Whats Annoyed You The Most On Ahb?

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I am annoyed by

People who reply to posts telling you to use the search function.
The search function - yes I know that the google search works better.
People who dont have use tact with their replys - give the newbies like me a break, we all have to start soomewhere!
People who hack down anything but all grain.
People who correct other peoples speeling in posts.
People who reply with +1.
People who cant take a joke or dont understand sarcasim.
Excessive use of emoticons
The person who replys to this telling me that all these things have already been said and I should have read the previous replys before posting this reply.

Yes you all know who you are.

Otherwise, a all round top site. Thats why Ive been on it just about every day since I found it.



Good on ya Staggalee. I knew it wouldnt take long for such a reply :D :D :D

I would have added more emoticons, but it wouldnt let me. Perhaps I should do a search on how to add more. I wouldnt dare ask as I have seen someone post this (how to add more) before.
I am annoyed by

People who reply to posts telling you to use the search function.
People who dont have use tact with their replys - give the newbies like me a break, we all have to start soomewhere!
People who hack down anything but all grain.
People who correct other peoples speeling in posts.
People who cant take a joke or dont understand sarcasim.

Not a bad list there Gregor.......... I removed the ones that dont really wory me...... and i dont know what an acronym is :(

My majoy pet hate is people who find something that doesnt work for them in their system and then proclaim to the word that "IT DOES NOT WORK", usually pushing this fine advice on newbies and learners who are easily influenced in the ways of the force!

other than that........... love it :)
Then trying to remember the relevant threads when you need to go back to recheck a reference or technique.
Been going back through about 40 or so pages in K&K section.

* Edited off-topic post: I like to copy and add the link to an "AHB links" text doc that I keep on my desktop, with an explanatory note. Very easy, even when alcohol has the better of you. Damn, I can't help myself - even on the "Annoyed" thread. :lol:

There is a small majority on here that seriously need to catch up to the rest of us and do a Papazian ;)

Um, is that like a PP, or is that like "Crap or get off the crapper"? :icon_offtopic:

I hate off-topic posts that distract and detract from the lack of love in a thread.

Apart from that, I despise "me too" posts that do not to the value of a thread. Not the people, just the posts.
Can they be auto-deleted and removed from a post count?

Luv, :wub:
Acronyms = Text speak!

No excuse, "text speak" is a no-no on forums!

Why try and get past the rules by calling it "acronyms"?

I don't dislike this site, but I do HATE "text speak"!

Back to the original subject!

Was there a warning we all missed about trusting anonymous people on forums?

Just to let you all know, and the truth DOES hurt, I don't trust Text Speakers on forums!
What annoyed me the most on AHB

'Gravel jokes' and.......

'Where's the 'Poll' comments'

Pumpy :(
nothing or nobody annoys me on AHB.
everything is just dandy.

You know what, I have a cool time interacting with everyone on here and brewing top notch homebrews to be worried about any annoyances of this site.
Like spelling correction posts............ hey Les :eek:
Tony, my use of double negatives has confused you.
BTW, I only get on my soapbox for you, you lovely (if not pretty) man. :lol:
(edited to add emoticon for emphasis)
Just on the "use the search" stuff. That used to give me the right royals, but having been an addicted poster for a while now, I can kinda sorta in somome cases get how it can be annoying. 99% of the time, I;ll give the benefit of the doubt, cos the search function is a tricky one, with so many keywords being so common....

But there is the 1% that really, really annoy me. Usually in the first couple of posts by a user, where you just know, you can tell, that they haven't even tried to search. One case springs to mind.....a post about "how do you do such and such?". At the time it was posted, it was late at night, and there wasn't a lot of activity on the site. I was online, and there were 2 other threads with almost identical titles in the 'all latest threads' section on the top right (one of which i put a detailed answer in, the other I put a link to the first. There wasn't even any searching required, the answer was right in front of his face. Its the one and only time that I went off at someone about not searching.....I always try and help the newbies, but this one just really p*ssed me off.
The spellng and grammer I can live with, but it's the petty negativity and sniping that make the funniest bits! :lol:

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