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All the Rogue beers......... i had to try one. Ive made massive hop beers and thought i could make a batch for the cost of a bottle (Will still try one one day) so i went with the chipotle ale as soon as i saw it.

Hey Tony,

I suggest you get your hands on their American Amber Ale.. Outstanding. I have also had their 'dead guy ale'. Was a nice Maibock, the memory of it was scrapped as soon as my lips hit the AAA however! :icon_drool2:
will do mate.

Oh bugger. I hate posting last on a page. noone sees your nice pictures

I'd like to hear what you think of the Chipotle Ale Tony.
I picked up a bottle of it at Christmas. I was hoping for something subtle, I'm not a big fan of chilli beers but had tried the rest of the Rogue range available & thought why not, but I found it too over the top for my tastes. I love Chilli & especially Chipotle (I love the smokey taste) but didn't appreciate it in this beer. I loved their Stouts & Red ale though :icon_cheers:
I'd like to hear what you think of the Chipotle Ale Tony.
I picked up a bottle of it at Christmas. I was hoping for something subtle, I'm not a big fan of chilli beers but had tried the rest of the Rogue range available & thought why not, but I found it too over the top for my tastes. I love Chilli & especially Chipotle (I love the smokey taste) but didn't appreciate it in this beer. I loved their Stouts & Red ale though :icon_cheers:

I kind of took a risk with the chipotle beer. Its always going to be a love or hate beer. I will give my honest opinion when i try it!

Ive made some out there beers over the years. My best was an Iron bark smoked malt ale where i smoked the malt myself. I sent it to competition and it made it through to AABC by the skin of its teeth. I do recal it comming dead last over all and coments like bacon and whiskey dominate. It was like a bush fire in your mouth B) and i liked it :rolleyes:

Now i have made lots of smoked beers but this is my first comercial smoked beer. I was actually nervous about a beer with Bamberg on the label.

Im very impressed and recon my beers are fair on the mark.

Much less "bushfire" than my ironbark ale, as was most of my rauchbier brews.
Nice deep copper colour, and the first impression is the aroma.......... bacon!

I love it!

Smokey bacon all the way to the bank on the nose. No hops at all.
Medium bodied, Light carb with a whispy head just covering the top of the beer, adding to a smoothing feel thats needed in a smokey beer.
Flavour is big! This beer is getting me on the front of the tongue which is really sticking out. The sticky smoke flavour really gets the front of your tongue and says.... "Howdy there!"
The bacon is on the sides of the tongue and some malt.... bready and roasty, seeps through from beneath the smoke onslaught. Its hard to find but its there.
Over the smoke is an almost spicy chocolate/coffee aroma. This is a very complex beer on the nose and gets better as it warms up.

This is not a lager to drink too cold. Pour it from the fridge and sip it slow, enjoying the change in character as it warms up.

As i said...... i was nervous about this beer. Wasnt sure what to expect but i was suprised to find it was just like my Rauchbier efforts. Smokey bacon, with a touch of spicy bready chocolate and caramel malt to complicate things and tingle the brain cells.

4 stars!

Cant wait to try the bock tomorrow nght now :)

I am keen to hear about the India Ale Tony. I honestly have had my head up my bum and never knew it even existed.
snap, a really awesome beer. dark with a frothy head, lots of smokey flavour over a strong malt backbone


Then there was dark fruits, vinous berries, plums, hints of chocolate with warming alcohol a complex beer


and then (sparse notes in sloppy handwriting) big black roast hinting at dark fruit and warming (debilitating alcohol) with a christmas pudding finish. Crikey....


I'm heading up to newie this weekend for my Mum's 70th birthday - as it happens my sister-in-law works at the restaurant at Warner's at the bay which apparently rates a discount in the bottleshop. :) .
the first impression is the aroma.......... bacon!

I'd be keen to hear what you think of the weizen. I am trying hard to like it, but I haven't really found the right setting or temperature. It is like a nice heffe wrapped in aged fatty prosciutto. Then again, I would happily drink ten of these at a pub because I have something to think about while I drink.

I got a 10% discound with a mized 6 pack and being a good sales man offered me a tall Schnider weizen glass.

I told him to give it to someone else as i had a colection of them and nowhere to put it........ which i dont!...... i had no room for it. I was very impressed with the botle shop though. All the flash beers are kept in the fridge which is good to.

Bizier...... I didnt buy the Weizen on 2 counts. I have read poor reviews and having made a smoked weizen......... the flavours just dont seem to work well to me.

I wont be spending my money on it. Too many other great beers to try :)

Here is a sample of the weekends finds

Can't wait to try them.... but I am torn with the Thomas Hardys' the bottle says it will be good for another 25 years....i wonder when the vintage will be at its best. I am betting I won't be able to find out

Lindemans Faro

Dunkel like in colour, hugely sour and actually sweet on the palate too. smells candy/brown sugar sweet too.

I loved it.

Killer lineup there Joshua.
I can't get into dunkleweizen myself... but I am to terms with this problem.

