Wort not fermenting

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Albany WA
Im new to this forum and just done my first batch of beer mash using the G30 grainfather. At the end of the boil i had everything sterilised and the wort was around 23 degrees when i pitched the SafAle US-05 11.5g yeast. Its now 12 hours since i pitched the yeast and its not fermenting, or the breather is not bubbling. If checked the seals and made sure the lid is sealed and all looks ok. What could be the problem? Ive done plenty of whiskey washes and i have a T500 still so fairly familiar with the process of fermenting but this one has me baffled.
Only 12 hours in to ferment beer is not really much time. It can take a little linger than that, and I would not be concerned till at least 24 hours have gone by.
OK, so the airlock is not bubbling, but that means little, as it is dependent on everything else being sealed.
The only true measure is to use an hydrometer or a refractometer to measure the difference between your starting gravity and where you are at now.
Relax, you'll more than likely find all is well.
In 18 years of homebrewing, I've not ever had a wort that didn't ferment, so the odds are good yours will also ferment.
Ignore the airlock
Ignore the airlock
Then ignore the airlock some more
It is not a reliable indicator of fermentation
Something, something, airlock kittens...
Wait 24 hours, then do a hydrometer check, I do hope you tested your OG first?