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Couple of beers enjoyed yesterday afternoon, starting to really get a taste for lambics, just need to find somewhere in Brisbane with a bigger selection.

In my defence, I am in cairns, and on lifeguard duty. Goes great in the humid weather. I downed a few on the boat back from a low isles reef trip. Sea sick?, what's that?. I'll probably be terribly sick on our trip to the real reef now haha

No excuse you could have been drinking a few Blue Sky Pilsners. Palm Cove Reef Feast Festival this weekend with a homebrew competition judged on Saturday 26th at the Lifesaving Club. It seems the only commercial sponsorship is from Blue Sky and James Squire. http://www.tourismpalmcove.com/reef-feast
Ah bugger, blue sky huh?. Flying home on Friday, if Sydney airport isn't smoked out.
Brouerij de Molen Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout

******' hell, this is a big hairy monster of a beer. No claws a'tall, it just lulls your tongue softly into madness. Probably the rest of me too, but I gave the rest to my wife because she feels **** and actually liked this beer. I mean, who wouldn't?

I aged this three years - it was a 2010 bottling. A friend gave it to me for helping him find a doctor to help with his wife's birthing of their daughter.

Chocolate, licorice, touch of roast meat (in a good way), fruit you wish actually existed on this planet. I could crap on with descriptors but I won't. Smooth as. No telling it's 10.5%. Freakin' well made. Impressive. It's very sweet with a soft lingering bitterness. **** this is good. Not possible to drink two. I'll be lucky to finish dinner tonight after this one. Wow. I might actually buy and age more. It was worth the wait, even if I only drank half! :)
This is very special, and none of you have ever had one. :p

Schlappe 001.JPG
Hit Sydney running! Stopped at Dove and Olive for a glass of their Trans Atlantic Ale which was a great session brew, malty up front hoppy finish that didn't over power the malt from next mouthful. Lovely drop, low carb real ale style for sessionability then up to Royal Albert for some Young Henry's, got to sample Porkies peach which was like drinking peach nectar and then had a schooner of their Belgian IPA 'A few off my favourite things' which was fantastic



BeerNess said:
Hit Sydney running! Stopped at Dove and Olive for a glass of their Trans Atlantic Ale which was a great session brew, malty up front hoppy finish that didn't over power the malt from next mouthful. Lovely drop, low carb real ale style for sessionability then up to Royal Albert for some Young Henry's, got to sample Porkies peach which was like drinking peach nectar and then had a schooner of their Belgian IPA 'A few off my favourite things' which was fantastic
Hmmm, peach. My wife had been requesting a peach beer for ages and I have a few ideas. Any observations on how they might have done it? Everything I can find on it (not much) says it's a braggot, which makes some sense. Not a route I had thought of but it could be a good one.
Yeah Mardoo all I know is that it's labelled as a braggot, I will probably email/fb/tweet Young Henry's when I get home for some hints when I get home.
BeerNess said:
Yeah Mardoo all I know is that it's labelled as a braggot, I will probably email/fb/tweet Young Henry's when I get home for some hints when I get home.
Sweet. I'd love to hear if you find anything out. Maybe start a peach braggot thread or PM me since this is a very active thread and I might miss one post amidst the masses.
Day 2 of being in Sydney, hit up yulli's on crown st for the spurs and cheese, I'm poor so could only do the basic 2 of doctor's orders & brew cult acid freaks. I have been converted to enjoying sours!
Recent trip to Orange netted a surprise Dan Murphy's....
picked up a few well known US brews and a few on the side.

Dan's Oct 13.JPG

Quite tasty, looking forward to the Tower 10.
I had the Tower 10 recently. It was incredibly metallic tasting and rather unpleasant. I'm sure it was just a batch thing so I'd be interested to know what it is supposed to be like.
I saw this is the bottlo and thought I may give it a try. Tastes like.......well......water mostly.

Blended horse water Batz?
Batz said:
I saw this is the bottlo and thought I may give it a try. Tastes like.......well......water mostly.
I've had a few of those 3 horses Batz. They are pretty cheap down at my local and I don't mind them for a day session in the sun.