Just watched couple of documentaries and a movie.
Movie was The Ridiculous Six. Adam Sandler's in it, along with Rob Schneider, Nick Nolte, Hervey Keitel etc. I've never really taken Sandler or Schneider before, but this movie was pretty good.
If you read the online reviews, it cops an absolute caning. 1 star and worst movie ever made kind of stuff, but I watched it before reading any of them and I've seen far worse movies.
It's a comedy western and it's pretty ******* mental at times, with some good laughs along the way.
Some stuff was genuinely hilarious. Like when Hervey Keitel gets accidentally beheaded by Schneider with a shovel and he keeps shooting uncontrollably, he even shoots his own head a couple of times.
Or the black 'brother', letting his other 'brothers' in on a secret that he's never told anyone before. The secret is that he's black. In the context of the storyline, that's funny ****.
Plenty more laughs, particularly in the first half of the movie, less laughs in the second half, but still not bad though. I'd give it 3.5 / 5.
Surprisingly, in the sensitive 21st century that it seems no one got offended by Sandler playing a half caste American Indian and Schneider a half caste Mexican. Must only be Whites playing Blacks that's taboo.
First doco was Keith Richards, Under the Influence. Pretty good insight into his influences, particularly the legendary Black American Blues musicians. Surprisingly, he's still pretty sharp and still smokes like a train. Good viewing, but his solo lyric writing isn't up to the same standard as his guitar work IMO.
Second doco was about the Waler horses and their role in the Light Horse Brigade during the First World War. It goes into the bond and trust between man and horse when dealing with the extreme conditions endured during desert warfare and when charging into battle. Also, the heartbreak of leaving their horses behind to be killed or sold, or having to shoot their own horses themselves. There are some incredible stories and it's impossible to comprehend how difficult it would have been.
Stuff that I've seen before, but it still gets me every time.