bottling. This is pretty much the benchmark for that style of beer. Bitter, dry, aromatic but not hoppy flavoured. Not a massive amount of saison esters or phenols, but excellent nonetheless.

Full Boar Scotch Ale. 7.4% in a 473ml can.

Have had to look up AABC style guidelines to get an understand of what this is about. Otherwise, I am just babbling.

Either way I loved this beer.

Strong, syrupy body and biscuity and caramelly aroma. Nothing in the way of hops. Virtually no roastiness to speak of.

But - and this is I've seen keeping in guidelines - it finishes dry, not uberly so, but it doesn't finish sweet. That's what makes this beer. It should be cloyingly sweet. But it isn't. To prevent that sweetness, it should have mountains of hops (like my barleywine does), yet it doesn't. It finishes dry on the palate and that makes you keep going back for more.

It isn't particularly warming, but very balanced nonetheless. It is what I wanted my barleywine to be, so I'll have to figure this one out to brew.
One more, no picture.

Moon Dog Love Tap.

I got this for SWMBO (who has fallen in love with hoppy beers since the birth of our 4th kid 1.5 years ago, but is very picky).

But (surprisingly) she gave me a try.

Wow - fantastic beer. It has the dryness and the body thinness of a lager. And that works. Apparently there's a number of malts in there (kindly listed on the bottle), which lend it a bit more colour (golden pale) and extra character, but if this were a lager body, it'd be spot on.

Hop character is all there. 34IBU from Galaxy (very prominent) Motueka and Tettnanger. They have wrung every last bit from these hops and it presents as a lively, hoppy aroma complemented by what is clearly late additions, with enough balancing bitterness to keep in line with the body. It isn't fruitsalad, which is what the other two hops give, just typical old school American citrus - even the passionfruit isn't overstated as happens sometimes with Galaxy (not that I mind most of the time).

Yeast, I'm a dogs uncle if it isn't Danish - bottle says Lager and it is.

Given the moon dog brewers have kindly put enough vital stats on the bottle, I am going to try to make/replicate this. Not sure the JW pils is up to it, but I can try.
At young and jacksons in Melbourne, trying Terry's colonial ale, reminds me of a scotch ale. Maybe a touch thinner in the body, image.jpg
Young Henry's Real Ale - I'm a UK beer convert now.
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Drinking at the Rose Hotel in Chippendale.. What a gem this little boozer is.

Incidentally: why don't we have a 'Where are you drinking' thread? Pub reviews, etc.. Or do we have one? I'm to pished to search...

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