Whats Annoyed You The Most On Ahb?

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I don't understand? Whats PP mean?

Pistol Patch, and hes the man! Has helped me out, and brought BIAB to this world!!! :beerbang: For which I am more than thankfull!
He is also very generous with his time! Puts alot of thought in his posts (which seem to not exist anymore)... Luckily for me he lives just down the road...
Pistol Patch, and hes the man! Has helped me out, and brought BIAB to this world!!! :beerbang: For which I am more than thankfull!

And emails the occasional good joke and photos (amongst the crap). Cheers PP. :beerbang:
Pistol Patch, and hes the man! Has helped me out, and brought BIAB to this world!!! :beerbang: For which I am more than thankfull!

So PP was referring to a member...

Well then. A little bit negative making things personal. Oh well.... as comes up again and again on AHB, each to their own...

Hahaha... I dislike people taking sarcastic posts seriously; there's a good example here. Usually these misunderstandings end up as massive shit-fights.
The only bad thing is the addictiveness that comes with perusing the old threads picking up great hints and lots of other great info! :p
Hahaha... I dislike people taking sarcastic posts seriously; there's a good example here. Usually these misunderstandings end up as massive shit-fights.
But shit-fights are entertaining, surely?

1. People that think thats its "their way, or the highway".
2. Asking dumb questions for the sake of chalking up another post, and for that matter replys for the sake of it to. I dont want to read through pages and pages of general chit chat and pleasantries, thats what the chat room is for.
3. I know its been said a million times, but if the search function was better or there was a better data base of info newbys could access std info a lot easier. ut I know its a FORUM, designed for stimulating interactive discusion.

The only bad thing is the addictiveness that comes with perusing the old threads picking up great hints and lots of other great info! :p

Then trying to remember the relevant threads when you need to go back to recheck a reference or technique.
Been going back through about 40 or so pages in K&K section.
guilty as charged although i try and regurgitate things i've learnt from books and not from the net too much.

i would hope ppl like you though would pipe up when ppl like me are wrong and explain the right way and why....

Your assuming I know the right way?

Look at my post count and my registration date. I do a heap of reading and not much advice giving ;)
The fact that a AHB hate thread can get to 3 pages with only 1 nights head start on a AHB love thread that is currently at one page :(

There is a small majority on here that seriously need to catch up to the rest of us and do a Papazian ;)

A non-beer site I frequent will delete your post if you simply reply to a qn with 'use the search function'. Your post remains however if you also provide a link or two to previous threads with relevant answers.

As a relative nooby this site can on occaision come across as very negative due to a small minority. That being said, I try to avoid the crap that goes on in some threads and seek out some of the brilliant info on here.

Guess I shouldn't have posted in here! <_<
A non-beer site I frequent will delete your post if you simply reply to a qn with 'use the search function'. Your post remains however if you also provide a link or two to previous threads with relevant answers.

I like that idea!
My wife has a hatred of this site also, something about time consumption, and me wanting to purchase lots of shiny things........:D
My wife has a hatred of this site also, something about time consumption, and me wanting to purchase lots of shiny things........ :D
Let me guess, as she walks past the computer she mutters 'obsessed'.
Or Can you talk about anything other than your bloody beer.
Or You are not buying anymore stupid beer stuff.

Only Guessing <_<
I'm new here, so I will put on my asbestos underpants just in case. :)

I can't say that I've found anything on AHB that is downright bad. Sure, there are the same problems with post-junkies with the typical "I don't know" posts to a question and the grumpy "use the search function" posts which are somewhat impolite in my opinion. Just the same issues as found on pretty much every forum I've ever participated in.

Other than that, AHB seems to be a great mob who are experienced at various levels and for the most part really helpful to those who are undertaking the brewing knowledge and skill journey and want to interact with experienced and knowledgeable people rather than just reading static "How to" sites by one author which may or may not be correct.

My AUD$0.02 worth.

Cheers - Fermented.