I think I will have to try the Rauch Weizen from the horses mouth when I visit Germany one day, and see if it works it's magic on me. On a side note, I want that Urbock again, that is a very nice winter companion.
Rogue Imperial IPA.

I've never had a commercial American IPA before, let alone an imperial. Wow. I was expecting hops and it sure delivered. Plenty of american hop aroma, but nothing compared to the hop flavour punch. Plenty of malt going on to balance things out. Pretty complex stuff happening in my mouth right now. Bitter, but not as bitter as I expected. Very drinkable. I do believe I'll have another.

View attachment 27060

Those are the coolest bottles! I must try one of these before I die lol
Kids are in bed and time to relax with a fine beer.

Tonight i have opened a bottle of Weihenstephaner Vitus.

Its a Weizenbock, 7.7% ABV

I love it! Its silky smooth, luscious is a word that comes to mind. Its basicly a bigger hefe..... about double!

IT has a big smooth malt profile thats ballances between sweetness and spicy bready dryness. Its very morish and keeps you wanting more.

It has the classic Weihenstephaner yeast character and its simple! Its so simple its fantastic. Ive always thought of Weizenbock as being dark in colour. Not this one.

I will definatly be cloning this one this winter.

4 stars from me


On a similar vein I picked up this the other day.
Not actually my pic of in the glass as this is after the event...
It's a light coloured weizenbock, similar to the vitus, but with a hop hit on the nose and flavour as well before all that nice weizen character comes through.
I really liked it.
Kick ass beer Tony... as all weizenbocks are :beerbang:

I was just about the mention the Schneider Hopfen-Weisse since I picked up a bottle today after Ben recommendation. Look forward to cracking it this weekend :)
Kids are in bed and time to relax with a fine beer.

Tonight i have opened a bottle of Weihenstephaner Vitus.

Its a Weizenbock, 7.7% ABV

I love it! Its silky smooth, luscious is a word that comes to mind. Its basicly a bigger hefe..... about double!

IT has a big smooth malt profile thats ballances between sweetness and spicy bready dryness. Its very morish and keeps you wanting more.

It has the classic Weihenstephaner yeast character and its simple! Its so simple its fantastic. Ive always thought of Weizenbock as being dark in colour. Not this one.

I will definatly be cloning this one this winter.

4 stars from me



:icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2:
On a similar vein I picked up this the other day.
View attachment 27340
Not actually my pic of in the glass as this is after the event...
It's a light coloured weizenbock, similar to the vitus, but with a hop hit on the nose and flavour as well before all that nice weizen character comes through.
I really liked it.

Double :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2:
You guys are teasing me!!
Kids are in bed and time to relax with a fine beer.

Tonight i have opened a bottle of Weihenstephaner Vitus.

Its a Weizenbock, 7.7% ABV

I love it! Its silky smooth, luscious is a word that comes to mind. Its basicly a bigger hefe..... about double!

IT has a big smooth malt profile thats ballances between sweetness and spicy bready dryness. Its very morish and keeps you wanting more.

It has the classic Weihenstephaner yeast character and its simple! Its so simple its fantastic. Ive always thought of Weizenbock as being dark in colour. Not this one.

I will definatly be cloning this one this winter.

4 stars from me



....G'day Tony...

...you took your time...dunno if you remember me posting this but who cares...glad you got to try it...would love to know how the clone goes....

Posted on: Jan 8 2009 07.08pm
....Hi Tony....
...you have to try the Weinstephaner Vitus if you havent already...mind blowingly good fresh...the Vitus and Pikantus and Schneider's Aventinus battle it out for Wheat Beer Heavy Weight Champion of the world...with the Vitus,for me, being the king of the hill...subtlety, complexity,balance ,power, and endurance...ask the good Dr K just how good a fresh one is...he actually got in contact with the US BJCP bigwigs after a BJCP study night tirade of mine about why when the oldest brewery in the world calls their Weizenbock a Weizenbock it falls terribly short in the bjcp guidelines....change the guidelines...this beer was here first !!...remember that Doc ?....yeah i know, how do you compare a weizenbock,dunkelweizenbock,and a Doppleweizenbock...??? like Heavyweight , Super heavyweight and Gorilla i guess... anyway rant over....go the VITUS....

....Cheers ,Scott....
Decided to crack the Samuel Smith IPA

With things written on the bottle like.......... Fermented in stone yorkshire squares, and the water being drawn from underground wells, i figured i was in for a treat.

Poured a nice orange with some haze that stayed as it warmed up.

Medium bodied with a dry quenching finnish from bitterness and a definate mineral presence. A slight touch of chalkiness in the mouth thats quite welcome in the beer for the style.

Hops are there, aroma is subdued while flavour is fairly prominent. Malt character of nutty caramel ballances the biterness.

I get the feeling this beer has a bit of age and may have been a lot better fresh. It has Aug 09 printed on the neck.

A very nice beer, would be great with a curry!

3 stars



I do remember you posting that and i would buy the Vitus over the other big name DB's any day!
